CHAPTER 25 - Intruder in Oberoi Mansion??

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Swetlana is pacing at the entrance... ShiOmRu are coming from the kitchen after finish cooking dinner... They see her walk pacing from the entrance to living room and vice versa... Savitri is shaking her head in disbelief looking at Swetlana... Annika and Soumya are telling something to Ishana and she notes down in her notebook... ShiOmRu go to Savitri...
Rudra: Daadima, what happened with Sweetlana?? Why she is pacing from here to there??
Shivaay: Exactly... Ishana and Madhu are here... Whom she is waiting for??
Savitri: Who else?? For Ranveer... He went out long ago but still didn't come yet... That is what she worried for...
Madhu: These days bhabhi is worrying a lot... Don't know what is wrong with her... (Ishana whispers something in Madhu's ears...) Haww!! It can be like this too?? Ok..
Savitri: Like what??
Madhu: (stumbles) I mean she is missing bhaiya very much... That is why she is being like this...
Kalyani comes there with TejVi and ShaNky... Jhanvi goes to Swetlana and touch her shoulder... Swetlana turns to her...
Jhanvi: Why are you walking here and there??
Swet: Ranveer didn't come yet... It's been a while he went to his house...
Jhanvi: Actually, Priyanka is with him as well... She told me before she went... They might be on the way coming back now... Stop worrying and come and have your dinner...
Swet: But... (Cuts by Madhu)
Madhu: Bhabhi, Ranveer bhaiya is with Priyanka... He won't come back this soon... He forgot that he is having four angels to care... (PriVeer come that time and hear Madhu...) Nowadays, he behaves like a lover boy than a brother... Now he must have taken Priyanka for a candle light dinner...
Ranveer: Really?? (All turn to Ranveer except Madhu)
Madhu: Yes... I'm not lying... I think better to get him married first before he...(turns and shocked to see PriVeer... Priyanka smiles looking at her while Ranveer glares at her... Madhu got scared...) (Ranveer walks towards her but she walks backwards)
Ranveer: Before I..... What?? Complete the sentence...
Madhu: Nothing, bhaiya... I was kidding only... (Ranveer twists her ears and she wails in pain...) Bhaiya, it's paining... Please bhaiya... Leave me... I'm sorry...
Ranveer: (leaves her ear) So, you are talking at my back when I'm not here... You both are listening to her without stopping her...
Ishu: She is saying the truth only... Just now you went alone but coming back with Priyanka... So, what can we say??
Ranveer: Oh... You are taking her side too?? I'll come to you later... (To Madhu) What you want to say just now??? Before I..... What was that??
Madhu: (move backwards) Bhaiya, I asked them to get you married before you.... (all are looking at her eagerly waiting for her to continue) before you... become mad with her love... (Saying this she run from there)
Ranveer: (shocked) What did you say?? I... mad?? I'm not going to spare you today... (He runs chasing her around the house... All are laughing looking at them... He manages to catch her... He pinned both of her hands behind her back..) You are talking a lot these days... Because your man is not here, right?? I'll ask him to come here immediately... Then you will know who really became mad...
Swet: Her man?? Who is he??
Savitri: Ranveer, what do you mean by that??
Ranveer: Both of you don't know about that?? Ishu, you didn't tell them?? (Ishana shakes her head and chuckles covering her mouth) Madhu, should I tell them?? (Madhu shakes her head in negative) I will tell them...
Madhu: Bhaiya, no...
Ranveer: I'm not going to listen to you... Daadima, he is none other than our... (Madhu covers his mouth and drags him from there... All are looking confused except Ishana..)
Swet: Ishu, do you know whom Ranveer is talking about??
Ishu: No, Anni... I didn't know about it...
Swet: Really?? I believe you...(in a mocking tone... RanMa come after a while)
Shivaay: Come... Let's have dinner...
All sit at the dining table to have their dinner... Ranveer takes his mobile and shows to Ishana...
Ishu: Hi, Anna!!! Are you ready to feed me??
Arjun: I'm ready, Ishu... (He signs Ranveer... Ranveer obeys and feed first bite to Ishana behalf of Arjun...) Good... Will talk to you tomorrow... Bye...
Ishu: Bye, Anna... (Cuts his call and gives the mobile back to Ranveer)
Rudra: So, this is how Arjun Bhaiya will feed you when he is not with you?? It's so sweet...
Annika: You are really lucky, Ishana to have these family with you...
Ishu: Yes... I know that... I don't know what might happen if they are not with me...
Soumya: Don't think about your past anymore... Now, you are having us with you too besides them...
Ishana just smiles... Omkara who sits in front of Ishana just looking at her... Ishana realised his gaze on her... She looks at him and smiles... They continue with their dinner while chatting...

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