CHAPTER 7(A) - Swetlana Confronts Arjun and Ranveer

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The Oberois are driving back to Oberoi Mansion... The youngsters are in one car while the elders are in another car behind them... (just imagine they are in MPV... ShivIka in the front seat, OmRu are sitting behind them and SouPri behind OmRu)

Annika: What a family?? Such a khidkithod family... I like them a lot... They are just another version of our family...

Soumya: Right, bhabhi... They too started their day like us by teasing their bhaiya and bhabhi... (gives hi five to Priyanka while ShivIka blush slightly...)

Shivaay: I can't believe that Swetlana is changed now... I never thought a person like her can love someone like this... I was really shocked to see this new side of her...

Annika: You are right, Shivaay... She is totally different from before... She used to wear loose sleeves before but now fully covered... Love can do anything to anyone...

Prinku: Not only Swetlana... Ranveer also is changed now... (All are surprised to hear this from Priyanka...)

Rudra: Leave about that Swetlana and Ranveer... My Ishana bhabhi is so sweet... She is so different from other girls... She is still laughing even though she was hurt just now... She enjoyed my jokes very much... (He said with excitement and look at his brothers who are staring at him... Rudra is confused with their stare and realised the car is stopped on the road...) Bhaiya, why did you stop the car?? Any problem with the car?? And why all of you are looking at me like this??

Shivaay: What you said just now??

Rudra: I asked about the car...

Soumya: Not that, Rudra... You said about Ishana...

Rudra: (thinks a while) I said she is sweet... What is wrong in that??

Prinku: Not that, bhaiya... You mentioned her as... as.....

Rudra: As..... As what?? (Looks at them questioningly)

Annika: Bhabhi!!

Rudra: Bhabhi?? Who bhabhi??

Soumya: Duffer, you said Ishana as bhabhi!!

Rudra: What!!?? I said Ishana bhabhi as bhabhi?? But how come I say that??

Om: (feels irritated) Again you are saying it!!!

Rudra: Woh... Woh... It's slip of tongue... Sorry... (Omkara shakes his head... Rudra turns to Soumya and they recall the conversation they had a day before "One day, you will find someone... That time your heart will recognise her as your bhabhi and unknowingly the word 'bhabhi' will come from your mouth... Then, you will realise she is the one for 'bade baalwale bhaiya'"... RuMya look each other in confusingly...)

Om: Rudra, you said she was hurt just now... How do you know?? Did you see her eyes as well??

Rudra: You are the one hurt her...

Om: (shocked) Me??

Rudra: Yes!!! You hurt her by refusing to do the sculpture for her... I saw her face when you said like that to her... Her face has become sad... How could you say like that to her??

Om: Rudra, I told you before that she asked me to make a person's sculpture, not a normal one... It will need more perfection and if I do a small mistake, the whole thing can be ruined...

Annika: But, Om, it's not wrong in trying... Why are you saying that you can't do before trying it?? If you try only you will know you can do it or not...

Om: Trying is not a matter, bhabhi... But, I don't want to disappoint that girl... I saw hope in her eyes when she asked me... I don't want to break her hope by spoiling the sculpture...

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