CHAPTER 58 - Ishana is Tortured

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Ishana is thrown on a floor by a man... She screams in pain... Her hands and legs are tied... Her eyes has been blindfolded with a black cloth and her mouth is taped... The man removes the tape from her mouth...

Ishu: (angrily) Who are you?? Why did you kidnap me?? (The man keep quiet) Don't you feel ashamed to kidnap a girl?? If you are dare enough, go and fight with the men in my family... Such a fraidy-cat!!! (The man get angry and slaps her hard... Ishana screams in pain but she doesn't lose her courage) What?? Are you angry?? Again you are proving the same only... You are showing your bravery towards me by tying up my eyes, hands and legs... What should I call you then?? If you have guts, unfold my eyes... (He pulls her hair harshly making her screams loudly)


Everyone are at the living room waiting for the phone call from the kidnapper... Tia and Mithra are lying on Swetlana's lap... Swetlana is caressing their hair gently... Nivedha is sitting on the floor with her head placing on the sofa... Madhu is crying silently sitting quite far from them... The guys keep on looking at the phone in tension... No one speak anything... Raichand Mansion is totally in silent...

Omkara felt something in his heart and screams...

Om: Ishana!!! (All are shocked hearing his scream and rush towards him)

Shivaay: (shakes his shoulder) Om!! What happened??

Om: Shivaay, I heard Ishana's voice... I feel she is in pain... We have to find her, Shivaay...

Shivaay: We will find her, Om... Don't worry... (Hugs him)

The seniors who are in the room too come towards them...

Tej: What happened, Shivaay??

Shivaay: No, bade papa... Om is very much disturbed with Ishana's thought...

Rudra: Bhaiya, till now we didn't receive any call from the kidnapper... What we are going to do now??

Shivaay: I don't know, Rudra... We only can find her if there is any clue... We can't go and search her at this time...

Ranveer: Shivaay is right... They planned well for this kidnap... We have to wait for sometime more... Kidnappers might call us...

Om: Can I go to Ishana's room??

Arjun: Sure... I'll take you... (ArOm leave from there)

Shivaay: (break down in tears) I can't see my Om like this... Last time, I saw him broken was during Gauri's death... And, I'm seeing him again like that now...

Rudra: In fact, now it's more worst than that time... (All sit on the sofa in disappointment)

Ranveer looks at Priyanka but she avoids his gaze and leaves from there... Ranveer follows her and holds her hand...

Ranveer: What happened, Priyanka?? Why you are not talking with me?? Did I do anything wrong?? (Priyanka fall on knees and burst into tears... Ranveer is shocked to see her broken like this... He too kneels and hugs her)

Prinku: (cries) You didn't do anything wrong, Ranveer... I'm the one wrong... I must not have took her with me... It happened because of me only... (Cries vigorously)

Ranveer: (breaks the hug and makes her to look at him) No, Priyanka... It's not your mistake... It could have happened even if you didn't take her with you... Don't blame yourself... Please, Priyanka...

Prinku: No, Ranveer... It's my mistake... (Slaps her face continuously)

Ranveer: (in anger) Shut up, Priyanka!! I'm telling you, right?? It's not your mistake!! (Realised that he shouted at her... He calms himself...) I'm sorry, Priyanka... I didn't mean to shout at you... See, Priyanka... If you are blaming yourself for Ishu's kidnap, then all of us at fault too... We all are busy with our work and didn't concentrate on her... So, it's our mistake as well... But, now it's not the time to say who is right and wrong... We have to support each other in this situation... So, stop blaming yourself... (Priyanka nods her head tearfully and hugs him... Ranveer hugs her back and kisses her hair... Ranveer remembers something) Oh, no!!

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