CHAPTER 46 - ArSwet on Mission!!

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Ishana is lying on the bed thinking about the moment she spent with Omkara last night till this morning... She blushed recalls those moments... NiTiMi are sitting on the sofa reading some magazines... They see Ishana smiles to herself and look at each other...
Tia: Why are you smiling, Ishu baby?? Are you thinking of something?? (Ishana realised what she is doing and looks at them)
Nivi: Not something, Tia... It's someone... Right, Ishu?? (Teasingly... Ishana blushes slightly)
Mithra: Are you missing that someone?? We can call him if you want... (Thinks a while) But, I don't have his number... Nivi di, Tia di, you have his number??
Nivi: We don't have his number... Ishu must has his number...
Ishu: (looks at them sadly) No, ka... I don't have his number...
NiTiMi: What?? You don't have his number?? (Ishana shakes her head)
Nivi: I can't believe this... You know him for more than a month but you don't have his number...
Tia: Di, maybe she doesn't has his number but he must have her number... Right, baby??
Mithra: But, di, if he is having her number, he must have call her of messaged her... I don't think he is having her number too... (NiTiMi sigh holding their heads)
Nivi: (whispers to TiMi) Did you notice?? We didn't even mention his name but she knows that we are talking about him... (NiTiMi chuckle while Ishu look at them confusingly)
Ishu: Why you all are laughing??
Tia: Nothing, Ishu baby... We all are wondering how come you don't have Rudra's number... Both of you are very close like bhabhi and devar... And that Rudra too not having your number...
Ishu: No, ka... I'm having Rudraa's number...
Nivi: But, just now you said that you don't have his number...
Ishu: Akka, I didn't say about Rudraa... I meant about Omkara...
Mithra: Who??
Ishu: Om... (Stops realising what she is saying)
NiTiMi: Haww!!! Omkara!! (Ishana blushes and turns her face)
Nivi: Ok... We won't tease you... It's getting late... Better you sleep before the nurse come and chase us from here...
NiTiMi makes her to lie properly and covers her with a blanket... They feel bad looking at her wounds... They control their emotions and make her sleep... They too sleep on the couch... Tia and Mithra lies on Nivedha's lap... Nivedha pats their back making them to sleep... The trio sleep after a while...

ArSwet reached the hospital... Swetlana is nervous thinking of what they are going to do...
Arjun: Bhabhi, please don't be nervous... Behave normally... If not, people will doubt on us... (Swetlana nods and follows him)
They see few ladies are crying at the corridor...
Arjun: Bhabhi, the files must be at the room... But, we have to pass by the ladies to go inside the room... We have to enter without their knowledge... We will be in trouble if they see us entering the room...
Swet: What do they care if we enter the room??
Arjun: (sighs) Meri pyaari bhabhi, it's written on the door only staffs are allowed... We are not staff here... Moreover, if these ladies are here, doctors must be here as well... So, we have to enter the room before anyone suspect us...
Swet: I have an idea!! (Looking at somewhere... Arjun too follows her gaze and smiles looking at her... They both walk towards the place and come back after a while wearing doctors coat... They walk towards the corridor... Swetlana accidentally hits a lady... The lady looks at them... ArSwet look each other in fear that they got caught... The lady leans on Swetlana and cries... Swetlana looks at Arjun and cries patting the lady's back... Arjun is confused seeing Swetlana crying... Swetlana makes the lady sit on the chair and immediately pulls Arjun's hand leaves from there...
Arjun: Bhabhi, why did you cry with that lady??
Swet: Then, what should I do?? She cried leaning on me... I don't know what to do... That's why...
Arjun: (shakes his head and pulls her cheek) You are so cute, bhabhi... (Swetlana smiles) Come on... We have to go inside the room before anyone come...
They try to open the door but they can't because it's locked...
Swet: Arjun, I'm having a doubt... They must have patients records in their system... Then, why they want to keep files as well??
Arjun: (trying to open the door) I know that logic, bhabhi... But, even though the technology has developed very much, we still need to back up some important things manually... In fact, I too keep my staffs records manually as well... If a businessman like me think like that, this is hospital... They must have keep the records manually as well... I mean they must keep it in files...
Swet: (hearing foot steps) Arjun, someone is coming... Faster open... (The door opened... Arjun pulls Swetlana inside and close the door... They sigh in relief...)
They look at the room...
Swet: God!! A lot of files are here... How we are going to find Ishana's record here??
Arjun: Simple, bhabhi... They must have arranged according to the years and alphabets... We can find if we search the files of the year 2014 and the alphabet 'I'... (Swetlana nods and they start to search for the file)

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now