CHAPTER 62- Shivaay in Dilemma

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AshKam are shocked to hear Swetlana pregnant while others are surprised and happy to hear the news... Swetlana looking at Ishana in disbelief...

Ishu: (kneels in front of her and holds her hand) I'm sorry, bhabhi... I know that I should not hide this matter from you... You are the one should know about your pregnancy first... But, I hide it from you for your safety... I don't want these two knew about your pregnancy and try to harm you... That's why I hide it... Moreover, you are still weak that time and I need to take a proper care of you... That's why I told bhaiya that I need your assistance for Priyanka's function... So that I can stop you from going back to Chennai... I know what I did is unforgivable but please forgive your daughter... (Holding her ears)

Swet: (also kneels and moves Ishana's hand from her ears) I know about my daughter... She can't do wrong... My Ishu will think good only for everyone... Why I should forgive you when you are not wrong?? (Hugs Ishana and kisses her head... Others smile looking at them except two people who are staring angrily at them)

Kamini: How is this possible?? Those medicines are very strong... It's impossible for her to get pregnant... (A slap lands on her face... She turns and sees Savitri staring at her angrily)

Savi: Are you a woman?? You did a big sin by killing an unborn and make my children to suffer these years... But, still you don't repent for it... I feel ashamed to call you as a woman...

Ishu: (calms her) Relax, daadima... She thinks there is no cure for bhabhi's problem... But, she doesn't know the power of our herbs... No medicines can fight with the herbs... I studied in internet how to cure the problem and I saw an Ayurvedic treatment for it... I went and met the doctor for the solution... He gave some herbal medicines and ask me to give this to bhabhi... I will mix it in her drinks without her knowing and will make her to drink it saying that her health is weak... Besides, I learned about the food she must take to make her uterus strong... That is how my bhabhi is cured... And a little baby is growing inside her womb now... (Swetlana smiles shyly and touches her stomach... Siddharth hugs her...)

Kamini doesn't like to see Swetlana happy... She was thinking what she has to do... She looks at something and smiles... She pushes Annika and runs towards a table... She takes a knife from there and about to stab Swetlana but a hand stops her by holding the knife... All are shocked to see Tej holding the knife and his blood are oozing out from his palm... He pushes her and ShiOmRu caught hold her...

Jhanvi: (screams) Tej!! (Runs towards him... RaDuKa immediately do the first aid for Tej)

Shivaay: (angrily) How dare you to harm my family?? Not only Oberois, Raichands are my family too...

Tej: Don't leave them, Shivaay... They tried to kill our Om and Ishana suffered a lot because of them... Hand them over to the police...

Rudra: I called the police ready... They must reach here in a while... (The police reached there... They arrest AshKam and about to leave...)

Ranveer: Hold on one second, officer... (All turn towards him) Can I know for what case you are arresting them??

Police: For kidnapping Ms Ishana and murder attempt on Mr Oberoi and Mrs Swetlana...

Ranveer: Add another case... Murder case!! (All look at him in confuse)

Shivaay: What are you saying?? Murder??

Ranveer: Yes, Shivaay... I'm saying the truth...

Police: But, whom did they murdered??

Ranveer: (goes towards AshKam) He is asking, right?? Tell him whom you murdered...

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