CHAPTER 17 - Priyanka Learns About Dev

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Shivaay and Nivedha are in the kitchen preparing lunch for their family... They don't let anyone to enter the kitchen...

At living room

All are happily chatting with each other... The elders are having their own chat... Rudra as usual chatting with his Ishana bhabhi... While AniSou are chatting with TiMi and Omkara with ArSid... Swetlana is sitting beside Siddharth silently.. RanRaDuKa chat with PriMa regarding their successful plan...
Madhu: So, how was my performance?? Superb, right??
RanRaDuKa: It's really superb!!! (Madhu pats her shoulder proudly while Priyanka chuckles)
Karan: In fact, your performance is better than Julie... If both of you compete each other, definitely Julie will lose...
Ranveer: Exactly!!! You deserve Oscar award for this performance...
Madhu: What?? Julie?? (A bit louder... Everyone looking at her) Don't compare me with her... I'm not a backstabber like her...
Prinku: But, who is this Julie??
Dush: Julie was her college mate... Madhu doesn't like her... That is why she get angry if anyone compare her with that girl... (Madhu looks annoyed)
Ranveer: (change the topic) Siddharth, Flight tickets are booked... This evening at 7 pm...
Sid: Ok... I think after lunch, we will go and pack our things...
NiTiMi: Ok, bhaiya...
Shivaay and Nivedha come from kitchen...
Shivaay: The lunch is ready... Come and have it... You guys need to pack your bags to leave...
All go and have their lunch..
Arjun: (feeding Ishana) Ishu, I used to feed you first before having my food... How I'm going to feed you if I go to Chennai?? (Faking his tears)
Swet: (slaps his head) Don't be a drama king now... You are saying like this is the first time you are going away from her... Most of the time you will be away only for business reasons... You just do what you used to do before when you were away from us...
Arjun: Bhabhi, you are too much... I want to have some emotional moment... But, you spoiled them...
Ranveer: Arjun, emotional moment should be among these 6 only...(pointing at SidLana, RaDuKa and NiTiMi) Not you... They are the one going to stay away from their partners... (6 of them look at each other and smiled sadly... RaDuKa feel bad for their wives but control themselves)
After finishing their lunch, the Raichands leave from Oberoi Mansion...
Omkara goes to his room to continue his work... Shivaay wants to go to his room but stops seeing Omkara's mobile on the sofa... He thought to give Omkara himself but Annika calls him... Priyanka comes there at the same time... Shivaay calls her... Priyanka goes to him...
Shivaay: Prinku, can you give this mobile to Om?? He left it on the sofa...(showing the mobile)
Prinku: Sure, bhaiya...(takes the mobile) I'll give it to him...
Shivaay: Thanks..(leaves to his room)
Priyanka goes to Omkara's room and sees him involved with his sculpture... She goes towards him and calls him... Omkara turns towards her...
Om: Prinku, you here?? Do you want anything??
Prinku: No, bhaiya... I just want to give your mobile... You left it on sofa... (Hands him the mobile)
Om: (look at his hands are having clay) My hands are full with clay... Never mind.. Keep it on the table...
Prinku: Ok, bhaiya... Bhaiya, can I ask you something??
Om: Sure...
Prinku: Usually, you will make sculptures at your art room only... You only make paintings here... But, why are you making this sculpture in your room???
Om: It's very special... (Lost in his thought)
Prinku: (smiles) Who asked you to make this??
Om: (still lost in his thought) Ishana...
Priyanka smiles and Omkara realised what he said just now... He turns towards Priyanka and tries to say something...
Prinku: (doesn't want him to feel awkward) Ok, bhaiya... I'll keep your mobile there... Mom called me just now...
Om: (relieved) Ok, Prinku...
Priyanka keep the mobile on the table and move to leave but stops seeing a photo on the table... She takes the photo and looks at it...
Prinku: (thinks) I think I saw him before... But can't remember... (Try to remember) Dev!!! Yes... He is Dev... But, what his photo doing here??
Om: (looks at Prinku seeing the photo) Prinku, bring the photo here... I need it for sculpting this...
Prinku: (goes to him and gives the photo) Bhaiya, who gave you this picture?? What this has to do with this sculpture??
Om: Ishana gave me this photo... He is her lover... She asked me to make his sculpture only... But, why are you asking this, Prinku?? Do you know him??
Prinku: (controls her tears) No, bhaiya... I just simply asked you... Ok, bhaiya... You continue with your work... (Leaves from the room while Omkara confused with her)

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