CHAPTER 23 - IshKara Engagement

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Next day in Oberoi Mansion

Prinku: It's very hard... I don't think that I can do this... (Looking at the papers which are having tongue twisters)
Ishu: Priyanka, you cannot give up before trying... Come, let's try...
Prinku: No, Ishana... I can't do this... I'm becoming more nervous seeing this many of tongue twisters...
Ishu: It will be hard at start only... It will be easier after that... Come on, Priyanka...
Om: Ishana is right... You try to say one of this... No need to say all of them... Come on, Prinku... You must not disappoint her... (Whispers to Priyanka) She is ready to wear red for your birthday... At least you must do this for her...
Prinku: (thinks a while) Ok... I will do it...
Ishkara: That's my girl... (Surprised and smiles at each other)
Kalyani comes to the room that time...
Kalyani: Prinku, you are here?? I was searching for you...
Prinku: Why daadi?? Do you need anything??
Kalyani: Yes, beta... There are some fruits in kitchen... It will get rotten if we don't eat them... Can you cut them and serve to everyone here?? Annika and Soumya are already there... Can you join them as well??
Prinku: Sure, daadi... I'll go and help them...
Ishu: Daadi, I'm sorry for interrupting you.. Priyanka need to practice this tongue twisters... Now only we manage to convince her... If you don't mind, can I do it for you??
Kalyani: I forgotten about that... Nevermind, beta... You carry on with the task here... I think AniSou can manage with that..
Ishu: It's ok, daadi... I will go and help them... Madhu will help Priyanka here...
Kalyani: That's very sweet of you... Thank you...
Ishu: You don't have to thank me... It's my duty... (She leaves to kitchen while Omkara smiles looking at her... He too leaves from there...)
Kalyani: They are behaving like nothing happened yesterday...
Madhu: Both of them had a talk yesterday... I think they decided that whatever happened means nothing too them...
Prinku: She is right, daadi... They must have thought that it was just an accident...
Kalyani: They will say like that only... They don't know about sindoor's power... And that sindoor is given by Maata Raani... If you noticed her partition, the sindoor's mark is still left there... They are destined to be... Just see what else are going to happen... (PriMa smiles)

At the kitchen

Ishana is helping AniSou cutting the fruits... They are chatting and laughing... Ishana enjoy their talks and accidentally cuts her finger... She screams in pain which shocks them... They rush to her and see a deep cut on her finger... It is bleeding terribly... Annika places Ishana's hand in the pouring water to stop the blood from coming out... But, Ishana cries in pain... She takes her hand out and blows it... Everyone comes to the kitchen hearing her scream... They tried to pacify her but she continues to cry...
Shivaay: Don't cry... I'll get antiseptic for this...
Ishu: No!!! I don't want that... It will be burning...
Soumya: It will burn a little... Then, it will be fine...
Annika: But, we have to stop the blood first... (Again she tried to place Ishana's hand in water but she refuses)
Madhu: Don't behave like a kid, Ishu... Just do as they said...
Ishu: It's very painful, Madhu... (Omkara comes that time)
Om: What happen??
Soumya: She accidentally cuts her finger while cutting the fruits...
Annika: And she don't want to take antiseptic also... She is not letting us to clean her blood... See how her finger is bleeding...
Om: (Looks at her blood oozing out from her fingers...) It's bleeding terribly... Won't you be careful while cutting the fruits??
Ishu: I was careful only... But, it happens accidentally... How do I know that I'm going to cut my finger??
Om: In this situation also you can speak like this... I'm impressed... Don't think that you can escape by asking like this... You are so careless about yourself... Your concern is only for others...
Ishu: Are you going to scold me like this for this whole day??
Om: I'm not scolding you... I'm just telling the truth...
The Oberois are surprised to see Omkara arguing with Ishana... They could feel the concern in his voice... Omkara signals Rudra while continue arguing with Ishana... Rudra understands and places Ishana's hand in the water cleaning it... Ishana doesn't realise that and continue to argue with Omkara... Annika gives a cloth to Rudra to wipe her wound... Rudra wipes it but the cloth get stucked on her ring and hit slightly on her wound... Ishana winced in pain...
Om: Be careful, Rudra... Can't you see she is in pain?? (The Oberois are shocked)(Omkara takes her hand and blows her wound... Ishana feels something in her heart) Still paining?? (In a concern voice... Ishana just nods her head)
Omkara takes the antiseptic from Annika and pour a little on a cotton... He tries to hold her hand but she doesn't let him to hold... She just stares at the antiseptic... Omkara chuckles seeing her staring at the bottle as it is her greatest enemy...
Om: It will burn a bit but it will be fine... (Touches her shoulder) Trust me... (Extends his hand to her... Ishana nods her head and placed her hand on his palm...)
Omkara smiles and holds her finger to apply the antiseptic but stops seeing her ring on her wounded finger...
Om: I think this ring need to removed... It will be hard for me to apply the medicine if you don't remove it...
Ishana looks at the ring and remembered her engagement with Dev... Before she could say something, Annika tries to pull the ring but she can't because it is disturbing Ishana's wound which is hurting her...
Om: Bhabhi, wait... (Looking at Ishana who is in the verge of crying) I'll try to take it out... (Omkara looks into her eyes and holds her hand... He gently pull the ring out of her finger... Ishana just look at him..)
He placed the ring on the cabinet... He apply the antiseptic on her wound... Ishana closed her eyes withstand the burn on her wound... She is unable to endure her pain, so she holds Omkara's arm tightly... Omkara smiles looking at her and bandaged her wounded finger...
Annika: (to Shivaay) Are we existing for them??
Shivaay: Of course no... They are in their own world...
Rudra: Then, why are we waiting here?? Better we leave before they chase us from here...
Soumya: He is right, bhaiya... Let's go from here...
The Oberois left from the kitchen leaving Ishkara... Madhu follows them as well...
Om: (looks at her) It's done...
Ishu: (opens her eyes and looks at her finger)(looks at him) Thank you... It's better now...
Om: You are welcome... (She takes the knife to cut the fruits) Stop!!! (Ishana looks at him) You don't have to do this... I'll cut the fruits... You just stand here...
Ishu: But, what will I do by standing here without doing anything... I can't go from here leaving you... Daadi will feel bad... I promised her to cut the fruits...
Om: Then, eat the fruits... (Giving her a plate of fruits... Ishana wants to say something but Omkara stuff a piece of fruit in her mouth...) Not a word more... (He continues cutting the fruits leaving Ishana who stood numb with his action just now)
Ishana wants to leave but Omkara holds her hand... She looks at him in surprised... He pulls her close to him... Ishana started to breath heavily... Their faces are just few inches away... Omkara brings her hand near his chest... He takes the ring and slide the ring into her finger... She looks at the ring and smiles happily... She wants to say something but Omkara stops her by placing his finger on her lips... Ishana is stunned with this...
Om: Sshhh... You don't have to say anything... I could understand that the ring means a lot to you when you hesitate to take it out... May be I don't know you very much but I can understand your pain more than anyone... (Hearing this Ishana just hugs Omkara... Omkara is shocked but he just caresses her hair calming her..)
Ishana realised what she did and pull herself from the hug...
Ishu: I'm sorry...
Om: It's okay... (He continues cutting the fruits)
They don't aware that few eyes are watching them outside of the kitchen cupping their mouths... They are none other than RuPriMa and Kalyani... They are watching them outside of the window...
Rudra: Prinku, I told you right that they will get engaged today... See, it happens...
Prinku: When they get engaged??
Rudra: I'm saying about him bandaged her wound... Did you noticed which finger was that?? (All shake their head) This finger... (Showing his ring finger on left hand)( They laugh at him)
Madhu: The ring he wear for her just now was her engagement ring... She didn't take it off before... But, she take it out for Omkara bhaiya... And, he wear it again for her... That means they done double engagement today...
Kalyani: See, I told you that sindoor is having it's power... Whenever they felt to move away from each other, the sindoor will bring them more closer only... This is one of the example...
PriMa: Right, daadi...
Kalyani: Now, go and continue with the task Ishana gave just now... (PriMa agrees and leave from there)

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now