CHAPTER 3(A) -Rikara Flashback

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Om saved Gauri from Kali Thakur by marrying her... But Om hates her and didn't consider her as a wife... He left her in Barreily and went back to Mumbai... Due to some circumstances, Gauri reached Mumbai... She started looking for a job to survive in Mumbai... She met Swetlana and got to know that Swetlana needs a male worker... So, Gauri dressed up as a guy (Chul Bul) and got the job... She was surprised that she will be working at Om's house and have to spy on him... She got more shocked after getting know that Omkara is engaged to Swetlana and they both going to get married... She refused to do the work at first but agreed thinking of her mother's health condition... Gauri got to know that Omkara doesn't want to marry Swetlana... It was ShiOmRu's plan to get to know about Swetlana's real intention... Gauri too found out that Swetlana wants to revenge the Oberoi's... She pretends to help her but she informed ShiOmRu about Swetlana's every step.. During that time, she developed a good bond with ShiOmRu and AniSowPri... One day, Shivaay found out that ChulBul is a girl and informed Annika and Jhanvi... They confront Gauri for betraying them... Gauri asks forgiveness from them and told them whatever happened in Barreily and how she landed here... Jhanvi and Annika forgive her but Shivaay didn't' forgive her... He avoids talking with Gauri... Gauri felt bad but Annika consoles her.. OmRu felt something fishy and tried to ask him but he ignores answering their questions.. One day, Gauri hears Swetlana speaking on mobile "Only a few days mom... After my marriage with Omkara happens, I'll make their life hell as they did to us... Because of them, I lost my dad, our happiness... I won't spare them... For that, I can go to any extreme.." She ends her call... Gauri who heard this runs and inform ShiOmRu... They go and confront Tej about their deeds years back... Tej denies first but sharp stares from his sons made him spill the truth...

25 years back, Oberoi Industries faced a crisis where their business faced a lot of losses... They almost shut down their empire but they met Narendra Kapoor(NK) who is the son of their father's friend... He is the owner of NK Industries... Soon, they merged both NK and Oberois and again become top in business... NK is staying with his wife, a son and a daughter... Both of the family shared a good bond... One night, they received a call that NK is murdered in one of their factories... They rushed to the place... NK's wife blamed them for her husband's death so that the Oberois can take over the empire because Oberois are the major shareholder... The Oberois keep on denying but she is not believing them and went away with her two kids... They tried to find NK's family but they couldn't trace their whereabouts... The police have no evidence to arrest the Oberois, so the case is left like that...
Obros listened carefully to Tej and try to join the dots...

ShiOmRu: So, Swetlana is NK's daughter?? (They looked each other)

Shivaay: If you didn't kill NK then who??

Rudra: Do you have any enemy that time??

Tej: Just business rivals... We don't have enemy that wanted to kill us...

Gauri: Sir ji, you don't have enemy.. Is that sir ji got enemy??

Om: Chul Bul is right... Does NK having any enemies?? The enemy not necessary through business... It can be another way, like without his knowing... It might be not a big matter for you but can be big for someone... For example, did he scold or fired any of the workers?? It can cause them to take revenge...

Tej: NK is not that type... He is very kind to everyone.. So, no chance.....(thinking a while)... Yeah, there was one person that NK handed over to police...

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