CHAPTER 5(B) - IshKara Meet

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Swetlana is searching for Siddharth who went to answer his call... She doesn't notice a couple walking in front of her and accidentally bumps into them...

Swet: I'm sorry... I didn't see you... (stops and shocked to see the couple who are staring at her in anger... It's none other than ShivIka...)

Shivaay: You!!?? What are you doing here??

Swet: (feeling scared) I... I..  (stammers)

Annika: Are you following us by any chance?? Yesterday at the mall and now here...  Are you planning against us again?? (Points her finger towards her) Don't you ever think about that... If you have that idea in your mind, better you drop it... Because if you try to do anything this time, you will see the worst of us...

Shivaay: Annika, it's a waste of time talking to her... Let's go... (he drags Annika from there)

Swetlana too leaves from there and walks quickly towards the ballroom... She bumps into Ranveer... Ranveer is confused looking at her tensed face... She told him her meet with ShivIka... He holds his head and sighs... Omkara who is on call outside the ballroom is shocked and confused seeing Swetlana and Ranveer together... Ranveer holds Swetlana's hand and goes inside the ballroom... He calls Siddharth and tells him everything... He also says that Swetlana is with him in the ballroom... After ending the call, both of them go and join Savitri at their table...

Soumya searches for Rudra and sees ShivIka are furiously standing at a pillar... Soumya walks towards them... Omkara too comes there to inform about seeing Ranveer and Swetlana together...

Soumya: Bhaiya, bhabhi what's wrong with you both?? Why both of you are tensed??

Om: Shivaay, is everything alright??
(Shivaay tells them about Swetlana... Omkara realises that ShivIka is in great anger, so he doesn't tell about seeing Swetlana and Ranveer together..)

Annika: I don't think that cheapdi dare to do anything to us... If she tries to harm us, my chamki will talk to her... (holding her sandal)

Soumya: Relax, bhabhi... She will not do anything... Already she suffered a lot in jail... I don't think she will do anything that will make her go to jail again...

Om: Soumya is right... No one can harm us as long as we are together... Now, let's go to the ballroom... The function is going to start...

Shivaay: Soumya, where is Rudra?? He was with you right??

Soumya: He was with me only, bade bhaiya... I got a call from my mom and was talking with her... But, he was not there after I end my call... I think he must be somewhere around taking selfies or flirting with some random girls... (making an annoyed expression) He still thinks that he is the great lady killer... (All chuckle with her statement... Soumya's mobile beeped.. She looks at the message and sighs...) Bhaiya, he said that he is going to the ballroom... (They leave from there...)

ShivIka and OmYa are waiting for Rudra at the entrance of the ballroom... Omkara's mobile rings at that time...

Om: (looks at the caller ID and turns to Shivaay...) Client's call... Important one... (Shivaay nods and Omkara leaves answering the call...)

Soumya: Bade bhaiya, Rudra is coming... (ShivIka turn and see Rudra coming with two girls...)

Rudra: Bhaiya!! (Waves his hand to Shivaay which Shivaay waves back...) Come, I will introduce my bhaiya, bhabhi and wife to you both... (IshMa smile and agree with him... They walk towards the entrance where ShivIka and Soumya are standing... Ishana adjusts her duppata which was hitting the floor and places it on her shoulder... The dupatta falls on Omkara who is walking passing them while answering the call... He shoves off the dupatta and the edge of the duppata get stuck with his watch... He doesn't realise it as he is involved in his mobile conversation and continues walking... IshRuMa almost reach the entrance when Ishana realised herself is being pulled from behind making all of them confused... Before they could realise, Ishana is dragged from there... All are shocked by the happening... They turn and see her duppata is stucked with Omkara's watch... He doesn't realise it and continues walking away dragging Ishana along with him...)

Shivaay: Om!!??

Rudra: O!!??

Madhu: Ishu!!! (Ishana is confused with the happening and continuously dragged by Omkara...)

Annika: Shivaay, please go and help her...

Shivaay: (nods and goes behind Omkara) Om!!?? (Omkara doesn't listen and continues walking... Ishana tries to pull her duppata from him but she can't as he walks too fast...)

Rudra: (shouts) Bhabhi!! (And goes behind Shivaay... Soumya is shocked to hear Rudra but she doesn't say anything...)

Shivaay: (shouts again) Om!! Stop!! (Omkara realised his name being called and stops in his track... He turns and shocked to see a girl falls on him... Ishana who was continuously being dragged get shocked with his sudden stop and falls on his chest holding his shoulders... Both of them are staring each other's eyes deeply... They could feel their hearts are beating loudly... ShivIka, RuMya and Madhu cup their mouths in shock...)

Rudra (whispers): What is going on here??

Shivaay (whispers): This is called eyelock...

Soumya: That too an intense eyelock...

Annika: Don't say too loud.. They will feel awkward if they hear us...

Madhu: Right... We have to do something that will not make them uncomfortable...

Soumya: Ok... We just make any noise and pretend that we didn't see anything...

Rudra takes a glass but before he breaks it, they heard glass breaking sound... They turn to see some glass pieces scattered on the floor and few people are standing beside it... Madhu smiles and walks towards them... Ishkara too break their eyelock and look at the floor where the glass pieces are scattered... Ishana sees ArSid, RaDuKa and NiTiMi are looking at her... Ishana looks back at Omkara and realises that she is still holding him... She takes away her hands from him... Both of them feel awkward and look at their family... Karan asked others to go inside first and he will come with Ishana... They agree and go inside the ballroom... Karan walks towards Ishana...

Karan: Ishu, the function is going to start... Let's go inside now or your brother will create a scene that his sister is not there in his function... (tries to lighten her mood and it works.. Ishana smiles at him...)

Karan: (side hugs her arm) Excuse me (to Omkara and takes Ishana with him but Ishana stops when she feels herself being pulled again... She turns and realised her duppata is still stucked with Omkara's watch... IshKara try to take the duppata from the watch but their hands touch each other... They feel something and take away their hands... AniSou understand their hesitation and help them by taking out the duppata from the watch... Karan thanks them and takes Ishana from there...)

Omkara continues looking at Ishana from the back... Ishana too turns back and looks at him... They look at each other until Ishana enters the ballroom... ShivIka and RuMya amused with Omkara's behaviour... He has never been seeing a girl like this in these years...

Shivaay: Om, are you alright?? Why are you looking at her like this??

Om: (looks at the entrance and turns to them) Her eyes...

Rudra: What's wrong with her eyes??? It's perfect enough to attract someone...

Om: Rudra, you are looking from outside... So, you only can see the beauty... If you look deep inside her eyes, you will see the pain that hidden in her eyes... I feel she is suffering from so much of pain... (ShivIka and RuMya look at each other confusingly...)

Annika: Om, you just see her once... But you are telling about her pain like you are related to her for many years...

Om: Maybe I am not related to the girl but I'm very much related to pain... That is the reason I can see her pain...

Shivaay: Ok... We will talk later about this... Now, come let's go inside... (They enter the ballroom and go to their table)

Ishana is sitting at the table with her family... She keeps on thinking about the eyelock she had with Omkara just now...

Ishu: (thinks) What is happening with me?? Why his eyes are disturbing me?? I can feel his eyes are having so many pain that hidden inside... I feel like those pain are the same as mine... Why am I feeling like this?? I just saw him today... (her thought is broken by the host of the function)

Precap: Arjun receives the award from Shivaay... Arjun's speech... Oberois and Raichands meet...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now