CHAPTER 52 - The Oberois visit Ishana

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Hi, my dearies... First of all, a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you 🎊🎈🎉🎊🎈🎉✨🎈🎉✨🎈🎈🎈🎉🎊🎈 May this prosperous year brings brightness in all of our lives... Forget the painful moments of the past... Start this year with fresh...



Karthik's Room

Karthik is relaxing on his bed after removing his girl getup...
Karthik: (sighs) It's very hard to disguise as a girl... I'm wondering how these girls are very patient... When I will be relieved from this getup?? (Suddenly his room door is opened... He is shocked and try to hide himself but it's too late... He closes his eyes in fear of getting caught...)
Voice: You don't have to be scared... It's we only... (Karthik opens his eyes and feels relieved looking at them) You??? I thought bhabhi, Arjun or Siddharth bhaiya... Why you three girls are here now?? (Raised his eyebrows at NiTiMi)
Nivi: Where are our husbands and Madhu??
Karthik: Didn't they tell you??
Tia: Why we want to ask you if they told us??
Karthik: They went to Oberoi Mansion... Shivaay wants to meet them...
Mithra: Why??
Karthik: I don't know... Will know after they come back only...
Nivi: Fine... Do you still remember why you came here disguising as a girl??
Karthik: Yeah... Of course...
Tia: Really?? But, it didn't look like you are remembering it... We see most of the time you are with Ranveer and our husbands... You are completely forgot about that Ashok...
Karthik: You are mistaken me, Tia baby... I'm in girl's disguise because three of you... You all forced me to be in this getup...
Mithra: Fine... We agree that we are the one asked you to disguise as a girl... But, for what?? To protect our family... Because Ranveer is alone here to manage everything... And, that Kamini is released from jail...
Nivi: And mainly, we got to know that Ashok was coming here as well... That's why we asked you to come here as fast as possible...
Tia: Where that creep went now?? How could you leave him like that??
Karthik: What?? Excuse me!! When I got to know that he is coming to Oberoi Mansion, I wanted to place a bomb inside his pant... That's why I called and informed you... But, you all stopped me from doing it... You said that you all wanted to give him special treatment... That's why I kept quiet... And now you are blaming me... What can I do if he went off silently??
Nivi: (looking at Tia) He is right... What he will do if that creep went off suddenly??
Tia: Sorry, Karthik... Actually we are pissed off that we can't show our anger to him... That's why I scolded you... Don't mistaken me...
Karthik: It's ok, Tia baby... You are having the right to scold me... In fact, I too pissed off because he went before I could do something to him...
Mithra: Why did he came here at first?? And suddenly he went off just like that...
Karthik: I don't know why he came here... But, I think something made him to leave from here...
NiTiMi: (surprised) What??
Karthik: Yes... But, I don't know what... If in not mistaken Madhu must know about it... She always get nervous whenever whenever we mention Ashok's name...
Nivi: Not only Madhu, Karthik... I think Ishu too knew about it... Yesterday, she too get nervous and stammers when we asked about him...
Tia: Ok... Let's do one thing... We go and ask them regarding that...
Mithra: Fine... Let Madhu come back first... (NiTi agree and the trio leave from there)
Karthik: (close the doors and sighs) These three sisters are no less than Charlie's Angels...


The Oberois are getting ready... RanRaDuKaMa came downstairs to leave from Oberoi Mansion...
Kalyani: You all are leaving?? It's good... We too will be coming with you...
Pinky: Rights, mummyji... We didn't see Ishana after she goes backs from here yesterdays... Let's goes and sees now...
Shakti: Pinky, have you taken everything??
Pinky: Yes, Shakti ji... I heard she only eating porridge... That's why I bring some fruits and milks... These are good for health... Rights, doctors?? (Looking at RaDuKa... They just smile nodding their heads)
Jhanvi: We can talk later... Let's go now...
Rudra: Wait!! We are coming as well... (Coming down with ShiOmPri)
Tej: Ok... Fast... Annika, Soumya, you too join us... What you both are going to do here alone??
AniSou: Ji, uncle... (All leave from there)

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