CHAPTER 97 - MaKar Engagement

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Living Room

The Oberois are angry thinking about Riddhima...

Shivaay: How dare she said like that about Om??

Madhu: But Ishu and Priyanka never let him down and stood against her... She tried hard to turn Ishu against bhaiya but Ishu gave back to her nicely...

Jhanvi: Chi!! It's good that Om didn't marry her... He have broke everything with her after learn about her intention...

Shivaay: (hugs Priyanka's arm) I'm very proud of you, Prinku... You have again proven that you are not less than Jhansi ki Rani...

Prinku: (slaps his arm) Bhaiya, stop teasing me... How I will let anyone to talk bad about my bhaiya and bhabhi??

Kalyani: Prinku, Ishu don't take that as serious right, after knowing about Om and Riddhima?? Because this is very sensitive matter for the girls... Ishu aware of Gauri but she didn't know about Riddhima...

Karthik: Don't worry about that, daadi... Ishu maa clearly said that she loves Om with his past and she doesn't care about her relationship with him at past...

Kalyani: But, putthar..... (Cuts by Rudra)

Rudra: Daadi, I think it's better if you asked bhabhi directly... She is coming from O's room... (All turn and see Ishana coming out from Omkara's room...) I'll go and bring her... (He is about to call her but suddenly Ishana is pulled back inside the room... Rudra shouts...) Oh, no!! (All look at him) Someone pulled Ishana bhabhi inside... Let's go and save her... (About to go but Soumya holds his hand)

Soumya: Duffer, it's bade baalwale bhaiya only... He might want to talk something to her... (They again see Ishana coming out from the room...) See, I told you... (Rudra smiles and about to go to Ishana but again she is pulled inside the room making him confuse... Soumya smiles covering her mouth...)

Rudra: What is wrong with O?? Why he is pulling her inside again and again?? (Soumya shrugs her shoulders... They turn and see Ishana running towards living room while smiles shyly looking at behind... She collides with her family who are giving a teasing look towards her... She turns away feeling embarrassed...)

Annika: (turns her face) What happened, Ishu?? You are coming out and going inside the room... Anything special?? (Ishana blushes hard) And why are you blushing like this??

Soumya: (stokes Ishana's cheek) Ishu bhabhi, a strawberry can lost seeing your cheek colour... See how red it has turned into?? (Ishana blushes more and runs from there before they could say something... All burst into laughter... They stop laughing seeing Omkara coming out from the room...)

Rudra: Wait!! Just see what I'm going to do... (Calls Omkara) O!! (Omkara goes towards him)

Om: What, Rudra??

Rudra: (hands over a handkerchief) Wipe your face... Something is there on your face... (Omkara turns his face feeling embarrassed and takes the handkerchief from Rudra... He wipes his mouth making everyone surprised...) O, I said something on your face... Why did you wipe your mouth?? (Omkara looks at him in shock while everyone  burst into laughter... He mentally cursed himself and runs from there before they started to pull his leg... Rudra hugs Kalyani's arm...) Daadi, did you get your answer?? They are fine... My Ishana bhabhi is not like that... She is simply different and no.... (Cuts by everyone except the Chabras and Gauri's mother)

All: No one can be like my Ishana bhabhi... (Rudra looks at them in surprise while Chabras and Gauri's mother are confused)

Soumya: Your signature statement... Everyone knows it here...

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