CHAPTER 24 - Ranveer's Flashback

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Ranveer reaches his house which he left two years ago... However, he hired a helper to clean the house every week... Now, he is here to take few things where he have to start his mission... He opens a cupboard and takes some documents which he collected few years before... A bag fell down from the cupboard... He takes the bag and open it... His eyes started to fill with tears seeing the contains of the bag... He cries sitting on his bed... He started to recall few years back...


Few months after Gauri's death

Shivaay comes to his office in anger... Ranveer is shocked to see him in this anger...
Ranveer: Why did you come here?? Everything are over between me and Priyanka...
Shivaay: Don't you dare to say my sister's name from your disgusting mouth... I spare you although you tortured my sister and made my brother Omkara become a drug addict again... Just for Prinku, I spared you... But, I'm not going to spare you for what you did few months ago...
Ranveer: (confused) What do you mean??
Shivaay: Gauri's death!!! (Ranveer is shocked) You know who was the one did the accident?? But, you made the person escape by hiding all the proves... Just for money, you leave a culprit who caused death of an innocent girl who was pregnant... How could you do that??
Ranveer: What are you saying?? I didn't make any people escape... Till now we are investigating about Gauri's death and who is the culprit...
Shivaay: Don't lie, Ranveer... I got to know from one of the hospital staff that you made the culprit escaped from the hospital... (Ranveer shocked again) What do you think?? If you delete the hospital footage, I will not know about it?? Money can make everyone to blurt the truth... I just threw some money at the staff and he said you are the one help the person to escape... (Ranveer is speechless) Ok... I will forget everything you did to my family... Just tell me who is the culprit that killed Gauri... Who is the bloody criminal that separate my brothers life from him?? Tell me... Who??
Ranveer: Enough, Shivaay!!! I'm saying the truth only... I know nothing about the person who did the accident... You are believing me or not, I don't care... But, this is the truth...
Shivaay: You still want to save the person?? Ok... I will make you to tell the culprit name yourself... Just see what I will do... (Leaves from Ranveer's office)
Ranveer: You only can say this only, Shivaay... But, you can't know anything from me... Yes... I'm the one helped her to escape from this... Maybe I helped her because she is my friend's sister... But, that is not only the reason... It's for my selfishness... To revenge my sister's death... Omkara and Priyanka did the same to my sister and hide it from everyone... I struggled for two years to find out about them... They have to know the pain of losing the most loved one in our lives... My sister was everything to me... But, they killed her... How can I let them live peacefully?? I used this accident as an advantage to me... I helped Ishana out from this case... Omkara has to suffer from his deed to my sister... I can go to any extreme for that...
Ranveer takes out some files and go through them... He got shocked and thinks...
Ranveer: Something is missing here... I think I need to investigate again... But, what is the use?? No one knows that she did the accident... And, she is not even remembering the accident... But, I heard she is suffering in guilt... Maybe, I can help her to overcome her guiltiness...
Ranveer started to investigate the case once again... However, he couldn't find any clue about it... Everything he got are against Ishana only... He hides them in his house, so that no one will find it... He got to know that Shivaay is hunting for the person who done Gauri's accident... He worried that Shivaay might find about Ishana... He went and meet Rohan to discuss about the accident... Rohan asked him to inform Ishana's family... They will try to do something to protect Ishana... Ranveer tried to call Siddharth but his mobile cannot reached... Rohan called RaDuKa and ask them to come immediately to Mumbai...
RaDuKa reached Mumbai... They met Ranveer and Rohan in a secret place... Ranveer told them about Shivaay blackmailed him and he found something fishy in the accident case...
Raghav: That means Ishu never did the accident??
Ranveer: I'm not saying that... May be she did or she didn't do the accident... But, something is definitely missing in this case... I couldn't find what is that...
Rohan: In fact, I too felt something is wrong... It was like something else happened...
Karan: But, we can't assume things now... We have to protect Ishu from Shivaay...
Ranveer: Shivaay is hunting madly for the killer of his brother's wife... If he get to know about Ishana, he will make her life hell... He won't care that she is a girl... He will destroy her completely... You don't know about his anger...
Dush: Ranveer, just tell us what we have to do now...
Ranveer: You must send her as far as possible where no one can find out about her...
Karan: But, we are in Chennai... How he will find her??
Ranveer: He can track you even if you are out of country... Chennai is not hard for him... It will be better if you send Ishana out of country...
Raghav: But, our family won't agree with this?? Ishana will not leave India...
Ranveer: You have to make them agree... You can tell them the truth if you want... But, it's not safe for Ishana to stay in India...
Karan: I think we have to tell this to Dev... He can tell us what to do??
Ranveer: Dev is Ishana's fiance, right?? (RaDuKa nods) Call him... I will talk to him... (They agree and call him from Raghav's mobile and put it on loudspeaker... Dev attends the call after few rings... They told him everything...)
Dev: Oh, God!!! Ranveer is right... Shivaay will not spare her if he get to know the truth... But, how we are going to send her away?? She is very sharp and we can easily get caught by her if we make a small mistake... We can't ask her to continue her studies abroad... She already stopped her studies...
Ranveer: I have a solution... We can save her and she won't doubt you all..
DevRaDuKa: What??
Ranveer: First, you have to marry her..
DevRaDuKa: (shocked) What??
Ranveer: Yes, you have to marry her and take her abroad... Do you know anyone abroad?? (RaDuKa chuckled) Why are you laughing?? I'm talking seriously....
Karan: We know that... We laughed with your question...
Dush: Dev is from abroad as well... Los Angeles...
Ranveer: Then, it's good... You can take her there and stay for few years... You can come back after the situation get normal...
Dev: But, we are going to get married in few months...
Ranveer: You can't wait till that, Dev... You have to marry her as soon as possible... Every seconds that you delay will cause trouble for her only... This is the only way you can do to save your Ishana...
Dev: But, how I'm going to convince her for the marriage??
Raghav: You have to think how to convince her... The ball is in your court... (They end the call and leave from the place)
After few weeks, Ranveer received a call from the Commissioner to come immediately to his office... Ranveer went there and shocked to see Shivaay sitting at the office...
Com: ACP Ranveer Singh Randhawa, Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi wants to lodge a complain against you for harassing his sister... I'm very ashamed of you as a police officer... You can lost your job if we proceed with his complain... But, he is a gentleman... He said that it can be avoided if you agree with his demand... You may leave now... (Ranveer went out to his car in anger... Shivaay too came there and gave an evil smirk to him...)
Shivaay: Now you understand what I can do??
Ranveer: I always know that, Shivaay... I know that you can go to any extreme for your family... But, I didn't knew that you will use your sister's name...
Shivaay: Shut up!! Don't you dare to say that again... I told him what you did to my sister only... I didn't tell him that you made a criminal escaped...
Ranveer: See, I already told you that...(stops by Shivaay)
Shivaay: Don't repeat the same thing!! Better you bring the culprit in front of me before I started to do the worst to you... I can make you to leave your job...
Ranveer: Just do what you want to do... I don't care about it...
Shivaay: You will care, Ranveer... I will make your life like hell... (Ranveer just leave from there angrily... Shivaay just stare at his car...)
Ranveer continue with his job and don't bother about Shivaay's threat... However, he wondered why Shivaay is keeping quiet and didn't do anything like he said... Days are passing... Ranveer still tried to find any clue that can save Ishana...
One day, he was on his way to his office... Suddenly, few cars stopped in front of him... Some officers came out from the cars and walk towards him...
Officer: Mr Randhawa, we are from vigilance... We heard that you are having black money and drugs in your car... Please cooperate with with us...
Ranveer: (shocked) What?? It's not true... I'm not that type of person...
Officer: We will know it after check your car... (Towards other officers) Go and check it...
They go and check his car... After a while, they came with two bags... They opened the bag and see a lot of money and drugs in the bags... Ranveer is shocked to see them...
Ranveer: No... These are not belong to me... Someone wanted to defame me...
Officer: You can say this in police station... Better follow us now... (They drag him to their car but stopped hearing a voice)
Voice: Wait a minute... (All turn to the voice which belong to Shivaay Singh Oberoi... He walks towards them with his signature step... The officers smile at him)
Officer: Sir, we did as you said...
Shivaay: Good... But, I need talk to him in private... So....
Officer: (understood) Sure, sir... (The officers move from there)
Shivaay: (towards Ranveer) I told you that I will make your life hell... This is the sample... I'm the one keep the money and drugs in your car... And, I called and informed them... (Ranveer got angry) Don't stare!!! You can't escape now... You know well how dangerous are these cases?? You can't escape easily from this... I'm the one can save you and your job now... Just tell me who is Gauri's killer... I will stop them from arresting you... If you still want to save that killer, just one call to media... You will lost everything... Your name, your job, your future... People will address you as a corrupt officer... You will die in humiliation... Do you want that to happen?? Decide yourself... The ball is in your court... (Ranveer started to think... Shivaay turns to leave)
Ranveer: I'll bring the person to you... (Shivaay looks at him) Yes, I'll bring that person in front of your eyes... Just give me 2 days... That person will be in front of you... You can trust me...
Shivaay: What if you failed to bring the person??
Ranveer: You can do whatever you want to do with me...
Shivaay: We will see... (He calls the officers... They came to him) Forgive him this time... If he does the same next time, you can take action on him...
Officer: Ok, sir... We will let him go only for you... (To Ranveer) Don't do like this again... We won't let you go next time... (The officers leave from there)
Shivaay gave a warning look to Ranveer and leave with his car... Ranveer lean on his car and think of Shivaay's words...
Ranveer: I'm stucked terribly in this... I never thought that Shivaay could do like this... I have to do something... I can stand anything but not humiliation... My job is important to me... I can't lose it... There is no other way... I need to bring Ishana in front of Shivaay... For that, I need to leave to Chennai as soon as possible... I can't let DevRaDuKa to know about this... They won't allow me to take her with me... But, I need to bring her to save my job... (He left from there and leave to Chennai by flight)

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