CHAPTER 61 - Ishana Shocks Everyone!!

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Flashback continues


Om: Why did you bring me here??

Madhu: Where Ishu's GPS tracker stopped yesterday??

Om: At my room... But, she is not there... Ranveer said maybe the tracker is damaged...

Karthika: Let's go to your room...

Om: What?? Are you playing?? We need to save Ishana?? Here you are asking me to take you to my room...

Madhu: Mr Long Hair, are you going to take us or you want to follow us?? I know where is your room... (Omkara shakes his head and takes them to his room)

Omkara's room

Three of them enter the room... Madhu tries to sense Ishana...

Karthika: What happened, Madhu?? Can you feel her??

Madhu: (shakes her head) No... I can't sense her... (Sighs in disappointment)

Karthika: So, she is not here... (MaKar look at Omkara who lost in his thoughts... Karthika snaps her finger at his face..) What happened, sir??

Om: I think I'm thinking about her very much... Whenever I came here, I felt she is here...

Madhu: (thinks something) Karthika, take him away from this room... (Omkara is confused but Karthika understands her... She drags Omkara out from the room...)

Madhu: (touches her heart) Dev, I know how much you loved Ishu... I understand the reason why I couldn't sense Ishu now... But, now, I need to feel her to save her... Please tell me through your heartbeats either she is here or not... (She waits for a while but she still can't sense Ishana... She is about to leave but her leg tripped and she fell down... OmKar heard her voice and they run to the room... They help her to get up... Madhu feels something and holds her heart...)

Karthika: Are you ok, Madhu??

Madhu: Ishu... (OmKar look at her in confuse) I can feel her... (OmKar look around the room)

Om: But, she is not here... How you can sense her?? Let's leave... (Pulls her hand and she moves from her place)

Madhu: Now, I can't feel her... (OmKar again look at her in confuse... Madhu steps back and holds her heart) I can feel her now... (They look at the floor where she is standing)

Karthika: What the?? Why you can sense her at this place only??

Madhu: I don't know... But, I can sense her when I stand at here only... (Karthika steps hard at the place where Madhu is standing... She steps at other tiles... They could hear different sound from the tile that Madhu is standing...)

Karthika: Why this tile is sounding different than others??

Om: Because there is a secret passage down here...

MaKar: What??

Om: Yes... Our dadaji built secret passages in all of the room for our safety...

Madhu: Maybe Ishu is kept down here... That's why the tracker was showing here...

Om: But, no one knows about this than us... How they will keep Ishana here??

Madhu: No time to think about that... We try to go and check first... I have a strong feeling that Ishu is there only... Please... (Omkara nods)

Karthika: Do you know to open it??

Om: (smirks) Of course... (He goes and turns a lamp upside down... Then, he rotates a sculpture there... The tile opens... Three of them jump into the passage... They walk searching for Ishana... Suddenly, they heard a voice screams 'OMKARA'... They are shocked and run towards the voice direction... They saw Ishana is unconscious and Ashok is trying to molest her... Omkara runs towards them and kicked Ashok...

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