CHAPTER 4(A) - PriVeer Face to Face Meet

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Combined/couple names for the Raichands:

Siddharth & Swetlana: SidLana
Raghav & Nivedha: NiRag
Dushyanth & Tia: DushTi
Karan & Mithra: MiKar
Raghav, Dushyanth & Karan: RaDuKa
Nivedha, Tia & Mithra: NiTiMi

Let's go to the chapter... Please ignore the grammatical errors...



All are getting ready for shopping... Savitri is still tired, so, she told the youngsters to go for shopping... They asked her to take care and they leave for shopping... After reaching the shopping mall, they separate their way and go with their respective partners... SidLana, NiRag, DushTi and MiKar go to different shops... While Arjun, Ranveer, Ishana and Madhu go together... The Oberois too come there for shopping... ShivIka and RuMya go together while Omkara and Priyanka go alone in a different way... Jhanvi and Pinky go together...

Siddharth is selecting saree for Swetlana while Swetlana is selecting a shirt for him... She chooses a few shirts and takes them to Siddharth... He looks at her confusingly...

Sid: Do you want me to wear all these for the function??

Swet: No!!! I want you to choose which one you like... I'm so confused... (making a puppy face)

Sid: (chuckles and hugs her shoulder) Just choose whatever you feel will look good on me...

Swet: Everything will look good on you... What can I do?? My husband is so dashing... (bit her tongue realising what she said while Siddharth is stunned listening to her...)

Sid: (brings her closer) So, my wife found me dashing... (Swetlana blushes) First time you have complimented me in these years... I like it... (Takes the shirts from her hand and looks at them... He picks a shirt...) Take this... (Swetlana smiles and takes the shirt... He shows the saree he chose for her... It's the same colour as the shirt, royal blue... (He raises his eyebrow...) We will be perfect together..(Swetlana smiles) Ok... You wait here... I'll pay and come...

Swetlana agrees and he leaves to pay the bills... While waiting for him, she looks at other dresses... On the other side, NiTiMi have finished their selection and waiting for their husbands to finish... They get tired and decide to go and have some drinks... They inform RaDuKa to join them after finish their purchasing and leave from there while RaDuKa continue selecting the dresses... They are selecting for their wives and that is the reason they are taking a long time...
Arjun and Ranveer are selecting dresses for Ishana and Madhu... Ishana and Madhu already selected for the guys... Ranveer selects an Anarkali suit for Madhu and shows to her... She likes it and agrees with the dress... Meanwhile, Arjun is confused to select for Ishana because he knows she doesn't wear any colourful and elegant dress after Dev's death... She always prefers to wear very simple and pale colours... Ishana understands Arjun and chooses a simple cream colour chudidhar... She gives to Arjun and smiles... Arjun smiles back even though he feels very sad from inside his heart... Which brother likes to see his darling sister dressed simple on his important day?? Ishana gets a call and leaves to attend it... Arjun looks on at Ishana who is walking away from there... Ranveer holds his shoulder as support... After a while, Arjun thinks of something and tells RanMa...

Ranveer: It's a good idea but be careful... If she gets to know, she will not spare us...

Arjun: She will not even realise it... Don't worry guys... Madhu, you be with her and make sure she doesn't know about it...

Madhu: OK, bhaiya... (They leave from there)

Jhanvi and Pinky go inside a boutique and bump into Swetlana who is waiting for Siddharth... Three of them are shocked... JhaNky stare at her angrily... Swetlana knows this meet will happen but she never expects this soon...

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