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IshKara are sitting beside the lake watching the view...

Om: I'm sorry, Ishana...

Ishu: Why you did like that, Omkara?? Did you know how much I was hurt with that?? I avoided you only for three months but you can't stand it... You avoided me for three years, Omkara... (Looks at him with tear filled eyes)

Om: (holds her hand) I know what you have felt, Ishana... But I have forced myself to keep distance from you for these long...

Ishu: Why??

Om: Have you forgotten what happened three years ago after your delivery?? You were almost dead, Ishana... You have stopped breathing for 20 minutes... Already you have struggled a lot to deliver our babies... Then, you stopped breathing... My breath too stopped that time, Ishana... I thought I have lost my love again... But, you fought back and returned to me... The doctor told me that you are very weak... Besides that, your previous wounds which because of the chandelier falling, has started to effect you as well... She asked me to handle you with care and avoid physical relationship for some time till you are fully recovered... That's why I avoided you, Ishana... I just wanted you to be safe... I can't afford to lose you...

Ishu: (shocked with this revelation) Why you didn't tell me earlier, Omkara?? You should have told me instead of avoiding yourself from me...

Om: I don't have the guts to tell you, Ishana... Moreover, I was in guilt thinking I am the reason for your state... I was not dare to meet your eyes... That's why I avoided you... Your pain, your scream and your struggle during the delivery was haunting me badly... I was scared that I might hurt you if I hold you... I can't hurt you anymore... That's why I immediately sent you to pursue your studies... I took more than one year to overcome the guilt, Ishana... And your studies made me me to maintain distance from you... I want you to concentrate on your studies first and I don't want our closeness to affect your studies... I thought to restart our life again after your studies completed... I concentrate more on our kids and works... I know I was wrong in avoiding you but I don't have any option than that... (Tears started to make their way out from his eyes... Ishana wipes his tears and cups his face...)

Ishu: (thinks something) Tej papa was right... He has already told this to me earlier... (Omkara looks at her in confused...)

Om: Papa?? What he said??

Ishu: I will tell you... What you said just now?? You felt that our closeness will effect my studies?? (Omkara nods) You are wrong, Omkara... Our distance only effected my studies... Did you know how many times I have lost my concentration because of our distance?? Once I have failed in my test too but I never tell you... (Omkara is shocked knowing about this) Yes, Omkara... I have failed once... I know you will feel bad if you got to know that I have failed... I don't know with whom to talk about this... Tej papa noticed me one day when I was sitting sadly at the poolside...


Tej: Ishu beta, why are you sitting here?? (Sits beside her)

Ishu: I have failed in my test, papa... (Cries)

Tej:(surprised to see her crying) It's ok, Ishu... Failure is the first step for the success... You have told this to Arjun before this, right?? Why are you crying when it comes to you?? Is anything bothering you??

Ishu: Your son is avoiding me, papa... That is bothering me... (Cries)

Tej: (shocked) Since when??

Ishu: Since our kids are born... (Tej chuckles making her confuse...) Why are you laughing, papa??

Tej: Ishu beta, he is not avoiding you but he is just afraid to near you...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now