CHAPTER 20 - Rudra Knows About Dev

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Priyanka's Room

Priyanka is sitting on the bed and thinking about her meet with RanRaDuKaMa just now... Rudra comes there and sees her lost in her thoughts... He goes and sit in front of her... Priyanka realised his presence and looks at him..
Prinku: Bhaiya, you here?? Do you need something??
Rudra: I want to talk to you something...
Prinku: Sure, bhaiya...
Rudra: Why did you ask Soumya to find out about Dev?? Any problem??
Prinku: (shocked) Bhaiya, I was just... (Cuts by Rudra)
Rudra: Don't lie, Prinku... I noticed you were in tension when you called Soumya today... You can't hide from me... Just tell me what is bothering you...
Prinku: (thinks) I can't tell him everything... Don't know how he will react... I will tell him about Ishana and Dev's relationship only...
Rudra: (sees her again lost in her thoughts... He snaps his finger in front of her face) Prinku, where you lost??
Prinku: No, bhaiya... I actually think of how to tell you... I will tell you, bhaiya... (Tells him about IshDev and Dev's death)
Rudra is shocked to hear about Dev's death... His eyes are filled with tears thinking about Ishana's fate... He felt proud of Ishana for being strong after facing the most painful phase of her life... She doesn't show her pain to anyone and stay happy for her family...
Prinku: What are you thinking, bhaiya??
Rudra: About Ishana bhabhi, the iron lady... She is such a strong girl... I don't think any other girl will be this strong if they faced the same situation... My respect for her increased now...
Prinku: You are right, bhaiya... No one can be like her... She is an unique person... She deserves happiness in her life... I want her to get her happiness back...
Rudra: Of course she will get her happiness back... It's here only, staying with us...
Prinku: (confused) Bhaiya, what are you saying??
Rudra: You don't understand what I'm saying?? (Priyanka shakes her head in negative) I'm saying about our O only... He is the one can give back her happiness... And..(cuts by Priyanka)
Prinku: She is the one can give back his happiness... Am I right??
Rudra: Exactly!! Both of them will be perfect together... They started to feel for each other... We just have to make them to realise it...
Prinku: Yes, bhaiya... We were discussing about this only just now...
Rudra: We?? That means you and Ranveer??
Prinku: Not only both of us... Raghav bhaiya, Karan bhaiya, Dushyanth bhaiya and Madhu are involved as well in this mission...
Rudra: These many people... I too want to be in this mission...
Prinku: Sure, bhaiya... You are most welcome to Mission Ishkara... But, bhaiya, please don't tell this to anyone especially about Dev... They will feel bad...
Rudra: Sure, Prinku... So, Mission Ishkara starts... (RuPri shake their hands.. Rudra leaves from her room wishing her good night)


Ranveer's room

RaDuKa are lying on the bed thinking about something... Ranveer looks at them...
Ranveer: What you all are thinking about??
Raghav: What else we will think?? About our Ishu only... We don't want to disappoint Priyanka... That's why we agree with her... But, we still feel that Ishu falling in love with Omkara will give pain only..
Karan: He is right... How we can sure that Omkara will accept her after knowing the truth??
Dush: Ishu also will not forgive herself if she learns the truth...
Ranveer: Not again... Priyanka explained that much but still you all are talking like this... Guys, listen to me... If they are meant to be, nothing can stop that... Just recall from their first meet... They can understand each other without speaking any words... You too could feel that but you are scared to accept that... I can understand your concern for her... But, it's not wrong in trying... We just try to make them understand their feelings... Let their fate decide for them...
RaDuKa: Ok..
Ranveer: Good... Now, go and sleep... I need to make a call... Have to inform him as well...
Karan: When he will be coming here?? It's been few months we didn't see him..
Ranveer: I told him to come when he finished his work... Maybe he will go to Chennai first before coming here... (Looking at his mobile) I'm not getting signal here... I'll go out to make call... You guys sleep first... (Ranveer leaves from the room while RaDuKa started to sleep)
Ranveer finished making his call and turns to go to his room... He stops seeing the main door is open... He got confused who left the door open... He goes to close the door but sees Ishana thinking something sitting on the bench at the lawn... He goes towards her... Ishana still doesn't realize his presence and lost in her thought...
Ranveer: What are you doing here, Ishu?? That too in this time...
Ishu: Nothing, Ranveer... I was just thinking about something...
Ranveer: Thinking about what?? About your love?? (smirks) Or should I say, thinking about your husband?? (Ishana looks at him shockingly... Ranveer sits beside her..) How long you are going to hide this from everyone, Ishu?? They need to know about this...
Ishu: (in anger) What do you want me to tell, Ranveer?? That I lost my husband on my marriage day itself?? That I lost my husband not even one hour after my marriage?? What do you want me to say?? (Cries) They can't even bear if I get small scratch... How they will bear if they know the truth?? They will be shattered... I can't see my family break down if they know about it... Thinking of me lost my lover, they can't bear it... If they got to know that I lost not only my love but I lost my husband, they will completely shattered... I can't give them that pain... (Sobbing) I rather suffer myself from seeing my family in pain... I can go to any extreme to keep my loved one happy... I will not bother about sacrificing my life too for them... (Ranveer hugs her and caress her hair calming her down)
Ranveer: Ok... Now, let's go inside... It's cold here... You can fall sick... Then, who will prepare for Priyanka's birthday?? (Tries to cheer her)
Ishu: (surprised) So, you are worrying for your Priyanka only??? Not about my health...
Ranveer: Why should I worry for you?? I worried for Priyanka only... (Runs from there)
Ishu: Haww!! So mean!!! (Chases him around the lawn)
Ishana caught him and he hold his ears apologize to her... Both of them go inside the house unaware of a pair of eyes are looking at them...

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