CHAPTER 82- Gauri Talks to Ishana

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Hi, guys... I thought to not to update any of my FF because I haven't overcome my trauma yet... But, this FF is very close to my heart and I can't stop from updating it... Moreover, I didn't update for one week... I hope you all will like this chapter...


Living Room

Everyone are standing there looking at each other...

Shivaay: Ishu only remember her meeting with Gauri... She doesn't remember anything after that...

Soumya: From what Ishu said just now, it's clear that Ishu and Gauri bhabhi shared a good bonding...

Rudra: Right... That means Ishana bhabhi never done Gauri bhabhi's accident... Something else happened after they left from the temple...

Dush: That is what we are saying since Ranveer started to doubt the accident...

Karan: But, we couldn't find what really happened that day...

Sid: (towards the Oberois) Do you all remember how Gauri left home that day?? I mean she went by car or anything else??

Annika: Woh... She said she want to go to hospital... I asked her to took any of the car but unfortunately there was no car available that time... So, she booked a call taxi and left...

Arjun: Why no one accompanied her that time??

Soumya: Bhaiya, we both wanted to go with her but she is the one refused us saying that she can manage alone...

Madhu: I think she must have doubt about her pregnancy and thought to tell Om bhaiya first... That's why she didn't take anyone with her... (Everyone look at Omkara whose face changed into sad expression... Shivaay hugs his shoulder...) I'm sorry, bhaiya... I didn't mean to hurt you...

Om: It's ok, Madhu... I'm good... You don't worry...

Tej: These days she doesn't remember anything, then how come now she remembered??

Shivaay: Om, what you both are talking at the terrace just now?? I think it has effected her memory...

Om: I already told you... She was asking about Gauri and I was telling her... Suddenly, she fainted...

Swet: We don't have to confuse... We will ask her after she wake up...

Om: Fine... But, please don't ask her to remember it again... Let her relax for sometime...

Annika: Exactly... (Looking at ArSid) What you both were doing just now?? She struggled hard to remember half of the incident... You both are asking her to recall what happened after that... How bad!!! (ArSid are surprised to see Annika scolding them... Not only them, others are also surprised)

Sid: Sorry, Annika... We are just curious to know what happened that day...

Annika: Curious?? Keep your curiosity aside for some days... Ishu's health is more important... I felt bad when I saw her holding her head like that...

Arjun: Ok, Annika... We won't ask her again... We will wait till she remembers herself...

Karan: Not only them, we also won't open our mouth regarding this...

Annika: Good... (The Oberois chuckle looking at the Raichands guys state)

Arjun: (whispers to Siddharth) Bhaiya, is this one of the pregnancy mood swing?? (Siddharth nods his head) But, bhabhi is not like this...

Sid: (smirks) You will know after we go back... Already, she is staring at us now...

Arjun: (turns to Swetlana who is spitting fire on them through her eyes) Bhaiya, I think we are dead... (Siddharth smiles at him)

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