CHAPTER 53 - NiTiMi entertain Ishana

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NiTiMi are busy working in their laptops while RanRaDuKaKar are in Ranveer's room... SwetMa are cooking in kitchen... Siddharth is in his room busy with a phone call... Ishana is feeling bored sitting at the living room... Arjun came from his room and sees Ishana... Ishana signs him to come towards her...
Arjun: (goes towards her) What happened, Ishu?? Do you need anything??
Ishu: Anna, I'm feeling so bored here... Please take me back to my room...
Arjun: Why?? You said that you felt bore staying alone in your room... That's why I bring you here... Now, you are saying that you want to go back to your room... (Caresses her hair) Why, darling?? Any problem??
Ishu: Both are having no difference, anna... (NiTiMi stop their work and look at her) Our family is quite big, but see, only few of us are here... Don't know where are others... All are busy with their works... Please, anna... Take me to my room... (Arjun looks at NiTiMi... They look at each other and wink... They get up from their place and leave from there)
Arjun: (sits beside her and hugs her arm) Ok... I'm here now... You won't feel bore... Let's talk something funny...
Ishu: (pouts) No need of that... (Turns her face)
Arjun: (smiles shaking his head) Haww!! My angel is sulking with me... (Pulls her cheek gently) So cute... (Ishana smiles) Let's go outside... (Ishana agrees)
Arjun is about to turn Ishana's wheelchair but stops hearing a music... IshAr turn and see NiTiMi wearing a white saree and dance for 'jimikki kammal' song (it's a Malayalam song and become viral in South India)... IshAr look at them in surprise... Arjun takes his mobile and record their dance... They pushed Arjun away and dance around Ishana... Savitri, RanRaDuKa and SwetMa too come there listening to the song... All are cupping their mouths to see NiTiMi dancing... Siddharth who is on call with Shivaay feeling very disturbed with the sound...
Shivaay: Siddharth, are you having any party there?? What is the loud sound??
Sid: No, Shivaay... We don't have any party here... I too don't know what is going on here... I'll go and see... (Leaves to living room) Oh, my God!!
Shivaay: What happened, Siddharth??
Sid: My sisters are dancing...
Shivaay: (smiles) Ok... You go and join them too... We will talk later... (Siddharth ends the call and goes towards his family who are enjoying their dance)
Siddharth stands beside Arjun and watch their dance... He sees RaDuKa are shaking their bodies according to the music from their position... Siddharth elbows Arjun and signs him to look towards RaDuKa... They smirk and go towards them... They push RaDuKa to join their wives... They dance with them... Ishana smiles happily looking at them... Swetlana wants to dance as well but Siddharth stops her which makes her frowns... Siddharth holds her hand and dance slowly with her... RanMaKar pull Savitri and dance with her... Arjun kneels beside Ishana with his mobile and just enjoy looking at his happy family... Arjun hugs Ishana and kisses her cheek lovingly... The song ended after a while and all stop dancing... NiTiMi go towards Ishana and hold their ears...
NiTiMi: Sorry, Ishu!!
Ishana smiles and signs them to come towards her... They go towards her...
Ishu: No, ka... I'm the one should say sorry... My condition makes me to become very cranky... (Makes a puppy face)
Tia: (pulls her cheek gently) My Ishu baby is cranky, angry or anything... We will still love her like always... (Kisses her cheek and hugs her)
NiMi: Right... (They too hug Ishana)
Savi: So, this dance is to cheer Ishu??
Nivi: Yes, daadima... Ishu felt boring sitting here and all of us are busy with our works... That's why we three decided to cheer her...
Ranveer: Ok... But, why wearing white saree??
Mithra: This is Kerala saree... That is Malayalam song, right?? That's why... Nice, right?? (Twirls around)(The guys smile at her)
RaDuKa: Gorgeous!! (NiTiMi blush listening to them)
Ishu: Haww!!! My aththans are getting romantic now... Not bad... (Towards Arjun) Anna, I think we have to send them for second honeymoon...
Arjun: I'm thinking the same too...
Madhu: (goes towards IshAr) Send them to Kerala, bhaiya... They can enjoy there...
Ishu: Boathouse will be better, right?? (Madhu nods and IshMa have a high five)
Raghav: (slaps Madhu's head) No need of that... We don't want any honeymoon...
Dush: Yeah... We are not newly wed couple to celebrate honeymoon... We are married almost five years...
Karan: Ishu, we can go to Kerala as you said... But, not for honeymoon... We go for vacation there...
Ishu: Aththans, you are so boring... I wanted you to have some sweet moments with your wives but you are planning for a family vacation... (Sighs)
Ranveer: Don't worry, Ishu... We will send them for their second honeymoon after everything solved here... (Ishana looks at him in confuse)
Ishu: What?? Is there any problem here??
Ranveer: (realised what he said) I mean after you recover fully... That is what I tried to say...
Madhu: Ishu, even though he left his police job, but didn't left his police habit... See his answers are like a police only... (Ranveer slaps her head while others chuckle)
Savi: Enough of this dance and your leg pulling session... Come and have your dinner first...
Raghav: Ok... (Looks at DuKa) Tonight we will feed Ishu...(They agrees) (Arjun stares at them) Don't stare, yaar... After you feed her first bite only... We won't snatch that rights from you...
Swet: Ok... Now, come and have the dinner first before it become cold... (All leave to have their dinner)

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