CHAPTER 38 - Ranveer's Plan Backfired

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Omkara's room

Omkara finished narrating to ShiRu... ShiRu look at him with tear filled eyes and hugs him...
Shivaay: (breaks the hug) You know what you did today?? (Cups his face) It's an achievement... I'm really proud of you, my brother... You helped a mother to give birth... It's really a big thing...
Rudra: Yes, O... Not everyone can do this in that situation... But, you took a wise decision by asking Ishana bhabhi to do the delivery...
Om: But, I hurt her terribly... She was completely shattered listening to my words...
Shivaay: I can understand what you are feeling now... But, you don't have other option than provoke her... It's not wrong, Om...
Om: No, Shivaay... I should not say like that to her... She already blaming herself for Swetlana's abortion... I was the one told her that it was a right decision... Today, I used that incident to provoke her... She must feel that I lied to her before this... But, Shivaay, trust me... I didn't mean whatever I said to her today... I just wanted her to help the lady and get rid off her guilt which are killing her till now... You know how much I felt hurt while uttering those words towards her?? She must feel hurt more... (Feeling guilty)
Shivaay feels bad looking at his brother in this state... He just hugs him...

IshMa's room

Ishana finished narrating to SwetMa... They look at her proudly...
Swet: (hugs her) Woww!!! My Ishu helped a mother to give birth... I'm really proud of my daughter... The day which were a black day for you turned out to be a colorful day... You saved two lives, Ishu!! (Kisses her forehead)
Madhu: Bhabhi is right... Your studies which you stopped few years ago become useful yesterday... You always blamed yourself for aborting bhabhi's baby... Now, you saved two lives... You know what?? You must thank Omkara... (Ishana thinks a while and looks at them with tear filled eyes)
Swet: I know that you are hurt with what Omkara said... But, Ishu, don't mistaken him... I think he simply provoke you, so that you will do the delivery...
Ishu: (cries) I know that, bhabhi... My mind understand that but my heart is hurt terribly... Each of his words pierced deeply in my heart... I felt like he said the truth only...
Madhu: (wipes her tears) No, Ishu... He is not like that... In fact, he must be feeling bad for saying those things to you... He didn't have other option than that... Did he talked to you after that??
Ishu: He tried but I don't listen to him... Then, he... (Cries)
SwetMa feel bad and hug her... Swetlana signs Madhu to take care of Ishana and she leaves from there...

Omkara's room

Rudra: You go and talk to her... She definitely will understand you... I know about her...
Om: No, Rudra... I tried to talk with her but she didn't listen to me...
Shivaay: Don't worry, Om... Everything will be fine...
Om: I promised Swetlana that Ishana will not be broken yesterday thinking about Dev... But, I broke her promise by breaking her daughter's heart again...
Voice: Don't say like that, Omkara... (ShiOmRu turn and see Swetlana at the door... She comes towards them...) Please don't say like that.... You didn't break my promise... Actually, I should thank you for taking Ishu with you yesterday... Ishu told me what happened today... I'm really proud of you both... I could feel that her guilt is lessened a bit... It's because of you, Omkara... She is little bit hurt but it can be healed....
Om: How??
Swet: (smiles) You have to think how... I can't help you in this... But, don't worry... It's not hard to melt her and that too if it is you... (Omkara is confused but ShiRu smiles understand what she means)
Om: What are you trying to say?? I don't understand...
Rudra: O, you can't understand this also?? She is saying that Ishana bhabhi can easily convinced by you... Right, Sweetlana??
Swet: Absolutely, Rudra... (Whispers to Rudra) His eyes are enough to melt her... (SwetRu chuckle and have a high five which shocks ShiOm...) (Towards ShiOmRu) Your brother is not able to understand this simple thing... I'm wondering how he is going to convince Ishu...
Shivaay: Don't underestimate us, Swetlana... The Oberois will not lose easily... I know my Omkara will able to convince your Ishu... You will do it right, Om??
Om: (startles) Huh?? Hmm.... Yes... I'll do it...
Swet: (smirks) Ok... Let's see... All the best, Omkara... (She leaves from there... Shivaay pats his back and leaves from there with Rudra)
Om: How I'm going to do it?? That too after what happened yesterday... I can't even face her after the incident... But, I need to talk to her... I must ask forgiveness from her for saying those words to her... Yesterday, she was not in the mood to listen to me... That's why I.... (Thinks something) But, I have to talk to her and explain to her...

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