CHAPTER 86 - Omkara Watches a Video

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Ishana's Room

Ishana just had shower and drying her hair in front of the mirror... Her mind is thinking about Omkara only... She looks at her engagement ring and Gauri's ring... She recalls her engagement and their talk last night... She smiles recalling all those moments... She looks at Dev's portrait and goes towards it... She caresses his face...

Ishu: Last night, I almost face the same incident like two years before... I was almost dead, Dev... I thought that I lost him too... But, the God has small mercy for me... That's why Omkara is saved... (Smiles in tears)

Living Room

ShivSidRan reached to Raichand Mansion...

Pinky: (looks at them) They comes ready... Why you are lates?? Any problem??

Tej: Shivaay, where did you go just now??

Prinku: Papa, let them sit first... (ShivSidRan smile at her...) You three sit first... I'll get some drinks for you... (Priyanka leaves to kitchen and brings some drinks for them... They have the drinks)

Shakti: Now tell us where you three went just now...

Shivaay: Bade papa, the number we called just now in hospital is belong to the real waiter...

Kalyani: Real waiter?? Means??

Sid: When he was about to come here, someone has hit him on his head and locked him in a room...

Ranveer: He called Shivaay few times after he get conscious but his mobile was with Ishu... Before Ishu could answer, these all have happened...

Arjun: This must be the real killer's work... He wanted to kill both Shivaay and Ishu last night... But, Om and Madhu came in between saving them...

Annika: But, how he knows who are the waiters that coming to our mansion?? (RaDuKa come that time)

Raghav: It's not hard for him to find out about Oberois functions... (All turn and see RaDuKa at the door)

Karan: Exactly... He must have know every single thing about the function... That's why he made one of his man to enter the mansion disguised as a waiter...

Shivaay: But, I have checked thoroughly their ID cards, then how...

Dush: Maybe, he made the same ID like the other waiters or he entered the mansion through any other way...

Soumya: How about the one who shot bade baalwale bhaiya??

Ranveer: We didn't find about him yet... We watched the footage but it's not very clear... The CCTV is at the main entrance only... So, we can't see his face...

Karthik: That means there are two people... One to kill Shivaay and another one to kill Ishu maa... If I get both of them in my hands, that will be the last day for him...

Sid: Where is Ishu??

Swet: She is sleeping in her room...

Raghav: Are you sure she is sleeping??

Swet: Do you think she will be sleeping?? (All shake their heads)

Karan: But, she has to sleep... She didn't sleep the whole night... It's ok... I know what to do...

Sid: Shivaay, I think we can find something if we go and search at your lawn...

Shivaay: Yeah... Let's go...

Arjun: Shivaay, we will go and search... You go to hospital and stay with Omkara... Last night, you let Ishu to stay with him... We know how much you love your brothers especially Om...

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