CHAPTER 51 - IshPriMa Get Caught

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Next morning


SidLana, Ranveer and Savitri are sitting at dining room for their breakfast... MaKar come there bringing the food...
Savi: Where is Arjun, RaDuKa and NiTiMi??
Swet: Arjun went to Ishu's room to feed her breakfast... I don't know about RaDuKa and NiTiMi... (Arjun comes there with Ishana)
Ishu: Good morning, everyone...
All: Good morning...
Sid: Arjun, why did you bring her here??
Arjun: Ishu wants to eat with us... That's why I bring her here...
Ishu: Why, anna?? You don't want to eat with me?? (Makes a sad face)
Sid: No, darling... You must not strain yourself till your wounds recover... That's why I asked... (Kisses her forehead) We too love to eat with you...
Ishu: (smiles and kisses his cheek) Thank you, anna...
Sid: (pulls her wheelchair near to him) Arjun, you go and sit... Today, I will feed Ishu...
Arjun: Sure, bhaiya... But, I'm the one will feed her first bite... You can't snatch that from me...
Sid: Ok, meri bhai... You can feed her first bite as usual... I won't come in between that... But, I'm the one will feed her after that...
Voice: Let us to feed her too... (They turn and see RaDuKa walking towards them... They hug Ishana and sit at their places)
Sid: Sorry, guys... Today, I will feed her... You all can feed her another day... (RaDuKa agree with him)
Ranveer: Why are you late?? As I know, three of you will be the earliest than anyone here?? (RaDuKa look at each other and just smile at Ranveer... IshMa chuckle covering their mouths)
Arjun: Why your eyes are red?? Three of you didn't sleep last night?? (RaDuKa who are having their breakfast cough listening to Arjun)
Savi: Where are your wives?? Still sleeping?? (Ishana chuckles again)
Madhu: Daadima, relax... They must be coming now... (NiTiMi come there that time...)
Nivi: Sorry, daadima... We are late...
Savi: It's ok... Go and have your breakfast... (They go and sit beside their husbands... They smile shyly looking at them... RaDuKa too smile shyly at them which didn't go unnoticed by everyone... SidLana smile looking at each other...)
Arjun: (whispers) What is happening here?? Why these six are behaving like this??
Ranveer: (whispers) That is what I'm wondering... I never seen them like this before... Let me ask them... (Turns to call Karan)
Sid: (who is listening to their conversation stops Ranveer) What are you trying to do??
Arjun: We just want to know why they are behaving weirdly?? (Ranveer agrees)
Sid: (surprised) Ranveer, you too?? I can't believe this... I still can accept if Arjun reacting like this... But, you?? You are going to get married in few months... But still doesn't understand this kind of stuff... (ArRan look at him confusingly) This is husband and wife's matter... Understand??
ArRan: (raised their eyebrows and nods their head) Haww!!!
Savi: What you three are whispering?? Faster feed Ishu... She needs to take her medicines...
ArSid: (slaps their heads) Yeah... Sorry, Ishu... (Arjun feeds her first followed by Siddharth)
Madhu winks at Karthika for their plan being successful making Karthika stunned... Karthika turns away and smiles slightly... NiRag, DushTi and MiKar are stealing each other glances... Ishana just smiles in tears looking at them...
Savi: Swetlana, where is your brother, Ashok??
Arjun: Yes, bhabhi... I too wanted to ask you the same... Where is he?? I didn't see him since we came here... (Ishana who is having her food chokes hearing them... Karthika gives water to her while Madhu pats her back)
Swet: I don't know, daadima, Arjun... He didn't say anything to me... He went suddenly... (All continue having their breakfast while IshMa looking each other in tense)
Arjun brings Ishana back to her room... Ranveer received a call and he leave to attend it... SwetMaKar leave to kitchen bringing the plates... NiTiMi are cleaning the table and RaDuKa are helping them... NiTiMi are blushing looking at them... RaDuKa hold them closer... MaKar come from kitchen and look at them... They smile looking at each other...
Karthika: I think the medicines effect are still there with them...
Madhu: (chuckles) Right... Let's go without disturbing them... (Turns to leave but they see Ranveer walks towards them... He sees RaDuKa are lost in NiTiMi...
Ranveer: (towards Madhu) Madhu, we need to go to Oberoi Mansion... Shivaay wants to meet us...
Madhu: But, why me?? Usually, he will meet you, Siddharth bhaiya and jijus only... You all are forgotten that I'm in the mission too...
Ranveer: Who said we forgot that you are with us?? If you be with us always, our family will have doubt on us... That's why we didn't call you most of the time... But, we told you what we discussed, right??
Madhu: (smiles) I'm kidding only, bhaiya... Shivaay sir wants to meet both of us only??
Ranveer: Nope... Actually, he asked RaDuKa to come as well... But, seeing their state now, I don't think they will react for anything... (RanMaKar chuckle) We will go first... Karthika, ask them to come to Oberoi Mansion after they finish their romance... (Karthika nods and RanMa leave from there)

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