CHAPTER 105 - Another Surprise for IshKara

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Ishana's pregnancy make has made both families happy... She, Annika and Swetlana have been pampered by everyone... Few weeks later, Soumya too get pregnant... Oberoi Mansion has filled with happiness again... Rudra becomes very happy that he is going to become a father and chachu at the same time... ShivOmRu take care of their wives carefully... They handle their mood swings patiently... However, in Swetlana's case, Arjun will be the victim for her mood swings... Her cravings will be on middle of the night only... She will go to Arjun's room and ask him to take her for ice cream or golgappe...

Arjun: Bhabhi, why you don't ask bhaiya to take you?? You always ruining my sleep...

Swet: (with a cute puppy face) If he takes me and we couldn't find what we want, he will say that he will get them tomorrow... I too can't disobey him and will agree with him... (Changes her tone) But, if I take you, I will slap your head and will ask you to take me till we find what I want... (Arjun looks at her shockingly...) Now, the same will happen if you don't come with me... (Pulls his collar and drags him from there...)

On the other side, Omkara find it difficult to handle Ishana's mood swings which he couldn't understand the reason... Sometimes, she won't talk to him and will distance herself from him... He thinks that her pregnancy made her to behave like this and won't disturb her... One day, he returns from his art gallery and goes to his room... He sees her crying sitting on the bed... He feels worried and goes towards her...

Om: (holds her face) What happened, Ishana?? Are you feeling any pain?? (Touches her stomach)

Ishu: (sobs) No... Nothing like that...

Om: Then, why are you crying?? I'm noticing you these days, you are looking disturbed... Tell me, Ishana... What is bothering you?? You are not even talking to me properly... Did I do anything wrong??

Ishu: You can't do anything wrong, Omkara... I'm the one...... (Cries again...)

Om: (holds her face) Don't cry... Tell me...

Ishu: You won't mistake me, right?? You won't think cheap about me, right??

Om: (confused) Cheap?? Tell me clearly, Ishana...

Ishu: I'm craving...... (Omkara sighs in relief)

Om: Craving?? (Ishana nods... He chuckles...) Why I want to mistake you if you are craving?? This is normal in this situation... Ok... Tell me what are you craving for?? I will get it for you... (Ishana keeps quiet) Golgappe?? (Ishana shakes her head) Phav bhaji?? (Again she shakes) Bhel puri?? (Again she shakes) Idli?? Dhosa??

Ishu: Not that...

Om: Then what??

Ishu: You...

Om: What??

Ishu: You... (Cries) I'm craving for you only... I'm craving for your touch!! I'm craving for your love!! I'm craving for your kiss!! I'm craving to be loved by you... (Cries like a kid... Omkara is surprised listening to her craving... He never thought that she is having this type of craving... He has read that during pregnancy, the wife will be aroused easily because of their hormones... He mentally cursed himself for not understanding her feelings... Ishana sees him not saying anything...) You must thinking that I'm getting shameless saying like this to you.... That's why I kept quiet and stayed away from you... (Moves away from him...)

Om: (pulls her closer) You don't have to feel shame, ok?? I'm your husband and you are having rights on me... I'm an idiot to think you are distancing from me because of your mood swing... (Shakes her face gently) I made my poor wife upset... (Smirks) Since when you are craving for me??

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