CHAPTER 16 - Madhu knows about RanRaDuKa's plan

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RanRaDuKa turn to the voice and shocked look at the person.. The person walks towards them..
Ranveer: Priyanka, you???
Prinku: Yes.. It's me.. I heard what you all were talking just now.. (RaDuKa get shocked.. Priyanka smiles looking at their expression) Why you all are looking at me like this?? Ranveer didn't tell you all that I already knew about it?? (RaDuKa look at Ranveer and he just nods)
Karan: Priyanka, we are sorry... But, please trust us.. She never do it intentionally..
Dush: Yes, Priyanka.. In fact, she didn't even remember what happened that time..
Prinku: (smiles sweetly) Don't say sorry... I'm not here to blame her... Ranveer explained to me last night itself... I was also in the same situation few years back...(teary eyes) My brother try to save me that time and now you all are trying to save your sister in law.. I can understand her pain...(RaDuKa feel bad looking at Priyanka)
Ranveer realise that Priyanka is still feeling guilty for causing his sister's death.. He hugs her and kisses her forehead..
Ranveer: (breaks the hug) Last night, you only told to forget the past and focus on our present and future.. Why you are still looking at your past?? We can't change whatever happened in our past... It was an accident and we only can blame our fate... Don't blame yourself again.. Ok?? (Priyanka smiles and nods at him... Both of them hug again... RaDuKa just smile looking at the love birds... PriVeer break their hug..)
Raghav: Priyanka, you said that you will tell how to make Ranveer stay here.. Do you have any idea??
Prinku: Haan, yes... I have an idea but I don't know you all will agree or not..
Karan: You tell us the plan... We will decide it is good or not...
Prinku: Ranveer, what are you doing now??
Ranveer: I told you right... I'm assisting Ishu in managing her event planning agency.. IshDev Events..
Prinku: Right!! I will tell you the plan.. (says something in mute)
Ranveer: So, I don't have to go back to Chennai... (Jumps happily and lifts Priyanka) Thank you, Priyanka.. (puts her down)
Raghav: But, how we are going to convince jiju and Arjun?? They won't let Ishu to stay here...
Voice: I have a plan for that... (All turn towards the voice and get shocked again except Priyanka)
RanRaDuKa: Not again!!! (Priyanka walks towards the person who is in tears and bring towards them)
Prinku: When I came to meet you, she is the one take me here... And, she heard you as well...
Ranveer goes near her and wipes her tears.. She hugs him and cries badly..
Ranveer: Madhu, relax... Everything will be fine... Please don't cry... (RaDuKa too come and console her)
Madhu: How come I don't cry?? My bhaiya and jijus are suffering this much but I know nothing about it... You are having these many pain inside but pretend to be happy outside... You didn't tell me also... (Sobs)
Raghav: Madhu, we didn't meant to hide this matter... We don't want our family to worry... Our family means including you... Already, they are worried thinking of her life... If they got to know about this, they will be more worried...
Madhu: But, Jiju... They knew right about the accident?? Then, what is wrong if tell them about it??
Karan: No, Madhu... They only knew she did the accident... But, they don't know whom she hit... Only five of us know about it and now you two...
Madhu: Five?? But, you are four only... Who is another one??
Dush: Karan, it's actually six.. Not five..
Madhu: Five, six... Don't confuse me.. Tell me who else know about it...
Raghav: One is Rohan, our friend... And another one is...(cuts by Ranveer)
Ranveer: Your man...(smiles teasingly)
Madhu: Oo.. He too knew about it??? (RaDuKa and Priyanka look at RanMa confusingly while Ranveer just smiles at them... He signs them to be quiet..)
Prinku: Madhu, you said you have a plan to make Ishana to stay here.. What is it??
Madhu: I'll tell you... (She says something in mute)
Dush: Woww!!! Not bad, Madhu... I'm impressed...
Ranveer: Priyanka, you go back and start your plan.. While we will execute our plan here... (Priyanka agrees and leave to Oberoi Mansion.. While they go inside their house)


Omkara's Room

Omkara is mixing the clay thinking about Ishana... His heart felt restless since he knows that the Raichands are leaving... Actually, not the Raichands but Ishana is leaving... He doesn't wants her to leave... ShiRu come and see that he is lost in his thought... They clear their throats to make him come out from his thought... Omkara realised their presence and smiles at them.. Shivaay signs Rudra... Rudra nods at him...
Rudra: I can't believe my Ishana bhabhi is leaving... She only can understand my feelings... Now, she is going... I'm going to miss her very much... Who will call me Rudraa?? How sweet to hear it from her?? She is different from other girls...
Om: She is not different... She is simply unique... I never seen a girl like her before... Matured, selfless, understanding, and don't know what else I can say about her... You know?? When I knew that I'm the one threw the fire cracker on her, I felt really bad... And I was thinking how to rectify my deed... But, she didn't care about it and thank me for doing that... She said that is the reason Arjun accepted her and loves her a lot... She is simply amazing... (Lost in her thoughts while ShiRu smiles looking at each other)
Rudra: (goes near him) You want her to leave?? (Low tone)
Om: No..(still in his thought)
Rudra: You want her to stay here??
Om: Yes...
Rudra: Do you love her?? (Shivaay slaps his head.. Before Om could reply, Annika and Soumya come to the room worry about something)
Annika: Three of you, come with us for a while...
Shivaay: What's wrong, Annika?? You both are looking worried..
Soumya: Bade bhaiya, Priyanka is crying..
Om: Why?? What happened??
Annika: Don't know... She is saying that no one loves her...
Rudra: What?? How can she said that?? We all love her very much... Let's go and talk to her...
All of them leave to the living room where Priyanka is crying badly while JhaNky and Kalyani are consoling her... ShiOmRu go to her and hug her...
Shivaay: What's wrong, Prinku?? Why are you crying like this??
Prinku: (sobs) No one care for me... No one love me... You all are busy with your life and never care for me...
Om: (wipes her tears) Who said that?? We all love you very much... How can you think that we don't love you??
Prinku: Really?? Then, why no one bothered about my birthday?? And you all don't even ask what I want for my birthday...
Rudra: But, there are few more weeks for your birthday... Why are you worrying now??
Shivaay: (signs Rudra to keep quiet and holds Priyanka's shoulders) Ok... What you want for your birthday???
Prinku: (smiles happily) Really, bhaiya?? You will do whatever I asked??
Shivaay: (smiles) Of course I will... You can ask anything... Dress, jewels, house, chopper or anything... You will get it.. It's your brothers promise... Right, OmRu??
OmRu: Yes!!!
Prinku: (smiles) This year.. for my birthday.. I want.. a grand party..
All: Party??? (Priyanka nods)
Soumya: But, you don't like parties.. Why suddenly this year you want party??
Prinku: I felt like celebrating my birthday like that... Please bhaiya... I want a grand party for my birthday...
Shivaay: No problem... I will do all the arrangements for your birthday..
Prinku: Thanks, bhaiya... Bhaiya, I want an event planner who will do the arrangements wholeheartedly just like Annika bhabhi...
Shivaay: Where I will find that type of planner??
Soumya: I know one person but I'm not sure that person will agree or not...
Rudra: Who is the person??
Soumya: It's none other than our Ishana...
Annika: Yeah... I remember... That day Tia was telling that Ishana runs an event planning agency...
Shivaay: But, how we want to ask her?? They are leaving to Chennai...
Om: But, they don't leave yet!!! We can try to ask first... (All look at him surprised... Omkara realised what he said and try to covers) I mean they didn't leave yet... So, we can ask them first... I'm saying for our Prinku only... (Shivika, RuMya and Priyanka smile teasingly)
Kalyani: How they will agree to leave her alone here??
Prinku: No, daadi... She is not running it alone... Ranveer and Swetlana are assisting her as well...
Rudra: Now I understand why you want a grand party for your birthday... (gives a teasing smile)
Prinku: (blushes) It's not like that, bhaiya... I just want to celebrate differently this year...
ShiOmRu: Yeah, right!!!
Shivaay: I'll try to talk to them first...
Prinku: (excited) Thanks, bhaiya..(hugs him)

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