CHAPTER 40(B) - Ishana Is Critical!!

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ShiOmRu reached the hospital with Ishana... Omkara rush inside with Ishana shouting for the doctor... ShiRu look behind to see the Raichands but they didn't reach yet... They run towards Omkara... The doctor comes and see Ishana... He asked the staff to take her to ICU... Ishana is being taken to ICU... Omkara is keep on holding her hand... She is bleeding terribly... The doctor stops them outside the ICU...
Doc: Sorry, Mr Oberoi... You can't come inside... Please wait here... (Looks at Shivaay) Mr Oberoi, is the patient related to you?? We need the signature of their family member... (ShiRu look at each other while Omkara looks at Ishana who is lying lifelessly)
Shivaay: She is my..... (Cuts by Omkara)
Om: My wife... (ShiRu are shocked... Omkara looks at the doctor..) She is my wife, MRS ISHANA OMKARA SINGH OBEROI... Where I have to sign?? (The doctor ask the nurse to give the form to Omkara...)
Om: (goes to Ishana) Nothing will happen to you... (Kisses her forehead which is having his blood sign... He recalls how his blood dropped on her middle partition when he lifted the chandelier...) Please come back soon... I can't afford to loose you...(Cries holding her hand)
Shivaay: (gently pulls Omkara from Ishana) Let them do their work... (Ishana is taken into ICU... Omkara wipes his tears and sign the form... He gives it to the nurse...)
ShiOmRu turn and see the Raichands rushing towards them...
Sid: Shivaay, how is Ishu?? Did the doctor said anything??
Shivaay: They are treating her now... Please be relax... Nothing will happen to her...
Savitri, SwetMa and NiTiMi go and see Ishana from outside the door... They cry seeing her wounds... RaDuKa and SidRan console them... Madhu kneels down and cries covering her face... Karthik too cries badly from far... Ranveer goes and hugs him... Priyanka hugs Madhu and cries... Savitri cries badly thinking of Ishana's state... SweNiTiMi make her to sit on a chair and console her...
Om: It's happened because of me... It's supposed to fall on me but she.... (ShiRu hug him) Shivaay, I'm too bad... I scolded her badly just now but still she saved me... Why, Shivaay??
Shivaay: (pats his back) Shhh... She will be fine...
Rudra: Yes, O... Ishana bhabhi is our Iron Lady... She bear a lot of pain before... This is just a small matter... (Cries) You see, she will come and call me Rudraa...
Om: Shivaay, I can't bear if anything happens to her... I already lost my Gauri... I can't lose her too... (Cries badly... ShiRu are shocked to hear his statement which is almost a confession... They just just hug him...)
The Oberois too come there after sending off the guests...
Annika: (runs towards Shivaay) Shivaay, what the doctor said?? Is she fine??
Shivaay: (sadly) They are still treating her, Annika...
Madhu: (goes towards Savitri) I'm sorry, daadima... I supposed to pull her strongly but I didn't do that... If I pulled her strongly, this must not happen... It's all my mistake... (Cries lying on her lap)
Savi: (caress her hair) No, beta... It's not your mistake... No one can be blamed in this situation... It has been written to happen... Nothing in our hands...
Sid: (goes towards Madhu) Don't blame yourself, Madhu... You tried your best to save her but the chandelier is too fast... But, you know what?? Luckily, you pulled her and just half of her body been hit by the chandelier... So, thanks to you... (Looks at her hand) Madhu, your hand is injured as well... See how much it's bleeding??
Madhu: No, bhaiya... It's nothing... I'm fine only...
Ranveer: Just shut up!!! Come with me...
Madhu: No, bhaiya... I'm not coming... Ranveer goes and say something to a nurse... She nods and bring a tray follows behind Ranveer... She comes to Madhu and bandaged her wound... Siddharth sees Omkara's hands are bleeding as well... He told the nurse to treat him as well... She obeys and bandaged his hands... The doctor comes out from ICU...
Om: (rush to the doctor) Doctor, how is she??
Doc: We cannot say anything now, Mr Oberoi... She is quite lucky the chandelier fell on her half of her body only... But, she suffer a lot of blood loss... Her blood group is O- and it is very rare to get... Our bank too doesn't have this group... If anyone of you having the same blood group, it will be easier...
Swet: Doctor, take my blood... Mine is O-...
Doc: Good... Come with me...
Madhu: (stops Swetlana) No... She cannot give her blood...
Ranveer: Why??
Madhu: Actually, her hemoglobin is very low... That's why she can't give her blood... (Ranveer is looking at her suspiciously)
Doc: Oh... So, we have to ask from other sources... You also try to find from your side... We need to get the blood as soon as possible... (Leaves from there)
Sid: (thinks a while) There is another person's blood match with Ishu other than Swetlana but that person is not here...
Shivaay: Nevermind... We will try to find here... Definitely there will be someone having the same blood group as Ishana... Don't lose your hope... Nothing will happen to our Ishana...
All started to find the blood match... They are asking help through phone calls, messages and social media... But, they don't get positive response... Shivaay tried to use his influence but still the response was negative... But, they don't lose hope and try to search again... A doctor look at them and walk towards them...
Doc: Mr Ranveer, you are here?? (Ranveer looks at him in confuse) Do you still remember me?? I'm Dr Pratap... We met at Chennai Appollo Hospital few years back...
Ranveer: (remembers meeting him) Yes, doctor... I remember... Sorry, I'm tensed about something else...
Doc: I could see that... Anyone admitted here??
Ranveer: Yes, doctor... Ishu is in critical condition in ICU...
Doc: You mean Ishana?? (Ranveer nods at him... The doctor goes inside ICU and talk with the doctors there... He come back after a while...) They need O- blood group urgently... I'll try from my side as well... (Pats Ranveer's shoulder) Don't worry, Mr Ranveer... That girl is very strong and nothing can happen to her... She has many peoples blessings for saving their lives before... That will help her... Be confident and stay strong... She will be fine... The God is not that cruel to punish this innocent girl... (Looks at Madhu who is sitting on the floor with her back leaned on the wall...) She is Madhu, right?? The girl that you and Ishana saved years before?? (Ranveer nods) She is the one having......(Ranveer cries and again nods... The doctor smiles) Don't worry, Mr Ranveer... Your Ishana will be alright...(with confident)
Dr Pratap goes to Madhu and says something... Madhu wipes her tears and gets up from her place... She runs from there... All are confused with her behavior... Ranveer calms them and runs behind her followed by Karthik... Madhu goes towards Lord Durga's idole which placed at a corner... She kneels in front of her and folds her hands...
Madhu: (cries in anger) Why are you doing like this to her?? Why she is the one has to face all the difficulties?? Her happiness also don't stay with her for long... You snatched the happiness from her too and gives her only pain and sorrow... Why?? What she did that you make her suffer like this?? Even though you did like that to her, not even once she lost her trust in you... (Sobs) You are a mother, right?? How do you able to see your daughter suffers like this?? She only done good things in her life?? Is that a sin being a good person?? (Cries) Please don't make her suffer anymore... She have to live... If you feel a bit of mercy for her, please save her... We all need her... (Cries vigorously) If you want to take a life, take mine... She gave me this life... I'm ready to sacrifice it for her...
RanKa see her praying from far... They are shocked to hear the last statement from her... Ranveer is about to go towards her but someone goes and holds her shoulder... Madhu turns and surprised to see the person...
Madhu: (hugs him tightly and cries) Bhaiya, our Ishu...
Man: (cups her face) Shhh.... Nothing will happen to her... Her Arjun anna is here... I won't let anything happen to her...
Ranveer: (goes towards them) Arjun, you here?? I thought you didn't come... How do you know about Ishu??
Arjun: I went to Oberoi Mansion just now... Khanna told me everything... How is Ishu??
RanMa: They want O- blood for her...
Arjun: Ok... Let's go... (They look at him in confuse) What?? Come faster... I need to save my sister...
Madhu: Bhaiya, you all go... I won't come till I know that Ishu is fine... I will continue my fight with her... I know she will listen to me... See you came... I know she will make our Ishu fine... Till then, I won't move from this place... (Arjun is about to say something but Ranveer stops him)
Ranveer: Leave her... She won't listen to anyone now... (Signs Karthik to look at Madhu... Karthik agrees and Ranveer leaves with Arjun..)

ArRan go towards where their family are waiting... Arjun feels bad looking at his family who are broken thinking of their beloved angel... He is shattered too from inside but he have to stay strong for them... He goes towards Siddharth and touch his shoulder... Siddharth surprised to him and burst into tears hugging him... Arjun hugs him back and pats him calming down him...
Sid: (breaks the hug) Thank God you came... I thought you won't come.. You are the one can save our Ishu now...
The doctor comes out from the room...
Doc: Did you find the donor?? Her condition is getting worse...
Arjun: Doctor, my blood group is O- as well... You can take mine...
Doc: That's great... Sister, bring him with you...
Arjun is taken by the nurse to take his blood... He came after a while rubbing his hand with a cotton...
Shivaay gets up from his place and make Arjun to sit there... Arjun sees Omkara sits sadly... He could understand Omkara's affection towards Ishana and vice versa... He actually feels happy for them...
Omkara recalls all the moments they spent together... He smiles thinking all of those memories... He closed his eyes and flashes of the chandelier falling on her came in hid mind... He jerks from his seat recalls about it... Shivaay and Arjun calm him...
Arjun: (holds his hand) Don't worry, Om... She will be fine... I know about my sister... She won't give up easily...
Om: (looks at him) I'm surprised... I heard you are the one more close to her than anyone... You can't even bear a single scratch on her... But, now you are staying strong...
Arjun: Ishu gave me this strength, Om... She told me before that if there a situation that make my family broke down, I am the one have to stay strong if she is not here... Now, my family are shattered for her... So, I have to stay strong... It was my promise to her... (Omkara looks at him proudly)
Ishana is being treated in ICU... All are waiting outside and pray for Ishana silently... They are waiting impatiently for the doctor to come and tell about Ishana's condition... On the other side, Madhu is praying hard for Ishana's well being... Karthik wants to go and see Ishana but he doesn't want to leave Madhu alone...
After few hours, the doctor comes... All rush towards the doctor...

Precap: Ishana is saved... Madhu collapsed... IshKara moment...

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