CHAPTER 36 - Karthik Teased Madhu

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Ranveer's room

RaDuKaKar are there as well...
Ranveer: Why you guys came here suddenly?? I thought you said that you will come a day before the functions because your conference get extended... That is why you sent Karthik here as Karthika to help me... If I'm not mistaken, this is what you wrote in the letter which you asked me to dispose it after finished reading it...
Dush: (smiles) We thought like that but we were restless after knowing about Ashok arrival and how he emotionally attacked Ishu...
Karan: But, we are relieved when you said that ShiOmRu are with us... And that is the reason we sent the video to you which we were hiding from our family these years...
Raghav: Right... But, did you all identify it was Ashok in the clip?? Because he wore mask that time, if I'm not mistaken...
Ranveer: It's not hard to identify that creep... By looking at his body language, we all knew that it was him... Besides, I was going to tell them about it only that time... And, you send the video before I tell them... Luckily, Dev removed his mask and exposed Ashok's face...
Karan: Did that Ashok tried to do anything??
Ranveer: Nothing till now... He is keeping quiet only... We couldn't find the reason for him being here... Either he is trying to harm SwetIsh... (Cuts by Karthik)
Karthik: Or any other plan?? (RanRaDuKa are surprised)
Raghav: But, what could be his plan??
Karthik: That we need to find out... I don't think he is here to do nothing... He must have a reason...
Dush: Now, we are here as well... Let's see what he is going to do... No one can keep silent for a long time... One day, he have to open his mouth... That time we will know what is his real intention?? Swetlana didi, Ishu or any other plan??
Karan: Whatever it is, we are not going to let him to succeed in his plan... (All nods with confident)
Raghav: Ranveer, was Ishu fine yesterday??
Ranveer: Actually, Omkara took her out yesterday... She was fine that time but she was not fine when she came back... Don't know what happened...
Dush: It's surprising... She went out yesterday?? I thought she had lock herself in room without eating anything...
Karthik: You have to thank Omkara and Swetlana bhabhi for that... It was their plan to divert Ishu maa's mind...
Karan: (smiles) This Omkara is definitely having something... He knows how to convince her and Ishu can't refuse him...
Raghav: I think our work become easier to unite them..
Ranveer: No, Raghav... It become hard now... They both were ignoring each other since they came last night...
Dush: Oh!!?? So, something happened yesterday when they went out together... Did you try to find out about that??
Karthik: No... Bhabhi stopped us from asking them...
Karan: She did right... It's better if we don't ask them about it... Moreover, they can't stay away for long... Their fate will bring them together...
Ranveer: I agree with that... But, you didn't answer my question yet... Why you came early??
Karthik: I told them about Gauri's pregnancy... (Ranveer looks at him surprised) I felt it will be better if they are here as well...
Raghav: Moreover, our conference too ended yesterday and we planned to come tomorrow... After know about this, we changed our mind and came today itself...
Dush: We don't want you to be tensed during your engagement...
Ranveer: (smiles and hugs them) Thanks, yaar... I feel more stronger now...
Karthik: Can I go back to Chennai now??
RanRaDuKa: (confused) Why??
Karthik: You all are together now... You won't need my help anymore... What will I do staying here?? (Pouts)
Ranveer: (slaps his head) Don't be a drama queen... You are just disguising as a girl, please don't behave like a girl... (Karthik stares him) Just kidding, yaar... We need you as well and we all are together now...
Karthik: I too was kidding... (RanRaDuKa hug him)
Voice: What's going on here?? (All turn and see PriMa at the door... Madhu is staring angrily at Karthika)
Madhu: (goes towards them) Jijus, bhaiya, why did you hug this girl?? (Towards Karthika) And you shameless girl, why you always like to hug the men?? Not even once I see you hug any girls...(PriVeer and RaDuKa chuckle silently watching the scene...)
Karthika: Why I can't hug the guys?? Is there any wrong to hug them?? In fact, just now you hugged them too... So, what is your problem??
Madhu: They are my brother and jijus... Nothing wrong in that... But, you....
Karthika: They are like my brothers too... (Madhu is about to say something but stops hearing her statement... Madhu just looks at her)
Ranveer: I think she is jealous that you are not hugging her... Karthika, hug her as well... (Karthika smirks at Madhu which surprised PriVeer...)
Madhu: (stammers) No... I didn't mean that... (Turns to leave but Karthika holds her hand)
Karthika: Why are you running away?? (Thinks something) Yeah, now I remember... You want me to return the hug that you gave me few days before, right?? (Madhu looks at him shockingly) Fine... I don't want to keep it with me... Let me give it back to you... (She brings Madhu closer and tries to hug her... Madhu feels something and pushes Karthika away... Madhu runs from there leaving Karthik who is laughing looking at her... He gets a call and leave to his room to answer it)
PriVeer and RaDuKa cup their mouth in shock...
Raghav: What is going on here??
Ranveer: What I and Ishu wanted these years...
Dush: You mean these two... (Cuts by Ranveer)
Ranveer: Not yet... Still in progress just like IshKara...
Karan: But, how?? He always fight with her...
Prinku: Bhaiya, some love starts with fight only... Shivaay bhaiya and Rudra bhaiya's love story started like that only... Till now they are fighting but with love... Who knows these two can be like them as well...
Dush: Shivaay and Rudra's love story started with fight... How about Omkara's love story?? I mean his and Gauri's love...
Prinku: Their love story started with misunderstanding... (She narrates RiKara story to them) They did fight but not like ShiRu bhaiyas... They were happy after their marriage and till one day all of our happiness gone from us... (Looks down feeling sad... Ranveer hugs her shoulder...) You know what?? Our family started to laugh wholeheartedly after you all came here... Before that, there were not any happiness in our laugh and jokes... (Tears started to flow from her eyes)
Karan: (wipes her tears) We too in the same situation as you before... Ishu was completely broken after Dev's death but she stayed strong for us... We too stayed strong for her...
Raghav: Ishu is very much younger than us... But, sometimes we feel that we need to learn a lot from her... She suffered a lot in her life... But, she never tell us her pain and hide them within herself... We want to do something for her... That is why we agreed with Ranveer and came to Mumbai...
Dush: We never thought that we will meet your family and get closer with you all... Our plan for coming to Mumbai was different... It's true that we want to find the truth but getting closer to your family was not our plan...
Prinku: I know that, bhaiya... Our family know each other earlier before... It's our fate to meet each other... Maybe, we can find the truth easily...
Karan: Yeah... Ranveer, I think we have to start our search now... We all are here now and it will be better if we start now... But, not all of us... (Karthika comes there after finishing her call) I and Karthik will start first... Just give us the files which are having the details of the incident... I'll see if any loop holes can be find there...
Ranveer: Sure... I'll get them for you... (Goes and take the files from his cupboard) These are the files... Actually, I and Karthik tried to go through the files but we couldn't find any loop holes... I hope maybe you can find something there... (Hand over the files)
Karan: (takes the files) I hope the same too... If not, we have to go to the place where the accident happened... But, let me read this first...
Raghav: Ranveer, the day after Arjun's award function, you told us that our arrival to Mumbai started to give effect for Ishu... What was that??
Ranveer: (thinks a while) Thanks for reminding me... I was completely forgotten about that... I'll tell you after I sure about it... But, for that, we need to do something... (All look at him in surprise)
All: What?? (Ranveer tells something to them in mute... All are shocked to hear him..)
Dush: Are you mad, Ranveer?? What's the need of doing it??
Karan: It will hurt her again... Do you want her to get hurt?? (Ranveer is about to say something)
Karthik: Sometimes we have to hurt someone for their happiness... Right, Ranveer?? (All look at Karthik)
Ranveer: (smiles and nods his head) Trust me... Each of her pain and tears will be the beginning of her happiness... We have to do it...
Prinku: We are ready to do it... But, what is that about??
Ranveer: I have a small doubt on something... But, I still couldn't connect it... Somehow, I felt like it is related with something... Maybe, her childhood, the accident or Dev's death... (All look at him in confuse)
Prinku: When we are going to do it??
Ranveer: In a while... You are the one going to start it... I'll sign you when you have to begin...
Prinku: Sure... I will do as you said... But, now, let's go down and join them... Or they will come looking for us...
Karan: Ok, guys... You all continue with the work... I and Karthik will go through these files first... (They leave from there while RanRaDuPri go and join others with engagement preparations)

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