CHAPTER 76- Omkara's Drastic Step

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The Raichands who went to temple with Kalyani thought to send Kalyani first at Oberoi Mansion before leaving to their house... Ranveer was busy in his call and doesn't aware that they are going to Oberoi Mansion... He ends his call and shocked to see their car at Oberoi Mansion... All are walking towards the house...

Ranveer: God!! How I didn't realise this?? Om said that he will make Ishu to confess about her marriage with Dev... I don't know what is happening inside there... (Holds his head and follows them from behind)

The Raichands are involved in their talk while entering the house... They are surprised to see IshKara arguing with each other... They are looking each other in confused... Ishana's last statement shocked them to the core... Swetlana who is holding the pooja plate dropped it on the floor in shock... IshKara and the Oberois turn towards the sound and shocked to see them... Kalyani is holding Savitri who almost collapsed...

The Oberois hold their heads in shock because they never expect them to come here... Ranveer who just entered the house is shocked as well... Ishana doesn't know what to do at that time... ArSid walk towards her...

Arjun: Ishu, is that true??

Ishu: (sadly) Bhaiya...

Sid: Please tell us that it's not true... (His eyes are welled with tears... He holds her shoulders) You didn't marry him right that day?? (Ishana looks down and cries)

The Oberois feel bad looking at her helpless state... Ranveer goes towards them...

Ranveer: No, Siddharth... She is married to him that day... He died after that only...

Arjun: (holds his collar in anger) You aware of this?? (Ranveer nods his head) Then, why you hide this from us?? Do you know how big this matter is?? Why you didn't tell us?? (RaDuKa who are keeping quiet go towards them)

Raghav: You didn't think to tell us also about this?? You stayed with us these years but not even once you told us about it...

Dush: You wanted to free her from guilt and you told about her causing Gauri's death... But, you never tell about this...

Karan: Just for our happiness, right?? You both hide this pain inside your hearts... You didn't feel to share this pain with anyone of us...

Ranveer: Happiness can be shared with loved ones... But, not our pain... And, if the pain can shatter the whole family, better to not to tell them... (Tears are coming from his eyes)

Sid: (cups Ishana's face) My Ishu faced a tragedy but we don't aware of it... We are not able to do anything... I'm feeling ashamed of myself for being a helpless brother... I failed as a brother...

Savi: (cries loudly) No!! I'm the one failed!! I failed your dadaji.... He always tell me that Ishu should not face any troubles in her life... After his death, I promised that I won't let her to suffer in her life... But, these many years she faced only suffer, suffer, suffer!!! (SweNiTiMi try to calm her) I failed your dadaji today... How I will tell him that his Ishu is a widow who lost her husband on her wedding day?? (Falls on her knees and cries badly... SweNiTiMi hug her and they too cry badly... Ishana couldn't stand anymore and runs towards them... She kneels beside them and hugs them...)

Ishu: (cries) This is why I hide it from you... I know you all will be broken like this... And, I can't see my family to break down like this... That's why I didn't tell you all about my marriage with Dev... And, I took promise from Ranveer as well to not to disclose this matter to you...

Swet: It happened because of me!! If you didn't fight with Ashok and Kamini for me, that Ashok would not done the accident... And your life will not be ruined like this... All because of me... (Cries)

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