CHAPTER 80(B) - Surprise for IshKara

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I know many of you are disappointed with previous chapter... In fact, I also not satisfied with the chapter... I hope you will like today's chapter...


IshMa's Room

IshMa enter the room and Ishana is surprised to see a bag there... She takes the bag and looks at it...

Ishu: What bag is this??

Madhu: How do I know?? Open and see it...

Ishu: We don't know whose is this... How we can simply open and see it?? It's not good...

Madhu: Ishu, I know that but we only will know whose is this if we open it... It's not wrong... Just open it... (Ishana agrees hesitatingly and opens the bag... She sees a pair of dress and a piece of paper inside the bag... She takes the paper and sees something written on it... It's stated 'PLEASE WEAR THIS TONIGHT'... OMKARA...

Madhu: Haww!! Your man sent this to you... Not bad... (Winks at her)

Ishu: (smiles) But, why he didn't give me when I went to his room just now??

Madhu: Maybe he wants to surprise you... Ok... Now, go and get ready fast... It's getting late...

Living Room

Everyone except IshKara already gathered and chatting with each other... Omkara too gets ready and join them... He searches for Ishana but she is not there...

Shivaay: What are you searching for, Om??

Om: Hmm?? Nothing... So, where are we going to have party??

Rudra: At our terrace...

Om: (shocked) Terrace?? Are you mad?? Have you all forgotten that Annika bhabhi and Swetlana are pregnant... How they will go up in this condition??

Kalyani: Hai, rabba!!! We forgotten about that... Never mind... (Towards ShiOmRu) Three of you go and bring everything from the terrace...

Annika: Exactly... We will arrange everything at poolside... (ShiOmRu leave from there while others leave to poolside except Annika... Ishana comes from her room and sees Annika alone in living room)

Ishu: (holds Annika's shoulder) Annika, why are you standing here alone?? Where are everyone??

Annika: All are preparing for the party at poolside... I forgot to take clothes from the terrace... That's why I want to go and take them... You go and join them, I'll go and take the clothes... (About to leave but holds her head feeling dizzy... Ishana holds her)

Ishu: Annika... (Makes her sit on the sofa) You are pregnant now and need to take a lot of rest... You should not go upstairs in this condition...

Annika: But, Ishu, the clothes....

Ishu: You want to take the clothes, right?? I'll go and take them... You stay here...

Annika: (smiles) So sweet... Thank you very much... (Ishana pats her cheek lovingly and leaves from there... Annika jumps in happiness... Everyone come to the living room...) Plan success!! (All laugh happily and have a high five...) I have to tell this to Shivaay... (Takes her mobile)

ShiOmRu are walking upstairs towards the terrace... ShivRu are looking each other in tension... Omkara noticed them...

Om: What's wrong with both of you?? You both are looking tensed...

ShivRu: (looking each other and stammers) Nothing... Nothing... Nothing at all... (Omkara looks at them in confuse and about to say something but Shivaay's mobile beeps... Shivaay looks at his mobile...)

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