CHAPTER 48 - RanRaDuKa Try to Join the Dots

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The Raichands and the Oberois reached there... Arjun goes and takes the wheel chair while Ishana is sitting inside the car... Others are talking among themselves except Omkara who is continuously looking at Ishana... Ishana just smiles at him... He walks towards her and lifts her in his arms much to everyone's surprise including Ishana... Arjun smiles looking at them and folds back the wheel chair... They walk towards the door but stops by Karthika who is holding 'aarthi' plate...
Karthika: You came after so much of struggle with your life... So, you can't enter just like that... We have to chase all the evils eyes from you... Come on, girls... Take 'aarthi' for our beloved angel...
Ishu: (smiles and pats her cheek) So sweet... Thank you, Karthika... (SwetMaNiTiMi go and take 'aarthi' for Ishana)
Omkara enters the house with Ishana in his arms... Others follow them from behind...
Annika: It's look like he is bringing his bride inside the house...
Soumya: Yes, bhabhi... But, only the house is different... It's supposed to happen at Oberoi Mansion... (AniSou chuckle)
Prinku: Bhabhi, this is not the first time they are entering like this... (AniSou looks at her questioningly... She told them about the night after the 'sindoor' incident...)
Annika: O bete ki!! So this is the second time!!
Soumya: Bhabhi, I think the third one will happen at Oberoi Mansion... (They laugh and have a high five... Shivaay signs them to keep quiet..) Bhagad billa is staring at us... We will continue later... (They keep quiet and just walk following from behind)
Sid: (towards Karthika) So, that's why you didn't go to the hospital and didn't follow us to Oberoi Mansion?? To prepare this 'aarthi' plate for Ishu... (Karthika just smiles) Thank you...
Karthika: Anything for this family... (Siddharth just smiles)

Ishana's Room

Omkara places Ishana carefully on the bed and made her sits properly...
Ishu: (smiles) Thank you...
Om: (smiles back) Don't mention it... (Holds her hand)
Rudra: (towards Shivaay) See!! He is starting his romance again... (Shivaay slaps his head)
All chatted for a while... NiTiMiMa serve drinks to everyone... Arjun feeds porridge to Ishana which she had forcefully seeing Omkara there... Omkara just smiles looking at her reaction... Shivaay receives a call and he goes to answer it... He comes back after a while...
Shivaay: OmRu, we have to leave now... Khanna called me... (OmRu understand what he is trying to say and nod their heads)
Annika: Why, Shivaay?? Any problem??
Shivaay: No, Annika... I thought to increase our security at Oberoi Mansion... That's why I'm asking them to come... (Towards AniSouPri) Three of you go back to Oberoi Mansion... I and OmRu need to go to office first... (AniSouPri nod) So, shall we?? (Looking at OmRu... They nod their heads... Shivaay signs Siddharth as well and he nods understanding him...)
Om: You all go first... I'll come in a while... (They look at Ishana and smile looking at each other...)
Shivaay: (looks at Ishana) Take care, Ishana... Have a good rest... Will see you later... (Ishana smiles and Shivaay leaves from the room)
Rudra: (goes to Ishana) Take care, bhabhi... I'll come and see you later... (Hugs her... Ishana nods and pats his cheek...)
AniSouPri too hug Ishana asking her to take care and leave from the room... The Raichands too follow them leaving IshKara... Omkara goes and sit beside her...
Om: (hugs her) I'll come later... Have your food and medicines properly... (Breaks the hug) Don't be stubborn... Hmm?? (Cups her cheek... Ishana just nods her head... Omkara kisses her forehead and move to go but Ishana holds his hand... Omkara looks at her...)
Ishu: I want to ask you something but not now... I hope you can give the answer... Will you?? (Omkara could understand what she wanted to ask)
Om: We will talk later... Take care... (Tries to get up but again she holds his hand... He looks at her... She brings him closer and kisses his forehead... Omkara smiles and pats her cheek... He leaves from there...)

RanRaDuKa are driving back to Raichand Mansion... Karan is driving while others are sitting and think something...
Raghav: Ranveer, why are you keeping silent only?? You didn't say anything when we talked with the doctor just now...
Ranveer: I'm thinking what Madhu said last night and what the doctor said just now...
Dush: You mean that maybe Ashok is the one done the accident??
Ranveer: Maybe but still I'm confused... Why he killed Gauri instead of Ishu?? Or like Madhu said he supposed to hit Ishu but Gauri came in between to save her?? If like that means, Ishu still become the reason for Gauri's death indirectly... This can create problem in IshKara's relationship... (RaDuKa are shocked)
Karan: (stops the car aside and in anger) That is what we were saying since then... Again we are hurting our Ishu... We told that we can't let them getting closer... She can get hurt again... She is deeply in love with him now... She can't stand if Omkara hates her... (RaDu calm him)
Ranveer: Relax, Karan!! It's just my assumption... Something is still missing there... Let's say if Ashok is the one hit Gauri, what Gauri was doing there at the deserted road?? Did Ashok kidnapped her with Ishu as well?? Think, yaar!!
Raghav: Why not?? (All look at him in confused) Yes... There is a possible in this... Are you all forgotten?? Ashok and Kamini are Oberois enemies... They wanted to destroy the Oberois at any cost...
Ranveer: Exactly!!! So, they started with Gauri, Omkara's wife... Omkara will be broken if Gauri died... Shivaay's weakness is Omkara... Shivaay will be broken if Omkara is broken... Then, the Oberois can be easily destroyed...
Dush: But, the Oberois are not broken after that... They were shattered for few months but still they stay strong for Omkara... So, Kamini and Ashok's plan was backfired...
Karan: And now, they wanted to kill Omkara by making the chandelier fell on him but Ishu saved him... (Thinks a while) Wait!! Why he didn't kill Ishu?? He just kill Gauri... What was his plan??
Ranveer: No, Karan... He must have hit Ishu terribly on her head... That's why she lost her memories... Ishu must have fainted that time and he thought that she is died... So, he makes like Ishu killed Gauri... So that no one will doubt him and the case will be closed...
Raghav: He must not expect that Ishu survived from the accident... But, his good luck, that Ishu didn't remember about the accident...
Dush: It can be... Wait!! If he hit her terribly on her head, maybe he was the one hit her hand too...
Karan: Exactly!! Bloody idiot!! I'm not going to spare him for what he did to our Ishu...
Ranveer: Guys, again this is our assumption... To know the entire truth, we must get him first... Don't know where that idiot went... Let's go back first... All must be wondering where are we... (Karan starts the car and drive to Raichand Mansion)

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