CHAPTER 2 -Shivika & Rumya worry for Omkara

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All are getting ready for their flight... They had a light breakfast... After that, the girls quickly clean the table while the guys arrange the luggage in the cabs which they booked... All recheck once again if they have missed anything important especially the flight tickets and medicines... They started to the airport after making sure they didn't miss anything... After board their flight, all went to sleep except Savitri and Madhu... Both of them knew that they didn't sleep the whole night, so they let them sleep...


Finally, the Raichands reached Mumbai... Cars already waiting for them to take them to the place said by Ranveer... After reaching the place, all cupped their mouth in surprise except the guys and Madhu...

Savitri: (with tears filled eyes) This is our old house...

Ranveer: Yes, daadima... Your grandsons got back your house... They wanted to give you as a gift... (hugs her shoulders)

Arjun: Actually, we already bought it last year itself... Some renovations and cleaning are needed... That's why we didn't tell you all before...

Ishana: (hugs Arjun's arm) You are great, anna... This house has been built by our thaatha (grandpa)... When we left this house, I felt like we left him as well... But now, we got him back along with this house... Thank you so much... (Kisses his cheek)

Arjun: (hugs her shoulders) Ishu, I'm not alone in buying this house... Actually, your aththans too involved in this... They too gave their shares to buy this house.. (Nivi, Tia and Mithra hug their husbands' arms and look at them proudly..)

They bring their luggage inside the house and decide to go shopping in the evening... After arranging their things in their respective rooms, they directly went to sleep because of the tiring journey... Before that, they made sure Madhu and Savitri had their medicines... However, for Swetlana and Ranveer sleep is far away from their eyes... They are tired too but they couldn't sleep because their past is haunting them... They came back to the place which they wanted to run away from, the place which is having only bad memories, where they almost ruined a happy family... Swetlana and Ranveer don't know each other when they were in Mumbai... But their motive was the same... Thinking of their past made them feel distressed... Siddharth wakes up and sees his distressed wife...  He just embraces her and makes her lie on his chest... Swetlana found comfort in her husband's embrace and snuggles closer to him... She just closes her eyes and sleeps... Arjun's mobile beeped... He wakes up to see his friend cum brother lost in his thought... He shakes him to bring him out of his thought... Ranveer breaks his thought and looks at Arjun... Arjun knows what his friend was thinking about... He just hugs his shoulder and gives him 'We are with you always' look... Ranveer just smiles and nods to him... After few minutes, both of them went too deep slumber...


Shivaay: Annika, I left Mishra's Industries file at our room... Get it for me...

Annika: OK... I'll get it for you... But, tell me the magical word...

Shivaay: (surprised) What?? You want to hear it now??

Annika: Yes, I want to hear it now...

Shivaay: (looking left and right) OK... I LOVE YOU... Now, go and get it...

Annika: (shocked and confused) What?? I never asked to say this...

Shivaay (shocked): What?? Then what you want me to say??

OmRu (teasingly): PLEASE!!!

Shivaay looks at his brothers who are coming down from upstairs...

Shivaay: For what??

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