CHAPTER 54 - NiTiMi to know a truth

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Next morning


SidRan are with ShiOmRu in the study room... Shivaay is holding the ring and looking at it...
Shivaay: That means Ashok is the one cut the rope?? (Siddharth nods his head)
Om: But, Siddharth, it's just a ring... Anyone can have this design... We can't say it's belongs to Ashok just by seeing the design...
Sid: You are right and that's why I asked the same to Swetlana... She shows this to me (he shows inside the ring which is having Ashok's name written..) That's why I'm sure that it's belong to Ashok...
Rudra: I thought when Ranveer said he saw the tattoo somewhere but not on Ashok, there is new villain's entry in our life...
Siddharth: It's just a tattoo, Rudra... Anyone can have the same design..
Ranveer: He is right... Maybe I'm the one confused...
Shivaay: That's ok... We can't delay anymore... We have to find that Ashok before he tries to do anything more...
Sid: I already informed my department to search for him...
Shivaay: I too hired a private detective to track his whereabouts... We must get him as soon as possible...
Om: Where are RaDuKa??
Ranveer: I asked them to stay at Raichand Mansion... Actually, Ishu started to feel lonely because of lying on the bed only... Last night, she was quite upset seeing all of us busy with our works... So, I felt like either one of us to join this discussion... That's why I asked them to stay there...
Om: (thinks a while) You are right... Usually, she won't stay at a place and always move from here and there... Now, she doesn't like to be at one place... That's why she feels like that... Just ask anyone of you to spend time with her... She will be fine...
Sid: That's why my sisters were dancing for her last night... After that only, she became normal... I too told them to not to let her be alone... So, NiTiMi must be with her now...
Rudra: Bhaiya, if bhabhi feels boring, ask her to call me... Her Rudraa is here to cheer her... (All laugh at him)
Ranveer: Actually, Arjun planned something to cheer her... So, they are busy with that as well... (He tells them something)
Shivaay: Good plan... I think she will be very happy... (Thinks something)
Ranveer: Ok... We will leave now...
Shivaay: One minute!! (SidRan look at him)


Ishana's Room

Nivedha is combing Ishana's hair while Tia and Mithra are changing her bandages...
Ishu: Akka, I'm feeling bored... Please take me outside... (NiTiMi look at each other and nod their heads)
Tia: Sure, Ishu baby... But, before that you need to answer our questions...
Ishu: Sure, ka... Just ask me...
Nivi: Let Madhu come as well... (Ishana agrees and they waited for Madhu... Madhu came after a while... Mithra locks the door and make Madhu to sit beside Ishana... IshMa look each other in confused... They turn towards NiTiMi who are smirking at them...)
Mithra: I'm asking straight forward... What you did with Ashok that he left from here?? (IshMa are shocked with the question and think what to answer them)
Nivi: Don't try to lie... Tell us the truth... We know that both of you did something to him...
Madhu: Ok, di... I will tell you everything... (Madhu narrates them how she and Priyanka saw Ashok tried to manhandle Ishana and what they did to him)
Tia: (angrily) How dare he to touch my Ishu baby again and say those words to you both??
Nivi: Chi!! Such a creep!! I don't know how come this kind of man is still alive in this world??
Ishu: To get punished by us... He should not die easily, ka... He need to suffer a lot for his deeds...
NiTiMi: Deeds?? What are you saying?? Did he do anything else??
Ishu: (realised what she said) Yes, akka... I'll tell you another matter but promise me that you won't say this to anyone... (Extends her hand)
NiTiMi: (place their hands on her palm) Ishu promise!! (Ishana narrates them about Ashok giving birth control pills to Swetlana which causes her to lose her baby... NiTiMi are super angry on him...)
Mithra: What kind of a person is he?? Just for money and revenge, he killed an unborn baby and made our bhabhi can't conceive again... (Tears are filled in her eyes)
Tia: He did the sin, our bhabhi become the victim and Ishu baby is the one take the blame... (Cries) Why you didn't tell this before?? My poor baby... You suffered these years hiding this sorrow inside your heart... (Hugs Ishana)
Ishu: (breaks the hug and wipe Tia's tears) Don't cry, ka... Actually, all of us are broken that time... And, akka, aththans knew about this... (NiTiMi are shocked) Don't mistaken them, ka... We were blank that time when we knew about it... Anni needs our support and she already doubting at us... That's why we hide this matter.... We thought to tell after I and Dev came back from Mumbai... Then, I met accident and lost few hours of my memories... That made them to worry a lot for me... They felt guilty for sending me to meet Kamini...
Nivi: Kamini?? She is bhabhi's mom, right?? Why did you go and meet her??
Madhu: She is the main culprit, di... (NiTiMi look at her with shock expression) Yes, ka... (Ishana narrates her jail meet with Kamini...)
Mithra: What species is she?? Being a woman, she did like this to bhabhi!! I can't believe it... Just for the property!!
Tia: She didn't give birth to bhabhi but she is the one raised her, right?? Didn't she has a little bit of love for bhabhi??
Ishu: Not at all, ka... Her love is only on anni's properties and the luxurious life... She and her son just need that... Not love and affection... They are just another version of my biological father... (Sighs angrily)
Nivi: Don't worry, Ishu... You are not alone anymore... Now, we are with you in this battle... We will show the power of us to that Ashok and Kamini... (Ishana smiles at them... NiTiMi hug her)
Tia: (looks at Madhu) Why are you standing there?? Silent killer... Come here... (Madhu smiles and goes to them... They hug her as well...)
Ishu: Akka, will you take me outside now??
Nivi: Haww!! Yes... (Ishana grins happily... NiTiMi lift her carefully while Madhu holds the wheel chair... They make her to sit carefully on it...)
They bring her to the lawn... RaDuKa already there doing something... IshNiTiMiMa look each other in confuse... They go towards them...
Nivi: What three of you are doing??
Raghav: Actually, we thought to have a small picnic here...
Tia: Picnic?? Here?? At our lawn??
Dush: Tia baby, you are asking three questions in one sentence using just three words...
Ishu: Not bad, aththan... Questions, sentence and words can come in one sentence?? Great!! (NiTiMiMa laugh while the guys stare at them) Leave it... What is this picnic for??
Karan: (side hugs Ishana) Actually, Ishu, we never had picnic for long time... That's why we are having it now... We can't go far in this situation... So, we are having it here...
Ishu: Why are you lying, aththan?? I know you are doing it for me... You don't want me to feel neglected... Sorry, aththan...
Karan: (kisses her forehead) Don't say sorry... We are the one must say sorry... We didn't spend more time with you...
Ishu: No, aththan... You too don't say sorry... Before this, I will move here and there and do a lot of things... But, now I'm staying at one place which I don't like at all... That's why...
Raghav: Ishu, next time, if you feel bored, just scream our name... (Screams) 'Aththan!! I'm bored!! Come faster!!'... We will run towards you... (All laugh at him)
Mithra: Where are daadima, bhaiyas, bhabhi and Ranveer??
Dush: Jeeju and Ranveer went to Oberoi Mansion... Bhabhi and Arjun should be here only... Daadima is resting in her room...
Madhu: Karthika?? (RaDuKa smile at each other)
Karan: She must be in her room... Why?? Are you missing her??
Madhu: (surprised) What?? Why I should miss her??
Raghav: Actually, you and her always fighting... We are surprised that you are asking about her...
Madhu: Owh!! I was just simply asking...
Nivi: When are we going to have picnic??
Dush: Evening around 7 pm...
Tia: Baby, that is not picnic... It's called party...
Dush: No, Tia baby... Party will happen inside the house... Picnic will be outside of the house... We are having it at our lawn... So, it's picnic...
Ishu: No matter picnic or party... As long as we are going to enjoy...
Mithra: So, we have to start to prepare our dishes now... What we have to make for the picnic??
Karan: Why fear when the expert is here?? (Looking at Nivedha) Nivi, just make simple dishes that we will enjoy... And, more important, Ishu can have it as well...
Tia: Doctors, you tell first what type of food she can eat... She is having porridge only since few days... (Ishana makes a puppy face)
Raghav: Actually, she can eat anything except spicy food, chicken, mutton, fish, eggs, prawns, crabs, squid, pasta, pizza and pastries... Other than these, she can eat everything... (Ishana looks at him in shock while DuKa laugh)
Ishu: Is anything left there for me to eat?? I only can have vegetables and fruits... (Sighs)
Raghav: (laughs) Ishu, I'm joking only... You can have them but only a little... But, you can't have seafood and spicy food... Your wounds are still fresh... You might feel itchiness on your wounds if you have them... Hmm?? (Ishana nods and grins happily)
Nivi: Don't worry... I will make a delicious healthy food for my Ishu... Let's go, girls... Madhu, you stay here with Ishu while these guys are arranging this place...
Madhu: Sure, di... (NiTiMi leave inside the house) Jeeju, NiTiMi didis know about our attack on Ashok...
RaDuKa: (shocked) What?? How?? (Madhu is about to say something)
Ishu: Wait!! That means you three also knew about it??
Madhu: Not only these three... Ranveer bhaiya and ShiOmRu too know about it...
Ishu: (shocked) What?? They too knew about it?? Oh, God!! That means he too knew about it??
Dush: He?? Who?? (Smirks) Your Omkara?? (Ishana nods while others laugh)
Karan: Ishu, ShiOmRu including your Omkara as well... Om for Omkara...
Ishu: (murmurs to herself) This zulfi didn't say anything about this when he called me last night...
Madhu: What?? Zulfi?? (RaDuKaMa laugh... Ishana bits her tongue realised what she said...)
Raghav: Ishu, you called Om as Zulfi?? Why?? Because of his long hair?? (Ishana feels embarrassed)
Dush: Tell me one thing, Ishu... How you thought of giving this name to him?? You didn't call Karan like this in these years?? He is the first man with long hair that you are attached with...
Ishu: Aththan, don't you know how hard it had been for me to talk with him... I used to ran whenever I saw him...
Karan: Right... You will run like you saw a murderer or kidnapper... You started to talk to me only after daadima, jeeju and Arjun convinced you...
Raghav: But, Karan, even though she took time to get along with you, she is very much closer to you than us...
Dush: Ishu and Arjun have similarities in this one matter... (All look at him) Arjun took time to accept Ishu and Swetlana di... But, he is very attached with them... That is what I meant... Ishu doesn't like long hair guys before this... But, now she is very much attached with the long hair guy only... Right?? (Ishana smiles and looks down... All knew that Dushyanth is mentioning about Omkara only... They just smile teasingly at each other...)
Madhu: You love him that much??
Ishu: Of course, I love him very much... Any doubt?? (All are shocked listening to her... SidRan just came there are shocked as well...) Don't you know, my aththans are like my father?? I love them for sure...
Madhu: You are talking about them?? (Pointing towards RaDuKa)
Ishu: Yeah... Anyone else?? (All sigh)
Madhu: No... I asked about them only... No one else... (Looks at SidRan) Bhaiyas!! You went in the morning and now only coming back... Why so late?? (She asked in one go)
Ranveer: Relax, my dear sis... Take your breath... (Hugs her back)
Sid: So, how is the preparation??
Raghav: Almost done... Our girls are preparing the dishes...
Sid: Good... (Looks here and there) Where are the both bhabhi and devar?? Arjun is the one planned to do this but he is not here...
Dush: They are inside... If I'm not mistaken in Arjun's room... (Siddharth nods and leaves inside)

Arjun's Room

Arjun: We have to wait for few more weeks, bhabhi... He went outstation for his work purpose... (Holds his head and sits on the bed)
Swet: It's ok, Arjun... Don't give up... Just few more weeks... We can wait...
Arjun: I don't know, bhabhi.... But, I felt like something bad going to happen...
Swet: (holds his face) Hey!! What is this?? This is not Arjun that I know... Arjun won't give up easily... He will try his best to achieve what he wanted... That is how you succeed in your profession... You faced a lot of failures before this?? But, you didn't give up that time... You still continue your struggle to reach the heights... And you made it... What happened now??
Arjun: I'm strong if it comes to myself... But, I will be weak if it comes to my sisters... They are my my weakness, bhabhi...
Swet: (makes him to face her) No, Arjun... They are not only your weakness... They are your strength as well... What you are doing now is for one of them... For our Ishu... We wanted to know what really happened to her that day... Listen, Arjun... We can't get everything easily... We need a lot of patience if we want to get something... No matter success or anything... No pain no gain... To gain something we have to face some pain...
Arjun: (stood confidently and looks at Swetlana) You are right, bhabhi... I won't give up anymore... Just few more weeks... I will wait and I won't stop till I know the truth... (Swetlana smiles proudly at him)
Swet: This is my devar... Good... (Kisses his forehead)
Arjun: (holds her hand) Thanks, ma... (Swetlana looks at him in surprise)
Swet: Ma??
Arjun: I felt to say like that... You are advising like a mother... That's why...
Swet: (smiles in tears) Let's go... All must be waiting for us... We need to prepare for the party... (ArSwet about to leave but surprised to see Siddharth at the door who is smiling looking at them) You?? When did you come??
Sid: I just came... I was mesmerized looking at your bonding... That's why I kept quiet and admire it... (ArSwet smile) Arjun, I need to talk to you after the party... It's very important and I felt you too need to know about it... (Swetlana looks at him and he just nods his head)
Arjun: Sure, bhaiya...
Sid: Good... Let's go now or all will come here looking for us... (The trio leave from there)

Precap: Party at Raichand Mansion... Truth or dare?? Rudra's confession... Dushyanth truth is out... Ishana sings a song... Priyanka questions Omkara... Madhu questions Ranveer... Task for Raichands guys... Shivaay dances with NiTiMi...

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