CHAPTER 40(A) - A Danger!!

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CHAPTER 40 (a)

All the girls are bringing a trolley which is having the birthday cake towards the hall... Priyanka is amazed looking at the heart shaped three layer cake... The girls placed the trolley in the middle of the hall and make Priyanka to stand in front of it...
Prinku: (towards Shivaay) Thank you, bhaiya... It's too beautiful...
Shivaay: Anything for my sister... But, Prinku you must thank the one who made this cake... That person is here only...
Prinku: Really?? Who is the person?? I want to meet that person...
Shivaay: Do you want to meet the person who made this cake only or the one who designed your dress as well??
Rudra: (places a crown on her head which been decorated by fresh flowers) Or the one who designed this crown??
Prinku: (touches her crown) Woww!! It's so unique... Bhaiya, they all are here?? Please, bhaiya... I want to meet them...
Shivaay: These three are the one who did all these... (Pointing at NiTiMi) Nivi made the cake, Mithra designed all the clothes and Tia made these special crown for you...
Priyanka is overwhelmed listening to Shivaay... She goes and hugs NiTiMi...
Prinku: Thank you so much... I didn't expect this... I really love all of these...
Nivi: It's our pleasure, Priyanka... Actually, Shivaay sir asked us to hide this from everyone... He wants to give surprise to all of you...
Tia: Yeah... We came here yesterday itself... Shivaay sir booked a hotel for us and prepare everything for us to do our work easily...
Mithra: We prepared everything there and Shivaay sir arranged car for us to come here for the functions... We told him to hide our arrival here from you all...
Ishu: (hugs NiTiMi) I doubted earlier when see Priyanka's dress... But, I thought it's because I was missing you all... Superb, akkas... I love this surprise...
Annika: (towards Shivaay) So, this is the surprise?? Superb, Billu ji... I really loved this dress...
Shivaay: (brings her closer) My Annika looking khidkithod beautiful in this dress today... (Annika blushes)
Rudra: Guys, please control yourself... It's Prinku's birthday... (ShivIka realised what they are doing and blush)
Shivaay: Ok, guys... Let's start the party...
Prinku: Bhaiya, I need to say something before cut the cake...
Shivaay: Go ahead, Prinku...
Prinku: (nods) First of all, thank you everyone for coming to our functions... You all must be thinking how a girl who get nervous easily and stammers while talking, now talking perfectly with confident... For that, I need to thank few people who bring these changes inside me... (Walks towards Kalyani, TejVi and ShaNky) First, I need to thank my family... My papa, mom, choti papa, choti ma and daadi for always supporting me in every situation... They won't say no to me and will do everything I asked them, even though it's just a silly thing... They will do without any hesitation... (Goes towards ShiRu) My Shivaay bhaiya and Rudra bhaiya always tell me that Prinku pehelwan is strong... In fact, Shivaay bhaiya will say that I'm stronger than Rudra bhaiya without having biceps and six packs like him... (ShiRu hugs her and kisses her forehead) (Priyanka walks towards AniSou) Annika bhabhi always stayed beside me whenever I fall weak... She always encourage me with her khidkithod language... Soumya bhabhi who always understand what I'm going to say before I complete my sentence... (Goes towards Omkara and holds his hand) And my Om bhaiya, the man who hates lies... But, he lied to the world just to save me... He took the blame for a mistake which done by me... (Tears started to flow from her eyes... Omkara stops her and hugs her)(Priyanka breaks the hug) I'm really glad to have them as my family... (Stops a while) Besides my family, there are few people more who are the reason for my changes... (Goes to Ranveer) My fiance, Ranveer, who accept me with my flaws... He saw my weaknesses as my strength... He still accept me even though I was the reason for his sorrow... I love you so much, Ranveer and will love you till eternity... (Ranveer hugs her shoulder)(She walks towards Madhu) And, Madhu the one who bring out the mischief character which were hidden inside me these years and made me to do the things which I never done before... And, last but not least, the most strongest person that I have seen in my life, Ishana... She is the one who took the initiative to cure my weaknesses without any medication... She trained me to overcome my stammering and nervousness... She is my role model... She struggled a lot in her life and suffered a lot of pain but she doesn't fall weak... She becomes the strength for everyone... Rudra bhaiya always said that no one can be like her... He is right, no one can be like her... (Goes towards her) Thank you so much, Ishana bhabhi... I would not have overcome my problem if you are not with me... Thank you... (Hugs Ishana)
Everyone are overwhelmed listening to Priyanka... The Oberois and Raichands eyes are filled with tears... The Raichands are looking proudly at Ishana...
Ishu: (breaks the hug) You don't have to thank me... I never done anything... It's your afford that you can overcome those problems... Your bhaiyas are right... Prinku pehelwan is the strongest... You are the strongest girl that I have met... (Kisses her forehead)
Jhanvi: (goes towards them) Prinku is right... You done what we supposed to do... As a mother, I don't understand my daughter's pain... But, you understood her just in few days you know her... When Rudra said that no one can be like his Ishana bhabhi, I will feel very jealous... But, as Prinku said, he is right only...
Tej: Jhanvi is right... You understood her more than us... (Towards Priyanka) I'm very proud of my daughter... I never expect that my daughter can speak like this till make us be dumbfounded...
Shakti: All the credits go to Ishana for training our Prinku like this... Thank you very much, Ishana...
Ishu: Please don't thank me, uncle... I done nothing... It's all your support and her effort...
Pinky: This girls will says like this only... She never takes the credits to herself... (Holds her face) You alls are making her feels embarrassed...
Rudra: Enough of this senti... Prinku, faster cut the cake... My stomach is started to get hungry... (ShiOm slap his head)

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