CHAPTER 39 - SidNiTiMi are back!!

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The day of the function is arrived... Oberoi Mansion is decorated beautifully for the double functions of their lovely princess Priyanka Singh Oberoi... Her birthday and her engagement with Ranveer Singh Randhawa... Priyanka is in her room with AniSou and IshMa... Annika is in tension and looks at her mobile... Her mobile rings... Annika looks at the caller and answers the call...
Annika: Hello, Shivaay... Where are you?? You said that you will get the dresses for us, but till now we don't receive them... We need to make Priyanka ready and we too need to get ready as well...
Shivaay: Don't worry Annika... The dresses will reach you in a while... Just wait at Prinku's room...
Annika: Ok, Shivaay... We all are here only... Please be fast... Bye... (Cuts the call and looks at them) The dresses are on the way... (All smile looking at her)
After a while, they heard knock on the door... Soumya opens the door and see servants holding some bags...
Serv: Madam ji, Shivaay sir ask to give these bags to you...
Soumya: (takes the bags) Thank you... (Close the door and looks at the girls) I think these bags are having our attires... (Looks at the bags) Our names are written on the bags... (Hand over the bags to the respective person)
Annika: Don't know where Shivaay ordered these dresses... Delivered on the last minute...
Ishu: It's ok... We got the dress on the right time... Come, let's make our bride to get ready... Poor, girl... She already very tensed thinking of her double functions... We don't have to make her more tension...
Madhu: Right... Let's adorn our bride... (Opens Priyanka's bag and take out the dress)
The girls are stunned to see a beautiful red lehenga with gold stones stitched on it... It's look like a royal dress and all the girls are mesmerized looking at it... However, Ishana looks at it doubtfully... But, she brushes off her thoughts... They make Priyanka to wear the lehenga and make her ready as a bride... They heard another knock on the door... Annika goes and open the door... She is surprised to see Shivaay...
Annika: (not letting him in) Shivaay, what are you doing here?? Priyanka is getting ready...
Shivaay: You are not ready yet??
Annika: I will get ready after making Priyanka ready... Please don't waste my time... Go from here...
Shivaay: Have you seen the dresses?? Do you like them??
Annika: I never see mine yet... But, we saw Priyanka's lehenga... It's really very beautiful... It suits perfectly for her... I wonder where you find such a talented designer... By seeing this one dress, we know other dresses will be beautiful too...
Shivaay: (smirks) Shivaay Singh Oberoi's choice will always be the best...
Annika: Everyone knows that... You go now... We need to get ready...
Shivaay: Faster get ready... I'm having surprise for you all...
Annika nods and close the door... Shivaay smiles and shows thumbs up to someone... That person too shows the same... He leaves from there...
AniSou and IshMa leave to their room leaving Priyanka in her room...

IshMa's room

Madhu is getting ready for the functions... She looks at Ishana who is sitting quietly looking at the dress...
Madhu: Ishu, why you are not getting ready?? It's getting late... Get ready fast...
Ishu: Madhu, it's been years that I didn't wear this type of dress... I'm feeling awkward to wear it now... I agreed for Priyanka but now...
Madhu: (understood what Ishana feels) I can understand your feeling, Ishu... But, Ishu, you have to wear it for Priyanka... She will feel bad if you don't wear it... Just for today... Think that this dress is just a simple like your other dresses... Please, Ishu...
Ishu: (gives a small smile) Ok, Madhu... I'll get ready... (Leaves to washroom)
Madhu: I hope after this, you will be wearing coloured dresses only... Priyanka is just an excuse I told you... Actually, I wanted you to wear red... I want this color to stay with you forever... I hope this will happen soon... God, please do any miracle for her like you did before... (Prays)

Ranveer's room

RaDuKaKar are helping Ranveer to get ready... Ranveer is very nervous thinking of his day... RaDuKaKar notice this and smiles seeing each other...
Raghav: Cool, yaar... I think you are more nervous than the bride...
Dush: This is just an engagement... There are a lot more to go...
Ranveer: I don't know why but I'm feeling so restless... I just hope everything go well...
Karan: (gives him a glass of water) Have it and relax yourself... Don't worry... Everything will be fine... (Looking at Karthik) Karthik, you are not ready yet??
Karthik: How I want to get ready?? (Takes out a dress from the bag) You want me to wear this?? I won't...
Raghav: Your name written on it... So, you are the one going to wear it...
Karthik: But, it's a chudidhar, yaar... How I'm going to wear it??
Dush: Of course you are going to wear it... After all, you are disguising as a girl...
Karan: You must be thankful that it's a chudidhar than saree or lehenga... It's easy for you... Just go and change... (Karthik agrees and leaves to get ready)

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