CHAPTER 30 - Madhu is Restless

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At terrace

ShivIka are hugging each other admiring the moon...
Annika: Shivaay, it's been long time since we spend our time together like this...
Shivaay: You are right... After Gauri's death, we didn't spend time for us... I was busy in searching for the murderer who make my brother and wife to suffer... Till now I'm searching for the person but I couldn't get a single evidence regarding that...
Annika: Don't worry, Shivaay... That person can't escape for a long time... He will get caught soon... I'm not going to spare that killer who killed my Chutki and her unborn baby...
Shivaay: Ok, my Jhansi Ki Rani... We talk about that later... Now, let us spend our romantic moment...
Annika: Arre waah!! You are becoming Romantic Singh Oberoi today... What's the matter, billu ji??
Shivaay: I'll show you how romantic I can be in our room... (Annika blushes... Shivaay smiles and lifts her in his arms)

Other side of the terrace

RuMya are feeding each other their ice creams and have their moments...
Soumya: It's been long time, right, Rudra?? We never spend our time with each other...
Rudra: Yes, Soumya... Gauri bhabhi's death affected all of us especially O and Annika bhabhi... We don't want O to feel alone... That's why we spent most of our time with him...
Soumya: Rudra, I understand that... You don't have to explain... After my brother's death, I never thought that I will get another brother... But, 'bade baalwale bhaiya' made me as his sister by asking me to tie rakhi for him... That time I felt like I got back my brother... For him, I can do anything even I can sacrifice my happiness...
Rudra: (hugs her) I'm very lucky, Soumya to have you as my wife... (Soumya hugs him back)
Soumya: (breaks the hug) It's getting too late now... Come, let's go... (They turn to leave but Soumya's leg tripped and her ankle get sprained... Rudra holds her and stops her from falling... They have a short eyelock... Soumya tried to walk but she can't... Rudra lifts her in his arms...
Soumya: (shocked) Rudra, put me down... Your hands will be paining...
Rudra: I'm not that weak till I can't lift my lovely wife... (Soumya looks at him lovingly and kisses his cheek... Rudra smiles and leave from there with Soumya in his arms)

Omkara's room

Omkara wakes up from his sleep feeling something on his neck... He sees Ishana snuggling closer to him... He just smiles looking at her...
Om: (looks at time) It's 2.30 a.m. now... It will be better if I take her back to her room...
He goes and check outside making sure no one is there... He opens the door wider... He walks towards Ishana and looks at her innocent face... He caresses her face gently which she responds... He smiles and lifts her in his arms... Her hand automatically encircles his neck... He walks slowly from his room and goes towards the stairs... He walks upstairs...
ShivIka and RuMya are coming either side of the stairs from the terrace... They bumped into each other and shocked...
Shivaay: Rudra, you??
Rudra: Yes, bhaiya... It's me...
Annika: You too are spending sometime together...
Soumya: Yes, bhabhi... We saw you at terrace but don't want to disturb you... So, we go to other side...
Rudra: Right... Luckily, our house are having different ways to the terrace...
Shivaay: We will be more happy if Om too are happy like us...
Annika: Don't worry, Shivaay... He will live like us soon... That day is not very far...
Rudra: (looking at somewhere) No, bhabhi... He already living like us...
ShivIkaSou: What??
Rudra: See there... (They follow his gaze and surprised to see Omkara coming upstairs with Ishana in his arms)
Omkara is shocked to see ShivIka and RuMya... He looks at Ishana who is still sleeping in his arms... ShiRu put AniSou down...
Shivaay: What happened, Om?? Why Ishana is with you??
Annika: She supposed to be sleeping in her room right now... How come she is with you??
Om: It's because of the pain killer that you gave her... She was highly intoxicated and can't even walk steadily... I don't want anyone to see her in that state... So, I took her to my room...
Rudra: But, O, why you took her to your room?? Why you didn't took her to her room??
Om: (recalls everything happened) Because she was not in her senses and behave strangely... So, I waited for her to sleep first...
Rudra: What time you saw her??
Om: Maybe around 11 pm...(not realising what he said)
ShivIka and RuMya look at the time and smiles looking at each other...
Om: Shivaay, I need to take her to her room...
Shivaay: Yeah... Come, we will help you...

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