CHAPTER 60 - Raichands on Action

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Ishana is treated in emergency ward... Omkara is waiting at outside the ward in tension... The doctor came after a while... Omkara rush towards the doctor...

Om: Doctor, how is she?? Is she fine??

Doc: May I know what really happened to your wife??

Om: Actually, someone kidnapped her and we just find her today... Anything wrong with her??

Doc: (sighs) I don't know what to say, Mr Oberoi... (Omkara looks worried) She is fine... But, poor girl... She has been brutally tortured for two three days... I think they didn't give her any food for these days... She just faced an accident few weeks before... And, now this... I'm wondering how this girl strong enough to bear this pain... I don't think anyone can be strong like her if they are in her situation... (Omkara closed his eyes in guilt) I hope the God will punish those who done this to her... I inject drips and liquid food for her to have some energy... Give her some food after going back...

Om: Can I see her, doctor??

Doc: Sure... You can see her... I'll check her again after she gain consciousness... You can take her home if she is fine... (Omkara nods and goes inside the room... He sees her lying unconscious on the bed... He recalls last time she admitted when the chandelier fell on her... He cries silently looking at her... He sits beside her and holds her hand...)

Ishana opens her eyes weakly... Her vision is blurred and she closes back her eyes... She recalls Ashok's act towards her... She gets scared and wakes up in jerk pulling her hand from Omkara's hold... Omkara is shocked with her reaction... Ishana looks at him in surprise and cries... Omkara understand that she is in trauma of the incident... He hugs her and calms her...

Om: You are safe, Ishana... Nothing happened to you...

Ishu: (cries) Sorry... I thought it was him... He tried to... (Cries again) I thought he.... (Omkara places his finger on her lips)

Om: (kisses her forehead) He didn't do anything... We didn't let him to do anything... (Ishana hugs him)

Ishu: I thought that I will not be able to see you all again... (Thinks a while and breaks the hug) Did anni do as he asked?? I mean did she named the properties on his mother's name?? How did you find me?? He said that you can't find the place... Then, how??

Om: Shh... Relax... We will talk everything after we go back... Don't strain yourself now... (Embrace her)

Ishu: I felt like I have been a regular patient for this hospital... Every month, I'm visiting here as a patient...

Om: (breaks the hug) Don't say this again... This will be the last time you got admitted in hospital... I won't let you to become a patient again... It's enough for you to bear all the pain... (Ishana is overwhelmed listening to him... She remembers something and looks at him with tear filled eyes... She clutches his collar and started to cry... Omkara is confused looking at her...) What happened, Ishana?? Why are you crying??

Ishu: (pulls him closer) I need to say something to you...

Om: Ok... Tell me... (Ishana is about to open her mouth but the doctor enters the room... Omkara leaves her and gets up from the bed)

Doc: Sorry, Mr and Mrs Oberoi... I need to check your wife to make sure she is fine enough... (Omkara nods and about to go out) That's ok, Mr Oberoi... You can stay here...
Omkara smiles and sits on the sofa looking at the doctor checking Ishana... Ishana just looks at him tearfully... He could see some pain in her eyes... He brushes off his thought that she is still in trauma due to her kidnap...

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