CHAPTER 72- IshKara Trapped in Forest

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Omkara is stunned with Ishana's act but he doesn't react anything... Ishana breaks the kiss and looks at Ashok who is staring angrily at him... Omkara too looks at him and smirks...

Om: Thanks to you, Ashok... If you didn't say the truth Shivaay, I would not have confess my love to her... And we both won't be close like this now... (Side hugs her arm)

Ashok: You are loving her?? She is having so many wounds and scars on her body... Will you able to love her after seeing those??

Om: I love her... Not lusting over her... What did you say?? Scars?? (Smirks) You know what?? All the scars on her are belongs to me... My name is written on all of her scars... She is mine only... Her burnt scar is of me and her recent wounds are for saving me... So, indirectly it's saying that Ishana is mine only... And, I love her with her scars and wounds... (He moves her sleeve a little and kisses her scar on her shoulder) Let's go, Ishana... It's a waste of time talking with him... (Holds her hand and takes her from there leaving an angry Ashok)

Ashok: You just know one truth, Om!! There is another truth that you have to know... That one truth can shatter the whole Raichand family... I'm waiting for that day... I want you to know it yourself... That's why I didn't tell it to you... I want to know your reaction after knowing about it... (Laughs evilly)

Ishu: (while walking) I'm sorry... Just now, I.... (Omkara places his finger on her lips)

Om: I know... Whatever you said and you did are to irritate him only... I can understand... You don't have to say sorry...

Ishu: (surprised) You don't feel hurt with that??

Om: No, I'm not hurt... In fact, I won't accept that type of love confession... (Smirks)

Ishu: Means??

Om: I confessed my love in front of my family... So, I want you to confess in front of the world... Then only I will accept your love... (Ishana is shocked hearing this while Omkara just smirks looking at her expression) By the way, thanks for the kisses just now... (Ishana blushes listen to him...)

Both of them go to ShivSid who are waiting at the car...

Shivaay: Why did you both took long time to come here??

Om: That Ashok tried to annoy us with his useless questions just now... We gave him some answers which he never expected...

Sid: (cups Ishana's face) I know he must have asked something to hurt her... That's why I stopped you from coming here... That scoundrel!! (Turns to go)

Ishu: (holds his hand) Bhaiya!! Please... I'm fine... Don't worry... I gave him answers ready...

Om: Exactly!! In fact, I too didn't expect those answers from her... (Smirks at her)

Shivaay: That's good... Well done, Ishu...

Ishu: Bhaiya, he thought of provoking us but actually I'm the one provoke him just now...

Sid: What are you saying, Ishu??

Ishu: Yes, bhaiya... According to what he said about that man, I can understand that he wants to destroy both of our happiness... That man's enmity is with both of us... He must keeping his eye on both of us... And he definitely will meet Ashok in jail... If he got to know that we are still together after knowing the truth, he won't keep quiet... He will try to harm us again...

Shivaay: I won't let that to happen... I will find that man and will make his life hell...

Ishu: No, bhaiya... We have to trap him... We have to make him to appear himself...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now