CHAPTER 100 - PriVeer & MaKar Marriage

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This is my 100th chapter!! I can't believe that I have reached 100 chapters... The story that I never thought it will go more than 10 chapters have reached 100... I don't know how to react with this... I want to thank you all as well as apologize to you all for dragging it too long... Thank you for your patience and your support... I could not reach these many chapters without your support... Love you all forever....



PriVeer wedding rituals are going on while others are watching them... PriVeer are stealing glances at each other... The pandit calls TejVi for 'kanyadaan'... TejVi go and do 'kanyadaan' for Priyanka... PriVeer are asked to take saath phere around the sacred fire... Ranveer wears her the mangalsutra around her neck and filled red vermilion in Priyanka's partition... Priyanka eyes are welled with tears seeing the mangalsutra on her neck and touches her forehead which is having sindoor... The priest declares them as husband and wife... Ranveer hugs Priyanka and kisses her forehead...

Ranveer: I love you Priyanka Singh Randhawa...

Prinku: I love you too... (PriVeer take blessings from their elders... The youngsters hug both of them...)

The girls go and help Madhu to get ready as a bride while the guys are helping Karthik... PriVeer too join in helping them even though they have given a chance to be alone... Karthik is brought by the guys and he has been seated at the altar... The pandit started the rituals for him... The girls bring Madhu with them and make her to sit beside Karthik... After a while, the pandit ask them to stand and exchange their wedding garlands... Karthik about to wear his garland to Madhu but Arjun comes and lifts Madhu from the ground while SidRanRaDuKa stand beside him...)

Arjun: You won't get our angel so soon, Karthik...

Karthik: Really?? Let's see... (Jumps and wears the garland for Madhu... Everyone is surprised with him...) Have you forgotten that I'm a bike racer?? This height is nothing to me...

Savi: Arrey, come down all of you... The time is running... (The guys go down... Madhu wears the garland on Karthik's neck... They sit and continue with the rituals...)

Priest: Who will do the 'kanyadaan' for her??

Savi: We are many people here to do 'kanyadaan' for her... But Ranveer is having more rights to do it... Ranveer beta, you go and do kanyadaan for your sister...

Ranveer: Daadi, me???

Ishu: Ranveer, you are the first one accepted her as your sister after those problems... You are having more rights than us... And this is what Madhu wants too... (Looks at Madhu) Right, Madhu?? (Madhu nods in tears) Go, Ranveer... (Ranveer goes towards Madhu and kisses her forehead... The priest ask him to hold Madhu's hand and places it on Karthik's palm... Ranveer does as he said...)

Ranveer: (towards Karthik) Don't you dare to make her cry... If I found a single drop of tear from her eyes, I won't spare you... (All chuckle listening to him...)

Karthik: Don't worry... I will not let her to cut the onions too... (All laugh listening him...)

Ranveer goes down and stands beside Priyanka after finishing the kanyadaan... The pandit continues the rituals... The pandit chants a mantra and hands over a 'thaali' (mangalsutra) to Karthik... Karthik takes it and ties it on Madhu's neck with double knots and NiTiMi tie the third knot for the thaali... All throws turmeric rice on them blessing them... Karthik fills vermilion on her partition and her forehead... MaKar get up from their places and take their vows around the fire... Then, Karthik holds Madhu's right foot and wear toe ring on her second toe... He does the same with her left foot as well... He could feel few drops of tears falling on his hand from Madhu's eyes... He gets up from his place and wipes her tears while she just smiles without saying anything... He goes near her ear and whispers "I love you"... Madhu is stunned hearing the magical words from him and she just hugs him... Karthik too hugs her back and kisses her forehead... They break the hug and take blessings from the elders... Ishana hugs both of them and kisses their cheeks...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now