CHAPTER 89- Kali Thakur's Game is Over

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SidLana's Room

The guys are looking at Kali Thakur with hurt filled anger... They are hurt thinking of IshRi who suffered a lot because of the man in front of them... One has lost her life and another one has lost her memory and blamed herself for the death which never done by her... Omkara barges towards him and punches his face plenty of times till he fall down with the chair... Omkara doesn't stop and kicks him on his stomach continuously till the chair breaks... Kali Thakur screams in pain...

Om: Why are you screaming?? Are you feeling pain?? Just think how much pain they have felt when you tortured them like that... (Pulls him up) How dare you to do like that to my wives?? You supposed to fight with me if you are having that much of vengeance on us... But, why did you kill Gauri?? She was pregnant that time, damn'it!! You put the blame on Ishana... Poor girl... She has lost her memory and thought that she is the reason for Gauri's death... But the real reason is you!! I'm not going to spare you... (About to hit him again but ShivRu hold him)

Karan: Ishu's hand used to shiver after the incident... She thought it's because of her guiltiness for causing a death... But, the real reason is you beaten up her hand mercilessly... (Holds his collar in anger) You made fool of all of us by making us to think Ishu is the reason for Gauri's death... (Punches him and kicks him followed by RaDu...)

Karthik: (pushes him down) This is the hand you used to hit them, right?? (Steps on his right hand... Kali Thakur screams...) This is the hand that hit my Ishu maa's hand, right?? (He steps again on his hand)

Arjun: (holds his face roughly) A man who laid his hand on a woman doesn't deserve to call as a man... And you killed a pregnant woman and hit an innocent girl mercilessly... You don't deserve to call as human too... (Kicks his stomach)

Shivaay: You did a sin, Gauri is punished and the blame goes to Ishana!! What a creature are you?? You heartless monster!! (Punches his face plenty of times)

Sid: I wished that I could kill you now and close the case... But, no one will aware of your crime... For that, I have to produce you to the court... My sister will be out from her guilt... (Omkara thinks something)

Om: I'll be back in a while... (Leaves from the room)

Kali: (smirks weakly) You all are able to find I'm the killer because I appeared myself... If not, you all must not have find me and will still believe Ishana is the one caused Gauri's death... (Karan punches his face)

Karan: We are not dumb to believe Ishu is the one caused Gauri's death... It's true that we believed it when we got to know that she did an accident and the girl is dead... But, after we came here, we are sure that she didn't do the accident... There is a third person involvement in Gauri's death...

Dush: We started to investigate personally at first... But, fortunately, the Oberois got to know about Ishu being behind Gauri's death... Then, the police department has reopened the case...

Raghav: It's true we wanted you to appear yourself... That's why we made IshKara get engaged faster... But, still we couldn't catch you...

Karthik: Because you didn't appear yourself to kill Ishu maa and Shivaay... But, you sent your men to harm them... We all were confused how your men manage to enter Oberoi Mansion even the security system is tight there... (Smirks)

Sid: That is the time we found a small mistake of yours which you did unknowingly... (Kali Thakur looks at him confusingly) But, your small mistake became an advantage for us and we find out that you are the one killed Gauri...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now