CHAPTER 45 - Arjun doubts on RaDuKa

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Kalyani: No, beta... We are not liking that you want to move to Raichand Mansion... I know that is your house... But, in this situation, I want you all to stay here at least till Ishana recover from her wounds...
Pinky: Mummy ji is sayings right... We alls are feeling guilty for whatever happens with the diamond girls... She saved our Omkara... So, we are the one have to take care of her...
Sid: (smiles) Please don't blame yourself for that incident... It was an accident and no one expect that... We can't change whatever happened...
Tej: Beta, what is the problem of staying here?? This is like your house too...
Sid: I know that, uncle... We don't have any problem to stay here... That house was our dadaji's house... We missed the house a lot in these years... After we got back the house, still we can't stay there for a long time...
Arjun: Bhaiya is right... We planned to stay longer but five of us had to go back to Chennai because of our work... RaDuKa had to leave to Delhi... Daadima and IshRanMa stayed here... So, the purpose we bought our house is not fulfilled...
Tia: If we stayed there, we will feel that our daadaji and our parents are with us as well...
Mithra: In fact, Ishu is very attached to them... She also will prefer to stay there in this situation...
Jhanvi: If like that means, we won't force... But, you must not stop coming here...
Rudra: But, how I want to meet my Ishana bhabhi if she stays there??
Nivi: Rudra, our house is just behind this house... You can come whenever you want to see your Ishana bhabhi...
Rudra: Pinky promise??
Nivi: Ishu promise!! (Pats his cheek)
Savitri: Then, let's go and pack our things... (Gets up from her place)
Arjun: Daadima, you are so excited to go back to your husband's house... You must be waiting for this day, right?? (In a teasing tone)
Savitri: (slaps his arm) Shut up!! (Leaves from there feeling embarrassed while others laugh)



RaDuKaKar are there as well... RaDuKa told RanKa what Arjun said to them just now...
Ranveer: That means Ishana's hand is weak because she had been hit by something hard?? I thought it was due to her trauma...
Raghav: In fact, we too thought like that these years...
Karthik: But, maybe her hand hit on something during the accident... I mean when she was controlling the stirring to avoid the accident...
Dush: But, that won't cause problem to someone's vein... (Thinks a while) But, if her hand is hurt before the incident, then it might be a chance for the accident affecting her hand which is already having problem...
Ranveer: But, what it can be?? Did anything happened before that gave pain to her hand?? Maybe you all didn't give that much attention because it was not serious... Try to think...
Karan: I don't think anything happened like that... (Thinks) Yes... She met an accident when she was kid where daadaji and her parents died in the accident... There is a possibility right... But, the doctor said an accident can't cause the problem... Then, how??
Raghav: But, Ishu was small that time... She might hit something hard that time...
Karthik: But, that happened years ago... It still can give effect??
Dush: Definitely can... Sometimes just a small thing can cause someone's death... Maybe Ishu hurts her hand during the accident but all feel it's just a small pain... That shows the effect after this accident...
Ranveer: (thinks something) Fine... Leave it... We need to focus on our mission now...
Karan: Yeah... I thought it would have some connection with the accident... But, we can't join the dots...
Karthik: Again we are back to zero...
Karan: Never mind, we will try to the level best... Ranveer, what is our next plan??
Ranveer: I will tell you but now I have to go and meet Shivaay... He ask me to come there... (RaDuKa agree) See you all later... (Leaves from there)

Arjun's Room

Arjun: Something is wrong... They are definitely hiding something... Something happened with Ishu that these three are hiding from me... (Writing something in a piece of paper)
Voice: Who is hiding something??
Arjun: (turns and see Swetlana standing at the door with a glass of milk) Bhabhi, you?? Why are you standing there?? Come in...
Swet: (smiles and go inside) What are you talking to yourself?? And what are you writing?? (Puts the glass on the table... She takes the paper and looks at it confusingly...) What is this??
Arjun: These are the list of names that I'm having doubt that they are hiding something from us... These three are the main, RaDuKa... Raghav, Robin and Karan...
Swet: (thinks a while) In fact, I too want to talk to you about them...
Arjun: (surprised) So, you are also having doubt on their behaviour??
Swet: Yes... It started since you all went back to Chennai... Sometimes, I felt they purposely plan to send you all back and they stayed here...
Arjun: That means their arrival to Mumbai is not only for my award function, but something else...
Swet: (rubs her chin) Maybe...
Arjun: Bhabhi, tell me one thing... What made you to doubt them??
Swet: If you noticed, three of them always discuss something in secret... (Thinks something) You missed another name in this... (Takes the pen and write something)
Arjun: Ran??
Swet: Ranveer... You missed his name...
Arjun: He is involved in this too?? I can't believe it...
Swet: You have to believe it... If I'm not mistaken, he is the leader...
Arjun: OK, bhabhi... Continue...
Swet: These four always like to discuss something in secret... If they see me, they will talk something different... I'm noticing it since we came here... They will discuss in the lawn or in Ranveer's room... I can see a seriousness in their discussion... Like they are worry about something...
Arjun: That means something has happened that we didn't aware of it... What it could be??
Swet: I have no idea about that... One more thing... If I'm not mistaken, PriMa are involved with them as well...
Arjun: (shocked) They too?? This Madhu involved in too many secrets...
Swet: (confused) What??
Arjun: Yes, bhabhi... (Showing the list) IshMa are the second one I'm doubting...
Swet: Why??
Arjun: But, I have to add another name with them... (Writes something and shows to Swetlana... Swetlana widened her eyes..) Yes, bhabhi... Bhaiya is the person... (Nods) Just now before we went to talk with the doctor, I thought to wait for bhaiya to come with us as well... So, I wanted to tell him but I saw IshMa are telling something to him and he was shocked... I don't know what was that but I can understand they are hiding something... I thought bhaiya will tell us but he didn't open his mouth about that...
Swet: My husband is hiding something from me?? I can't believe it... That means something is there... (Sees the paper) What is this?? Ishu's accident??
Arjun: This is about what the doctor said about Ishu's hand which is confusing us... We thought that her hand shivers because she is traumatized with the accident and her guilty conscience for causing a death... We all believe like that... Suddenly, today the doctor said that her hand is weak because of her vein...
Swet: And the vein only can be weak if she is terribly hit by anything hard... But, as we know, nothing like that happened to her before that...
Arjun: Then, how the doctor can be very sure that she had been hit by something hard?? Doctor cannot be wrong... He knows more than us...
Swet: What are you trying to say, Arjun??
Arjun: Remember that the doctor said the accident might caused her hand become more weak?? (Swetlana nods) We have to find out how the accident can effect her hand... For that, we have to get Ishu's old records from the hospital... We might can get our answers from that...
Swet: Ok... We will ask the doctor to find the file tomorrow when we go there...
Arjun: No, bhabhi... We can't let anyone to know what we are doing... This is just a doubt... Bhaiya will ask a lot of questions if he knows that we are searching for the file... Most of us are forgotten about the accident... We should not remind them about it...
Swet: Then, how we want to get the file??
Arjun: We have to go to the hospital and search there...
Swet: What?? But how we are going to search in that big hospital?? They are very strict there... They won't give us the details...
Arjun: Bhabhi, relax... I just said that we are going to search there... I didn't say that we will ask for the report... (Swetlana looks at him confusingly) We will search for it without asking anyone... That means....
Swet: Stealing the file?? (Arjun smiles and nods his head) Are you mad?? If they caught us, we will land in big trouble...
Arjun: Bhabhi, please... We are not doing anything wrong... It's for our Ishu... We have to do it, bhabhi... Who knows we can get our answers from the file...
Swet: (thinks a while) If for our Ishu means, then I agree to do it...
Arjun: That's my bhabhi... (Thinks) I know you will melt if I said Ishu's name... That's why I told her name... You are ready to sacrifice your life for her... Stealing a file is not a big matter...
Swet: (snaps her finger) What are you thinking?? Come let's go before anyone see us... (ArSwet leave from there)

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