CHAPTER 78 - OmPriVeer Impressed with Ishana

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Ranveer stops the car at an apartment... They get down from the car...

Ishu: Why we are here, Ranveer??

Ranveer: My old house is here, Ishu... I need to take few things from there... You stay here with Om while me and Priyanka will go and bring the things... Ok?? (Ishana nods and PriVeer leave from there)

Om: Ishana, let us wait for them inside the car... (Opens the backdoor... Ishana agrees and get in the car followed by him... Omkara holds her hand and looks at her sadly... She looks at him confusingly...) Ishana, will you listen to me if I say something??

Ishu: Of course I will listen to you... You can say it without hesitation...

Om: Ok... Whatever you are going to see or face in a while, you should not break down or become weak...

Ishu: (confused) What?? I don't understand... What are you saying??

Om: No, Ishana... I don't have the courage to say it to you... But, you have to do it... Please, Ishana... (She feels bad looking at him pleading at her...)

Ishu: (holds his hand) Ok... I promise that I won't fall weak or break down... Hmm?? (Omkara smiles sadly at her)

Ranveer's House

PriVeer enter the house and walk towards his room... Ranveer opens the door of his cupboard and takes a bag... He cries looking at it... Priyanka hugs his shoulder...

Prinku: You only said that these things need to be removed from Ishu bhabhi's life... Now, you yourself are falling weak... How we will be her support if you break down like this??

Ranveer: No, Priyanka... I recall the time she handed over these things to me... That moment is still fresh in my mind... You know something?? My heart hurts more than my sister's death that time... (He takes out 'thaali' from the bag) This is her mangalsutra which Dev wear for her that day... I still remember this rope... It is dried now but that day it was wet because of the turmeric paste... She cried saying the paste is still not dry but he left her forever... Do you know how I felt that time?? (Priyanka's eyes are filled with tears listening to him... She just hugs him consoling him...) Now, I'm going to give these things back to her and ask her to eliminate these from her life... That's why I still keeping them with me... I hope she will listen to me...

Prinku: Don't worry... We will convince her... She will understand... Let's go now... They must be waiting for us... (PriVeer leave from the house)

At the car

IshKara are waiting for PriVeer...

Ishu: Why they didn't come yet??

Om: (smiles) They must be on the way now... (Turns and sees PriVeer coming towards them with a bag) They are here ready...

Ishana turns towards them and smiles... Her eyes caught the bag on Ranveer's hand and she knows what bag is that... She looks at Omkara who is also having tears in his eyes... She understands why he said like that just now but she confused why PriVeer are bringing that bag... IshKara get down from the car... PriVeer go towards them...

Ishu: (pointing towards the bag) Ranveer, why do you bring this bag??

Ranveer: This is the time to let Dev's soul to rest in peace... You have to remove these things from your life, Ishu... That's why we brought you with us... (Ishana closed her eyes and her tears drop from her eyes... She recalls her marriage with Dev...) Please, Ishu... Don't refuse us... You have to do it...

Prinku: Bhabhi, we know how you are feeling right now?? But, you have to do it, bhabhi... For Dev's peace and for your future... Please, bhabhi... (Ishana doesn't say anything and just cries... Omkara feels bad looking at her...)

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