CHAPTER 50 - Omkara sneak into Ishana's Room

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Ishana's Room

MaKar come and show the medicine bottle to her...
Ishu: (looks at the bottle and smiles at them) Good job, Karthika... (Karthika smiles) Was there any problem when you are buying this pills??
Karthika: Nothing, madam... As usual, the chemist look at me one kind... It's ok... I'm used to it... (IshMa look each other in confused)
Madhu: What do you mean by as usual?? Have you bought this before??
Karthika: (realised what she said) No... I mean anyone will love to look at a pretty girl like me... So, I'm used to it... (Madhu gives a sarcastic look while Ishana chuckles looking at them)
Ishu: Fine... Madhu, is the milk ready??
Madhu: Yes... I already pour it in the glasses...
Ishu: Good... Now, you go and mix this pills in six glasses...
Madhu: (confused) Why 6?? Supposed to be 8 right??
Ishu: No need to mix for anna and anni... Anna will handle it... (Madhu nods her head understanding Ishana while Karthika gives a confusing look) Are they still here or already went to their room??
Madhu: No one at downstairs... All are in their rooms except jijus... They are with Ranveer bhaiya in his room...
Ishu: That's ok... Both of you go and give these milk to them... Don't make any mistake... Give the correct glass to them...
Madhu: Don't worry, Ishu... I already separate the glasses for them like before...
Karthika: You already planned for this before executing it, right??
Madhu: Of course... How many times we had done this before... So, I still remember it...
Ishu: Ok... Don't waste your time by talking now... Just go and execute our plan now... (MaKar leave from there)

Ranveer's Room

RanRaDu tell Karan about the footage they watched at Oberoi Mansion...
Karan: So, that man is not Ashok??
Ranveer: I'm not saying that but his tattoo is disturbing me... I have seen it somewhere but don't know where...
Raghav: It's ok... We got the ring as an evidence... Maybe we can get to know about him... (All nod their heads agreeing with him... Their discussion is disturbed by knock on the door)
Dush: I'll go and see... Maybe Karthik... (Dushyanth goes and opens the door... He sees Madhu smiling at him... Karthika is standing beside her) Madhu, you are here at this time with Karthika?? (Letting them to come inside)
Madhu: I just want to give these milk to you all...
Karan: Milk?? But, for what??
Madhu: (lies) Daadima ask to give you all... We already given to everyone... Only four of you are left... (RaDuKa take the glasses and the last glass taken by Ranveer according to Madhu's plan... Karthika looks at her in surprise for lying to them... She just winks at her and Karthika smiles shaking her head...)
Ranveer: Have you drink the milk??
Madhu: Yes, bhaiya... I already have it and my medicines too... (RanRaDuKa finished their milk and give back the glasses to Madhu)
Ranveer: Good... Now, go and sleep...
Madhu: Good night, bhaiya and jijus...
All: Good night... (MaKar leave from there...)
Raghav: Why Karthik is going with her?? He knows right, that we are having discussion here??
Karan: Madhu will suspect him if he doesn't go with her... Only we know that he is Karthik... For Madhu, he is Karthika... He will come later... (They continue with their discussion)
After a while, RaDuKa started to feel uncomfortable... Ranveer notices that...
Ranveer: What happened, guys?? Are you all ok??
Raghav: Ranveer, can we discuss tomorrow?? I'm feeling something...
Dush: Yeah, Ranveer... I too feel the same...
Karan: Me too...
Ranveer: Maybe you all are lack of rest after Ishu's incident... No problem... We will discuss tomorrow... Go to your room... (RaDuKa leave to their room)

Ishana's Room

Ishana is feeling bored lying on the bed... She is waiting for MaKar to come and tell her about their plan either it's success or not... They come there that time...
Ishu: Why are you late?? Did you give them the milk??
MaKar: (smiles looking each other and show thumbs up to her) Success!! (Ishana smiles in happy)
Madhu: How come our plan will be failed?? That too it's given to me... Of course it will success...
Karthika: Yeah, right... Only you are involved in this plan... I didn't do anything...
Madhu: Fine... Take half of the credits for yourself...
Karthika: No need... Keep it with yourself..
Ishu: Enough!! Stop it, guys... Now, go and sleep...
Madhu: Ishu, I'll sleep here with you...
Ishu: It's ok, Madhu... You go and sleep with paatima... I'll manage here alone...
Madhu: Are you mad?? How I will leave you alone here??
Ishu: Madhu, please... I'm not sleepy now... You have to sleep on time... If you stayed here, you won't be able to sleep with the lights on...
Madhu: Ishu, you are forgetting that you need to sleep on time as well... Have you taken your medicines??
Ishu: Yes... Aththans gave me just now before their dinner... But, still I can't sleep...
Madhu: Fine... You are not going to listen to me... Ok, I'll sleep with daadima... Keep your mobile beside you... If you need anything, just call me...
Karthika: Madam, don't call this girl... She will be sleeping like kumbhkaran due to her medicine... (Madhu stares her) You just call me... I'm available for 24 hours...
Ishu: (chuckles) Sure... Now, both of you go and sleep... Good night...
MaKar: Good night... (Leave from there...)

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