CHAPTER 79(B) - Shivaay Confessed to Ishana

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Evening at Oberoi Mansion

The Raichands arrived there and all are happily chatting with each other... Shivaay looks at Ishana in guilt... Ishana noticed it and goes towards him...

Ishu: What happened, bhaiya?? You are looking disturbed...

Shivaay: Ishu, I need to tell you something... Or I can say that I want to apologize to you...

Ishu: (confused) Apologize?? For what??

Shivaay: For a mistake that I did few years ago... (Looks at her with tear filled eyes... Ishana looks at him confusingly... The Raichands too confused with Shivaay... The Oberois already been told by the youngsters... So, they understand what Shivaay wants to tell her...)

Ishu: Mistake?? What mistake, bhaiya?? As I know, you won't do anything wrong... Then, why are you... (Omkara interrupts her)

Om: Ishana, let him speak first... Then you will understand... (Ishana nods her head and looks at Shivaay)

Shivaay: (with hurt filled voice) Ishu, few years back, we found an alliance for Prinku... The family came here and we all like the guy very much... He is very humble and down to earth person... We almost fixed his alliance with Prinku... But after that, I found out that he is an illegitimate son of his father... I humiliate him and his family terribly and throw them out from this house... He tried many times to talk to me but I didn't let him to say anything... (Tears started to flow from his eyes... Ishana eyes are having tears too...) That guy is none other than....

Ishu: Dev, right?? (Shivaay looks at her shockingly... Ishana nods sadly...) I understand it when you started to tell me...

Shivaay: (holds her hand and cries) I'm really sorry, Ishana... That time I gave importance to a person's surname, background, blood, lineage than a person's heart and character... I was so mad that time... If I didn't behave like that, Dev must be alive right now... You too won't have suffer these much... I indirectly caused his death and your sorrow... (Ishana is surprised to know that Shivaay is blaming himself for Dev's death) A sorry won't change the past... I don't deserve forgiveness... (Looks at her) Scold me, Ishu!! Punish me!! I deserve punishment!!

Ishu: (wipes her tears and looks at him) Do you want to get punished?? (Shivaay nods his head) Are you sure?? (Shivaay again nods) Fine... I'll give you punishment... (All are shocked)

Savi: Ishu, what are you saying??

Ishu: I'm saying the right only, daadima... (Looks at Shivaay) Your punishment is you have to throw all the medicines that you are having in your room except those medicines which prescribed by the doctors... (All look at her in shock including Shivaay)

Shivaay: What?? This is your punishment??

Ishu: (strictly) Yes!! This is your punishment... You have to throw those medicines... Will you do it??

Shivaay: (smiles in tears) Ok... I'll throw them... (The Oberois cup their mouths in shock)

Ishu: And, promise me that you won't take any medicines without doctor's consultation...

Shivaay: I promise... I won't take any medicines without doctor's consultation...

Ishu: Pinky promise??

Shivaay: (cups her face) Ishu promise!! (Ishana smiles in tears and hugs him... Shivaay too hugs her back and kisses her head)

Entire family are watching them with tearful eyes...

Shivaay: You are not angry with me??

Ishu: How I will be angry with you?? If you are the same Shivaay Singh Oberoi, I could have lash at you but you are not the same SSO... You are Annika's sweet Shivaay Singh Oberoi... I know, she must be the reason for you to change...

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