CHAPTER 65 - Annika Confronts Ishana

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Here goes today's chapter... Please ignore the grammatical errors...



RaDuKaKar finish narrating about Gauri's accident... SidNiTiMi are shocked listening to them...

Sid: So, Ishu did Gauri's accident?? You all know it earlier but you didn't stop her from falling for Omkara...

Nivi: Do you know what will happen if Shivaay get to know about this?? Gauri is Omkara's wife and Annika's sister... How they will forgive and accept Ishu?? She will be shattered...

Tia: Exactly!! Omkara's hatred will hurt her more than Dev's death... She loves him very much!! How she will bear this??

Mithra: Ishu won't forgive herself if she knows that she is the reason for Gauri's death... She is dying in guilt for causing an unknown girl's death... If she knows that girl is none other than Omkara's wife, she will.... (Unable to finish the sentence)

Raghav: Please be calm, all of you... We also didn't agree at first... We always argue with Ranveer about Ishu's closeness with Omkara but Priyanka changed our mind...

Dush: Moreover, few incidents that happened like signed us that Ishu and Omkara are meant to be one... That's why we agreed to unite them...

Karan: Besides that, whatever we did to make them away, only made them to get more closer only... One thing we understood that time... We can't challenge the destiny... Whatever need to happen, it will happen... No one can change it...

Karthik: Bhaiya, we can't really say that Ishu ma did the accident... Something is missing there... That's why we all are here to know about it...

Madhu: Yes, bhaiya... There is a possible that Ishu never done the accident... (SidRag mobile rings... They answer their calls)

SidRag: (shocked) What?? (All are confused... They end their calls...)

Sid: ArSwet know that Ishu did Gauri's accident...

Raghav: Rohan told me the same...

Karthik: Now, all of us know about it... It will be easy for us...

Sid: There is another problem... Annika too know about it... She heard their conversation just now... (All are shocked)

Tia: Oh, God!!! She definitely won't keep quiet... Ishu baby is in Oberoi Mansion... Let's go there... (All leave from there)


Omkara's Room

Ishana looks at him painfully... She touched his face gently... Omkara caresses her cheek and see slap marks on both of her cheeks...

Ishu: I need to tell you something...

Om: (places his finger on her lips) Not now... (He kisses her right cheek deeply making her to close her eyes... He turns her another cheek and kisses it deeply as well... She becoming weak with his closeness and clutches his shirt tightly...)

Omkara makes her to look at her and cups her face... He kisses her both eyes which are looking at him in pain... He brings his face closer to her and almost places his lips on hers...

Ishu: (in a weak voice) I killed your wife... (Omkara is shocked with her statement and looks at her) I'm the reason for your wife's death...


Shivaay finished narrating to Priyanka about how he sent a private detective to follow Ranveer and he lied that Ranveer didn't meet anyone till AshKam told him yesterday about the accident... And how he confronted the detective just now... The detective blurted out the truth of Ishana's marriage... Priyanka almost collapsed listening to Shivaay but ShivRan hold her...

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