CHAPTER 73 - Madhu's Past

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Inside the Hut

Ishana is still unconscious... She is having some flashes running in her mind which is not clear... She sees two girls are running in the forest... She couldn't see their faces... She tries to look at their faces but she can't... She started to breathe heavily... Omkara who is lying beside her sees her breathing heavily... He worries for her and hugs her calming her down... She calms after a while... Omkara pats her cheek waking her up... She opens her eyes slowly and sees Omkara beside her... She cries and hugs him tightly... Omkara caresses her back calming her down... He breaks the hug and looks at her cupping her face...

Om: Are you ok??

Ishu: I think I have came here before... But, don't know when... Some flashes came into my mind but I can't see it clearly... It was totally blur...

Om: Ok... Relax!! Just tell me what did you see...

Ishu: Two girls are running in a forest... It's looked like they are escaping from some danger... They are running.. running... (Omkara waiting for her to continue but she doesn't continue and looking around the hut...) They.... They.... (Holds her head) Aaahhh!!! I can't remember... (Cries in pain)

Om: (hugs her shoulders and calms her) Shhh... Be relax... Don't strain yourself... (Makes her lie on his shoulder and caresses her back)(Omkara thinks) I think she is getting back her memory... So, she must have came here before... But, I can't stress her now... Let her relax first... (Hugs her more closer)

They stay like that for sometime... Ishana calms down and looks at him... Omkara smiles at her...

Om: Are you ok??

Ishu: (nods and snuggles closer to him) Hmmm... Sorry... I troubled you a lot... We lost in this forest because of me...

Om: But, I'm happy that we are lost in this forest... At least, we could spend some time together... (Ishana blushes slightly and turns away from him) Why?? Don't you like to be with me??

Ishu: It's not like that... But, you are saying like this is the first time we are spending our time together...

Om: Maybe we have spent together before this but now it's different... Previously only care and concern are there between us... Now, love is there as well... (Ishana moves away from him but he holds her hand and pulls her towards him... She lands on his chest and looks at him...) Maybe you are not accepting it, but I know it...

He holds her face and kisses her both cheeks... Ishana closes her eyes feeling his closeness... He makes her to lie down and kisses her forehead... Ishana is breathing heavily as she will something different inside herself... He intertwine his fingers with her's and kisses them... He goes near her and brushes his lips slightly with her's... He looks into her eyes asking for permission... She blinks her eyes as her agreement... He smiles and pecks her lips slightly... He almost deepened the kiss but the door opened suddenly making them startled...

They are surprised to see their family there who are giving them a teasing look... He realised their position and gets up from Ishana... Both of them composed themselves and turn away feeling embarrassed... Others smile looking at them...

Rudra: O, don't worry... We didn't see anything... (Ishana blushes hard hearing him)

Shivaay: (slaps Rudra's head) Won't you keep quiet for sometime... (Looks at IshKara) Om, both of you are fine, right??

Om: (looks at him) Yeah, Shivaay... We are fine... Sorry... We have lost our way and there is no signal in my mobile... That's why I couldn't inform you...

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