CHAPTER 69 - Omkara Agrees to Reopen Gauri's Case

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SidArRanRaDuKaKar reached there and waiting at the living room for ShiOmRuPri... AniSou and senior Oberois are there as well... Priyanka came to living room bringing a box followed by ShiOmRu from behind her... Priyanka puts the box on the small  table at the living room...

Shivaay: Siddharth, you told me that you want to talk something to all of us...

Sid: Shivaay, actually, this morning I discussed with Commissioner regarding Gauri's accident... He asked one of your family member to request the police department to reopen Gauri's case... (The Oberois except Priyanka look at them in shock)

Shivaay: What?? Reopen Gauri's case?? But, why??

Ranveer: Because we are having some doubts regarding Gauri's accident...

Tej: What doubt??

Ranveer: That maybe Ishu never done the accident...

Annika: But, we know that she didn't do the accident intentionally... You don't have to prove us... I know you felt bad with what I spoke yesterday... But, I spoke in anger... I'm really sorry for that... Please forget whatever happened yesterday...

Raghav: Annika, we didn't mean like that... We understood your situation for yesterday... It's not because of that... We are saying that we are having doubt that Ishu never did the accident...

Dush: In fact, we are having this doubt since three years... But, we can't find any evidence regarding that...

Karan: And, the main purpose we came to Mumbai is to search for any clues or evidence to prove her innocence...

Ranveer: No one knows about it except five... ArSid too didn't  aware of this... But, Priyanka and Madhu know about it...

Jhanvi: What are you saying?? That means Ishana never done the accident??

Sid: Maybe... That's why we want to reopen the case again.

Shivaay: I don't understand... Why are you saying that Ishana might not done the accident??

Ranveer: There are few reasons, Shivaay. First, the accident happened after she met Kamini in jail... The gap of the timing she left the jail and the accident happened made me to doubt... Second, she supposed to go back to Dev's house... But, the accident happened in an isolated place which is not on the way to Dev's house... There is no possible for Ishu to know about that place...

Rudra: Maybe, bhabhi went to some other place before going to Dev's house...

Arjun: Maybe, Rudra... But, we can't confirm it...

Pinky: Why don't you ask that diamond girls why she went to that place??

Karthik: Actually, Ishu maa doesn't remember anything about the accident... She only remembers till she met Kamini in the jail... After that, she can't remember anything... That is the main reason for her guilt...

Shakti: What?? She didn't remember about the accident??

Raghav: Yes, uncle... She is having Post Traumatic Amnesia where she forgets few of hours of that day...

Jhanvi: (feels bad) Oh, God!! She doesn't remember the accident but we scolded her badly yesterday... Why she didn't tell us that she doesn't remember it??

Prinku: That's not a big matter for her, mom... She caused someone's death... That is the biggest issue for her...

Sid: Priyanka is right... She did the accident intentionally or not is not important for her... Two lives lost because of her are biggest matter for her...

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