CHAPTER 11(B) - Ishana Fell inside the Pool

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At poolside

ShivIka and RuMya are shocked to hear about Ishana's past.. The alcohol starts to show effect on them.. And now all are in drunken state.. (Just imagine they are talking in drunken state)

Nivi: We treated her so bad.. But, she never complains.. We are very bad.. (starts to cry)

Raghav: (hugs her) No.. You all were small that time.. After know the truth, you treated her as princess.. Don't blame yourself..
Tia and Mithra too start to cry.. Dushyanth and Karan hug their wives pacify them..

Arjun: I was the one very bad.. All of them accept her but I didn't accept her.. But, she didn't care about that and saved me from the fire cracker.. That one incident changed my opinion about her..
Soumya: Don't blame yourself, bhaiya.. Kids will do mistakes.. But, you realised your mistake and accept her wholeheartedly.. Now, she is the one whom you love the most.. But, that man cannot be forgiven.. He must be punished..
Annika: Soumya is right.. You can't be blamed.. That man is the one should be blamed.. Poor girl.. She suffered so much when she was small.. What kind of father was that man?? If I saw him, I will show my chamki to him..
Tia: Who is chamki??
Soumya: Annika bhabhi's chappal.. She named all her belongings..
Mithra: Really??? Hawww!!! It's too cute..
Shivaay: Even she named my Bluetooth as bablu.. (All laugh hearing that)
Rudra: But, who threw the fire crackers on my Ishana bhabhi??
Shivaay: Yeah.. This afternoon you were talking about it right.. So, one of us threw it on her?? Do you remember who??
Sid: I don't remember who.. But, it confirmed one of you..
Annika: I know who is that... (Drinks her fruit punch and throws the cup ignoring the spilled fruit punch on the floor)
Prinku: (curiously) Who is that, bhabhi??
Annika: Who else can do that?? Of course, it's none other than this kanji aankhon wala tadibaaz bhagad billa Shivaay Singh Oberoi.. (in drunken state)
All look at Shivaay..
Dush: All these words can come in one sentence?? First time I'm hearing it..
Shivaay: (shockingly looks at Annika) Me?? No.. not me..
Annika: Of course, it's you.. You are the one always rude with everyone.. You must be the one threw it on the poor girl..
Shivaay: No, Annika.. I was a good boy when small.. (makes a puppy face)
Annika: It must be you only, Shivaay.. Rudra must be too small that time and Omkara is a gentle person and will never be harsh with anyone.. So, you only left..
Rudra: Annika Bhabhi is right.. You must have done that.. How could you do that to my Ishana bhabhi?? Pity her..
Shivaay: Rudra?? You too are blaming me??
Prinku: They are right.. You were too bad.. You must say sorry to Ishana..
Shivaay: Prinku?? You too??
Arjun: Guys, relax.. Our elders must know about it.. We ask them tomorrow.. Then, we will know who did that..
Raghav: Exactly.. Don't fight now.. Let's enjoy this night.. (saying this he dozed off)
All look at him and each other faces.. Soon, they too dozed off hugging their partners..

Kalyani's room

Savitri finished narrating Ishana's childhood story.. All of them are having tears in their eyes listening to Ishana's dark past..
Pinky: Poor girl.. She faces so many when she are small..
Jhanvi: No one should face this situation.. What kind of father was that man?? Selling his own daughter... I can't even imagine it..
Tej: Luckily, Yash uncle adopt her..
Shakti: You are right, bhai saab.. If not, don't know what might happen to that girl..
Swetlana comes and give the medicine to Savitri.. Savitri takes the medicine and have them.. Savitri could realise that Swetlana is crying too..
Savitri: Why you are crying too?? You know about this before, right?? Again you are crying..
Swet: (wipes Savitri tears and smiles) You are crying too, daadi.. (Savitri smiles)
Tej: Aunty ji, just now you mention about fire crackers incident, right?? If I'm not mistaken, they played with our kids that time.. That means, one of them threw it on her..
Kalyani: You are right, Tej.. One of them only threw it on her..
Pinky: That must be my Shivaay.. He likes to plays harshly.. OmRu are nots likes that..
Kalyani: No, Pinky.. It's not Shivaay.. It was Omkara.. He is the one threw the firecracker on her.. (All are shocked)
Tej: Yes.. I remember it.. He threw it and ran inside the house.. He didn't know that girl got hurt..
Pinky: Oh, my maata!! Omkara is the ones did like that.. How bads??
Shakti: Pinky, he was small that time.. And he didn't even know about it..
Savitri: Yes, Pinky.. Just leave this matter.. Past is past.. But, because of that incident only, Arjun started to care for Ishu..
Jhanvi: Aunty ji is right, Pinky.. We must let go the past.. By the way, Swetlana, how you ends up with this family??
Swet: After I got released from jail, I went back to Delhi where I and my brother are raised.. But, that was the biggest mistake I did.. I thought no one will identify me there and I thought to start a fresh life there.. But, they identified me and started to humiliate me.. Everyday I will face humiliation.. But, I thought I deserve this for trying to destroy a beautiful family.. I don't bother about it and try to search for a job.. Whenever I attend an interview, they will say I can get the job.. But, I have to become their mistress or sleep with them a night.. (She cries terribly while saying this) I thought only few places are like that.. But, no.. Every place I went are the same only.. Till one day few people break into my house and try to....(again cries vigorously.. All are feeling bad listening to her) I escaped from them and ran away from there.. I don't know how to live my life.. I thought to end my life and I realised I was standing on a bridge.. I decided to jump off the bridge and ends my life.. But, a hand held me.. It was Ishana.. She came with Siddharth.. She scolded me for trying to suicide.. I told them everything.. I thought they too will humiliate me.. But, they didn't do that.. They asked who tried to molest me and take me to my house.. I show them the guys.. Siddharth went and hit them terribly.. He then made them got arrested.. Ishu asked me to follow them to Chennai.. I hesitate at first but Siddharth and Ishu convinced me to start a new life there.. I was very scared to go to their house.. But, their family welcome me wholeheartedly.. As they said, I started my new life there.. I joined Arjun's office and helped him in his business.. After few months, I got married to Siddharth.. Now, this is my family.. Jail life taught me a lot about family.. Every prisoners will have someone to visit them from their family.. But, no one was there for me.. My own mother hates me for not full fill her wish to destroy your family.. My brother was busy with his life.. Now, I got a loving family through them.. If Ishu didn't save me that day, I might not get this family.. Thank you, daadima for accepting me in your family.. (hugs Savitri and places her head on Savitri's lap.. While Savitri pats her head)
TejVi, ShaNky and Kalyani felt bad for Swetlana.. They never thought that Swetlana faced this kind of situation in her life.. Jhanvi caress Swetlana's hair.. TejVi and ShaNky leave from the room.. Swetlana dozed off on Savitri's lap.. Savitri makes Swetlana sleeps properly and she too sleeps beside her.. While Kalyani too sleeps beside them..

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