CHAPTER 44 - PriRanRaDuKaKar started their Mission

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ArSwet are waiting for Siddharth at the parking area...
Swet: Arjun, why did you agree with the doctor to find her old report?? How if he got to know that Ishu caused a death before??
Arjun: No, bhabhi... I felt that might be the doctor is right... He is very much sure that Ishu's hand problem is not because of a mere accident... There was something else happened...
Swet: Are you trying to say that Ishu might be beaten up by someone?? Who will hit her?? She doesn't have any enemies...
Arjun: Maybe we don't know the enemy... Or like the doctor said Siddharth bhaiya's enemy?? (They heard a voice)
Voice: My enemy?? Who?? (ArSwet turn and see Siddharth walking towards them... Arjun signs Swetlana to discuss later...) I heard like you were talking about my enemy...
Arjun: Yes, bhaiya... We are discussing that you have been a police officer for few years and you must have a lot of enemies... That is what we are talking about...
Sid: Here our sister injured badly and don't know when she will recover... You both are discussing about my enemies... What you are going to do by knowing about that??
Swet: No... I remembered watching a movie that the villain wants to revenge the hero by harming hero's sister... That is what I'm asking if your enemies tried to harm your sister to revenge on you??
Sid: (chuckles and cups her face) Why are you so cute?? I can't even scold you... You want to know my enemies?? I don't have those type of revengeful enemies... If there are, I won't let them to near my family... They won't be alive to come near you all... (Swetlana smiles and hugs him making him stunned)
Arjun: (surprised looking at her behavior) Bhabhi, you are starting your romance everywhere... I can't believe you are doing like this... You used to runaway from him but now sticking on him like a sticker... (Swetlana doesn't hear anything and continue hugging Siddharth) Bhabhi, I'm talking to you...
Sid: (slaps his head) Shut up, idiot!! See that side... (Siddharth hugs Swetlana and caresses her back... Arjun looks away and smiles to himself...)
Swet: (realised what she is doing and breaks the hug) I'm sorry... (Feels embarrassed)
Sid: Why?? It's your right to hug me... You are my wife and you don't have to feel embarrassed...
Arjun: Yes, bhabhi... Not only hug, you can do more than that... But, not here please... Continue at home... Let's go back first... (Swetlana blushes while Siddharth stares at him... They leave after a while...)


Ishana is lying on the bed thinking about something... Madhu sees her lost in her thought...
Madhu: What are you thinking, Ishu??
Ishu: About our family... (Looks at her) They must have suffered a lot last night... I feel bad for them... Anna and akkas just came after long time... They must have thought to spend their time with their partners... But, everything ruined because of me...
Madhu: Hey, don't blame yourself... Who knows this will happen?? Everything will be fine... Don't worry... You just have to take care of yourself now... Don't think of anything...
Ishu: No, Madhu... I have to do something... They already worried a lot for me... I must do something...
Madhu: What you can do in this??
Ishu: Not me... We are going to do...
Madhu: What??
Ishu: (winks her eye) As usual... Like we used to do before...(smirks)
Madhu: What?? Not again!! If we get caught, they won't spare us...
Ishu: They won't know it unless we tell them... Please, Madhu... Won't you do this for your Ishu?? (Makes a puppy face)
Madhu: Don't make this face like your Rudraa... (Ishana smiles) But, where we can find it here??
Ishu: We need to get someone's help in this... Karthik is the one will get it for us in Chennai... But, he is not here...
Madhu: How about Karthika?? She is a nurse and she can get it easily... No one can doubt her too...
Ishu: But, she is a girl... I don't want her to land in problem... That's why we asked Karthik to get that for us in Chennai... Nevermind, we will execute our plan after we go back...
Voice: What plan?? (IshMa turn and shocked to see Omkara... Madhu takes her mobile and types something without their knowing...)


PriRanRaDuKaKar reached a deserted place...
Ranveer: This is the place where the accident happened...
Raghav: You mean Ishu and Gauri were found here?? (Ranveer nods)
Dush: This place is too big... Where we want to find the clue??
Ranveer: (shrugs his shoulders) I don't know, yaar... Whenever I came here, I will be blank and don't know where to start...
Karan: Where did you find the car?? Show us the place first...
Ranveer take them to a nearby big tree...
Ranveer: The car had been hit the tree and Gauri was lying lifelessly in front of the car... Ishu was found unconscious at the driver seat...
Karthik: What?? The car hit the tree and Gauri lies in front of the car?? That means the car didn't hit Gauri??
Ranveer: We can't say like that... Maybe Ishu tried to control the car to not hit Gauri... But, it was too late that and she hit Gauri... Because of panic she tried to stop the car and it hit the tree... This is my point of view only... Don't know what happened really... (Ranveer looks at Priyanka thinking something) What are you thinking, Priyanka??
Prinku: I'm thinking what Gauri bhabhi and Ishana were doing at this place?? It's look like very less people using this way... Both of the sides are having forest... What work they had here??
Ranveer: That is what I was thinking... Ishana was new to Mumbai that time and surely she didn't know this area... This place is far away from the city... (Holds his head)
Karthik: Ranveer, where is the car that involved in the accident??
Ranveer: I'm hiding it somewhere... Why??
Karthik: Did you check the car??
Ranveer: Only once but I can't find anything there... After that, I didn't go and check it... I don't want anyone to doubt...
Karthik: Take us to the car... Maybe we can find something...
Ranveer: Sure... But, not now... We have to go at late night... I don't want anyone to have doubt on us...
Raghav: So, what we are going to do now??
Ranveer: (his mobile beeps and he looks at it) Oh, no!!! I need to take Priyanka back to hospital... Madhu messaged me that Omkara reached hospital ready...
Dush: What?? He is already there?? So fast... I thought he will take rest for sometime before going back to hospital...
Priyanka: He won't rest if his loved one is not well... And Ishana is very special to him... He will not take a single nap before seeing her...
Raghav: So, we can't do anything now... It's ok... We see this place ready... And we go back and discuss about what we have to do next...
Karan: Right... We have to leave before our family started to call us... Moreover, Priyanka is with us... If they know that we all are together, they will ask a lot of questions...
Karthik: Ranveer, you leave with Priyanka first... Madhu can't lie for a long time... I'll come back with RaDuKa... (Ranveer agrees and leave with Priyanka...)
Raghav: We will go and buy some medical equipment which will be needed for Ishu after she get discharged... Our family won't doubt us...
Dush: And we need to talk with Arjun too... We have to know what the doctor said to him about Ishu...
Karan: We are supposed to meet the doctor as well... But, because of coming here, we can't meet him... I thought to postpone our search till Ishu recover but I felt no need to drag this matter more...
Karthik: Did you notice when the doctor asked about Ishu ma's hand being weak?? We said it was because she was traumatized with the accident... He is surprised and ask are you sure it was an accident?? What did he meant by that??
Raghav: We will ask Arjun first... Then, we will meet the doctor... It's getting late... Let's go first... (They leave from the place)


Om: (walking inside the room) What plan you both are talking about??
Ishu: It's nothing big... Actually, our family was upset with all these happenings... So, I thought that we should have a party after I got released from the hospital...
Om: (shakes his head) It's discharged... Not release...
Ishu: Both are same only... (Sighs... Omkara and Madhu chuckle seeing her)
Om: (goes towards her) We will definitely have a party after you recover... You don't strain too much thinking about us... (Thinks a while) Where is Prinku?? I heard she is here too...
Madhu: She went to cafe to get something to eat... (Omkara nods and sits beside Ishana)
Madhu: (thinks) How long I'm going to manage?? Priyanka is not here yet... Oh, God... Please send Priyanka fast... (Priyanka come that time...)
Prinku: Bhaiya, you are here?? Sorry, I went to cafe to get something for Madhu... (Hand over a sandwich to her) I can get this only, Madhu...
Madhu: (takes the sandwich) That's ok... Thank you...
Om: I just came, Prinku... If you told earlier, I would have bring something for you both...
Prinku: It's ok, bhaiya... We are going to leave in a while... I just worried about Madhu... She needs to take her medicines on time... So, Madhu, can we??
Madhu: Yeah... Ok, Ishu... I'm leaving now and will see you in evening... (Kisses her forehead) Please sleep now... (Towards Omkara) Bye, sir...
Prinku: See you, bhaiya, bhabhi... (Teasingly)
IshKara: (smiles) Bye!!!
Om: You didn't sleep after we all went??
Ishu: What can I do?? I can't sleep... That's why I was disturbing Madhu with my talk...
Om: Fine... Sleep now... (Ishana Makes faces) I said sleep!! Close your eyes!! (Ishana obey and close her eyes... She dozed off in a while...) She said she can't sleep but now she just sleeps after closing her eyes... Crazy girl!!! (Smiles looking at her)
PriMa are walking towards Ranveer who is waiting at the parking... Ranveer sees them...
Ranveer: Did he doubt something??
Prinku: I don't think so... Luckily, Madhu messaged me to get anything from the cafe... I bought a sandwich and told him that I went to get food for Madhu...
Ranveer: How about Ishu?? She is very sharp...
Madhu: I already told her that you took Priyanka with you because she is very upset about yesterday... She understood...
Ranveer: Where are ArSidLana??
Madhu: They went back long time before...
Ranveer: Ok... Come, let's go... (The trio leave)


The Mansion is being cleaned... ArRaDuKa are there as well... They sent NiTiMi to Oberoi Mansion to pack their things to move here...
Raghav: What the doctor said about Ishu??
Arjun: She needs to be under observation for another one day... If everything is fine, she can be discharged tomorrow... (Thinking something)
Dush: (snaps his finger) What are you thinking??
Arjun: I'm confused with what the doctor said just now... (RaDuKa look at him questioningly) He said that Ishu's hand is weak because her vein is weak... This only can happen if a person is beaten by someone... Maybe the incident happened before and the accident started to give effect to her hand...
Karan: But, Ishu never been beaten by someone... Who is dare to lay his hand on Siddharth Raichand's sister?? That will be the last day for him...
Arjun: That is what I'm wondering... If no one touched her before then how come the doctor is very sure that Ishu's hand is weak not because of an accident?? Or something like that happened and we are not aware of it?? Maybe Ishu is hiding something from us?? (Looks at them suspiciously) Or you all are hiding something from me?? Because you all stayed with her most of the days when I went out for business meeting... (Walks towards them) Guys, did anything happened that I and our family didn't aware of it?? Tell me, guys... (RaDuKa are shocked with his question... They look each other and recall the incident where Ashok tried to molest Ishana)
Raghav: (stammers) No... What will happen when we are with her?? Nothing happen... You are thinking too much... Please go and take rest for a while...
Arjun: (nods) Yeah... Maybe... The doctor confused me... I think it will be better if you talk with him... As doctors you will know what to do...
Dush: Sure... We will talk with him... You go and relax a while... We will handle these works here...
Karan: Where is jiju??
Arjun: He is at Oberoi Mansion, convincing them... They don't want us to move here now... That's why bhaiya went there talk to them... Ok... I'll go and see what is happening there... See you... (Leaves from there... RaDuKa sigh in relief...)
Raghav: Escaped... Luckily, he trusts us...
Dush: Don't know what he will do if he knows about it...
Karan: We need to talk with RanKa about this... Call Ranveer and tell him to meet us tonight...

Precap: RanRaDuKa couldn't join the dots... Arjun doubting RanRaDuKa... ArSwet on a mission... SidRan and ShiOmRu talk doubt Ashok... Why?? Where is Ashok??

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