CHAPTER 66 - Priyanka Found Something

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Ishana's room

Ishana is looking outside from her room and recalls whatever happened today... Tears are making their way out from her eyes... The thunder started to strike and she realised it's going to rain... She opens her room door and goes outside... She sees no one is there in living room... She opens the main door and goes outside...


Art Room

Omkara is pacing at his balcony recalling whatever happened today... He didn't talk with anyone and came to his art room... He is staying there since few hours... The rain started to pour heavily... He looks at the rain and closes his eyes... Some flashes came into his mind and he opens his eyes... He is about to go inside but his gaze fixed on something far... He looks there properly and shocked...

Om: Ishana!!! What she is doing there in this time?? It's raining heavily... What her family is doing by letting her alone in this time?? (He leaves from there quickly)


Ishana is sitting on the bench hugging her legs with her face on her knees... She doesn't care about the heavy rain which are drenching her... She just sits there sobbing silently... Omkara reaches there and he is drenched as well... He goes towards Ishana...

Om: What are you doing here in this heavy rain?? Go inside... (Ishana doesn't say anything and sits silently)

Omkara goes near her and shakes her shoulder... She almost fell from the bench unconscious but Omkara holds her... He is shocked to see her unconscious...

Om: (pats her cheek) Ishana!! Ishana!! (He lifts her in his arms and brings her inside the house)

SweNiTiMi came after hearing the sound of door being opened. They are shocked to see Omkara carrying Ishana in his arms. Both of them are fully drenched in rain.

Swet: Omkara?? How Ishu is with you?? What happened to her??

Om: She was sitting in rain just now. What you all were doing without staying with her?? (Anger can be noticed in his tone)

Nivi: She wanted to be alone. So, we thought to not to disturb her.

Tia: She was in her room only. We don't know when she goes out.

Mithra: Ok... Let's take her to her room first. She is fully drenched.

They walk to Ishana's room. Omkara places her on the bed.

Swet: Thanks, Omkara... You can leave now... It's getting late... We will take care of her...

Om: You all leave to your room... I'll take care of her...

All: (shocked) What??

Om: You heard it right... I will take care of her... You all can leave to your room... (Bring them out from the room)

Nivi: Ok... But, let us change her dress first... She can fall sick if stays in wet dress for long time...

Om: I said I will take care... (Four of them widen their eyes in shock) Don't worry... I won't do anything without her permission... (Close the door making the girls confuse)

Tia: What he is saying??

Mithra: Actually, what is happening here??

Swet: (shrugs her shoulders) I don't know... Let's go from here and wait at living room... (They go to living room)

Ishana's Room

Omkara walks towards her and caresses her face... Ishana started to shiver because of coldness... He recalls last time when she fell into the pool, he saved her and took her to his room... She is in the same situation now... He goes towards the cupboard and takes a towel... He looks at her dresses which are inside the cupboard...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now