CHAPTER 21 - Something Happens with IshKara

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Ishkara walk inside Oberoi Mansion and go towards Priyanka...
Ishu: Priyanka, did you tell what are your wishes for your party??
Prinku: Yes, I told some...
Swet: Ishu, she said that she wants a grand celebration but she doesn't have much idea about it...
Jhanvi: Because, this is the first time she asked for grand celebration...
Tej: Exactly... She prefer to be simple... Just like Omkara...
Savitri: Our Ishu also like that only...
Annika: We can see that... Simple clothing, chain and earrings...
Madhu: It's may look simple but actually that are the most dearest one... (All look at her in confuse) Because, our Ishu wear them... (Hugs Ishana's shoulder) Because she is the most dearest in our family... (Ishana slaps her head while others just smile looking at them)
Ishu: It's ok, Priyanka... You write down what are your favorites... We will see what we can do... (Priyanka nods her head)(to Omkara) Do you have any printer here??
Tej: We are having it at our study room?? Do you need to print anything??
Ishu: Yes, uncle... Can I use it??
Shakti: Sure, beta... Om, take her to our study... (Omkara takes Ishana to study room)
Ishana searches something in the internet and prints them... Omkara tries to look at the papers but he couldn't see... After few minutes, Ishana gets up from her place...
Ishu: It's done... Let's go... (Omkara just obey and follows her)
Ishana hand over the papers to Priyanka... Priyanka looks at the papers and makes a weird face... She turns to Ishana in confused while Ishana just smiles...
Prinku: What is this??
Ishu: This is your task... You have to practice to read this...
Jhanvi: Task?? (Takes the papers and read it) Tongue twister?? But, for what??
Ishu: To overcome her nervousness, stammering, and to gain more confident in herself... This will the perfect solution... (Holds Priyanka's shoulders) I know what made you become like this... I'm not saying that these are your weaknesses... We all know that you are the strongest girl... In fact, I too impressed with you when you forgive Ranveer for whatever he did to you... But, some people are thinking that these are your weaknesses... So, I decided to give you a birthday gift... I want you to give a speech during your party without stammering... Who else thought that Priyanka is weak, they will know who is the real Priyanka... So, you have to practice to read this many times to yourself... You can easily overcome your nervousness and stammers... Then, you will be able to face all the guests with confident...
Prinku: (cries and hugs Ishana) Thank you... I thought that I will be like this forever... But, you give me a new hope to overcome these problems... You know?? I don't celebrate grand party because I can't face the guests... I always scared that they will underestimate me... So, I always avoid to talk with the guests... If my family introduce them to me, I just smile at them... They will talk with me nicely because I belong to the Oberois... After I left, they will say " high class family but their daughter having this kind of weakness..." I will just cry and leave from there... (Cries badly)
Ishana just hugs her and caress her hair... Everyone felt bad for Priyanka... They didn't think that their angel having these many pain in her heart...
Pinky: (wipes her tears) Oh, my maata!! Who dares to talks about our Prinku like this?? I will not spares them... You don't worry, Ishana... I will helps Prinku with this tongues twister... I will makes those people who talks about Prinku to twist their tongue seeing her speech...
Prinku: (hugs Pinky) Thank you, choti ma...
Omkara hugs Priyanka and kisses her forehead... SwetRanMa hug Ishana...
Ranveer: You know what, Ishu?? You always impress me...
Swet: Ishu, till now I never regret that I don't have a child... You know why?? Because I have you as my child... I'm really proud of you...
Ishu: (hugs Swetlana) And you are always my mother...
Madhu: (hugs them) Mine too.. (Ranveer slaps her head gently)
The Oberois just look lovingly at the bond they are sharing...
Savitri: You are forgetting me... (Pretends to be hurt)
Ranveer: How we will forget you, daadima?? You are the root of the family... (They hug Savitri)
Savitri: Ok... Ok... Now, continue with your work...
Kalyani: We planned to go to temple this evening... You come and join us as well...
Pinky: Yes, aunty ji... Today is an auspicious day... Whatever we prays, it will happens...
Savitri: (thinks a while and looks at Ishana) Ok, bhabhi... I have an important prayer as well...
Tej: That's good... We will go together...
Savitri: Ok, beta... Ranveer, you call RaDuKa and ask them to try to come back fast... (Ranveer agrees and goes to call them)
Kalyani: One more thing... All the ladies must wear saree...
Savitri: But, these two don't bring sarees with them... (Pointing at IshMa)
Swet: Never mind, daadima... I will give them two of my sarees... I'll go and bring them...
Prinku: No need of that... Most of my sarees are still not used by me... I will give them any of the sarees... (Swetlana smiles agreeing with her)
Tej: Good... I think better you all start to get ready now...
Shakti: Bhai Saab is right... Then only you will get ready by evening... (JhaNky give an angry glare to their husbands while TejSha smile mockingly at them)
Kalyani: Stop pulling their legs... Now, go and do your works... We need to prepare few things for the puja...

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