CHAPTER 56 - Both Families Learn About Ashok

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ShiOmRuSid are having a discussion away from their family... Others are cleaning the place... Arjun lifts Ishana and makes her to sit on the bench... He is about to go but Ishana holds his hand...
Arjun: Do you need anything, Ishu??
Ishu: (shakes her head) Thanks, anna... For arranging this party for me...
Arjun: (sits beside her) You know something?? Actually, it's not my plan to arrange this party...
Ishu: (confused) Then??
Arjun: Omkara... (Ishana looks at him in surprise) Yes, Ishu... Last night, he called me and told that you are feeling bored... So, he asked me to plan for a picnic or party with family... I told this to our family and they agreed... So, if you want to thank, you must thank Omkara... (Arjun looks at the girls who are cleaning the place) Ishu, I need to help them... You sit here for a while... (Ishana nods her head... Arjun kisses her forehead and go and join them)
Ishana smiles in tears looking at Omkara who is busy talking with ShiRuSid... She could feel her heart beating loudly... Her heart wanted to run to him and hug him tightly but she can't do it because of her condition...

ShiOmRuSid are discussing about something...

Shivaay: I think it's the time to tell our family... Do you have any problem, Siddharth??
Sid: Yeah... I'm just worrying about Arjun, Ishu and NiTiMi... I don't know how they will handle this matter... Arjun and NiTiMi are very much concern towards Ishu if compare to me... They can't bear a single scratch on her... If they got to know about it, I don't know how they will react... And, Ishu can't stand if anything happened to her loved ones...
Rudra: I think RaDuKa bhaiyas can handle NiTiMi didis... How about Arjun bhaiya and Ishana bhabhi??
Sid: I think Swetlana can handle Arjun besides Ishu... But, Ishu... Only Arjun can handle her... But, now.... (Shakes his head)
Om: I'll talk to her... (All look at him and smiles) I'll explain to her without stressing her...
Sid: Thanks, Om...
Shivaay: Ok... Let's go now... They already cleaned the place and waiting for us... (They walk towards their families)
Shakti: What happened, Shivaay?? You said that you want to tell us something??
Shivaay: Yes, papa... But, let's go inside first... It will be better if we talk inside... (All agree... Arjun goes to Ishana and about to lift her but Siddharth stops him..)
Sid: You come with us... I need to talk with you...
Arjun: Sure, bhaiya... But, let me carry Ishu inside... She too need to know about it right??
Sid: Yeah... But, Omkara will tell her... You come inside... (IshAr look at each other in confuse)
Arjun: Ok, bhaiya... (All go inside the house except IshKara)
Om: (goes towards Ishana) Can we go there?? (Pointing towards the fountain water at the middle of the lawn... Ishana nods her head... Omkara is about to lift her...)
Ishu: My wheelchair is here only... You don't have to... (Omkara places his finger on her lips)
Om: Shhh... I don't like to see you on wheelchair... As long as I'm here, I won't let you to sit on it... (Ishana smiles feeling overwhelmed with his words... Omkara lifts her while Ishana's hand automatically snakes his neck... She places her head on his chest feeling his heart beat... He walks with her towards the fountain water and makes her sit on the bench... He too sits beside her...)
Ishu: Thanks...
Om: (smiles) Why?? For lifting you??
Ishu: (smiles) For this party... (Omkara looks at her in surprise) Arjun anna told me ready that you asked him to arrange a party for me... Thank you so much...
Om: (moves closer to her) You don't have to thank me, Ishana... I can't see you disturbed... I know that you are very much disturbed with your condition... That's why I asked him to arrange a party to cheer up your mood...
Ishu: Still thank you... I don't know what else I can say than this...
Om: (pouts) There is another thing you can say than this but you are not saying it...
Ishu: (confused) What??
Om: (brings her closer) My name... OMKARA... (Ishana smiles shyly) See... You don't want to say it... Only once you said my name, nope, you screamed my name... Till now it is fresh in my mind... Do you remember when??
Ishu: (nods) Yes... During Priyanka's function when the chandelier fell down...
Om: Do you know how the chandelier fell??
Ishu: (in guilt) It must be because if me... Robin aththan said that he saw the rope getting loose... Maybe, I didn't check it properly... (Her eyes are filled with tears)
Om: (wipes her tears which started to come out) Why do you like to blame yourself for everything??
Ishu: I'm not blaming myself... But, there is no other possiblity for the chandelier to fall...
Om: Ishana, I bring you here to talk about that incident only... But, you can't be tensed listening to it... Can you promise me that?? (Ishana nods) No... I don't believe you... (Extends his hand) Promise me... (Ishana places her hand on his hand... He squeeze her hand gently and pulls her towards him...) Listen to me...

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