CHAPTER 91- Omkara Feels Hurt with Ishana

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IshKara are shocked to look at the dishes while the entire families are controlling their laugh including PriVeer... They composed themselves to not to make IshKara doubt on them...

Kalyani: Om, what did you make??

Om: (smiles excitingly) Chicken lasagna, carbonara pasta and mushroom soup... (Ishana looks at the food weirdly)

Savi: Ishu, what did you make for your Omkara??

Ishu: (smiles) Badam kheer, Rasmalai and besan ka laddoo... (Omkara shakes his head looking at the sweets)

Prinku: (whispers to Ranveer) Poor Om bhaiya... He doesn't like sweets...

Ranveer: (whispers) Ishu too doesn't like western food... I don't know how they are going to eat those food...

Kalyani: So, Om, has Ishana made your favourite food?? (Omkara looks at Ishana who is looking at him with hopeful eyes)

Om: (smiles at her) Yes, she cooked my favourite... In fact, I love those sweets made by her... (Ishana smiles happily while everyone are shocked)

Savi: So, Ishu, how about Om?? Did he cooked your favourite dishes??

Ishu: Any doubt?? (Looks at Omkara) These are my favourites too... Thank you, Omkara... (Omkara smiles at her)

Shakti: Then, why you all are waiting?? Have the food made by your partners... (PriVeer and IshKara agree and take the spoon to taste the food... PriVeer taste the food first... They started to make weird faces and look at each other... IshKara are confused looking at them while others are waiting for PriVeer's reaction...)

Ranveer: (thinks) Too spicy!! She must has mistakenly add a lot of chilli powder... No, I can't let her down... So what if it is spicy?? My Priyanka made for me for the first time... So, this is the best dish for me...

Prinku: (thinks) Oh, God!!! It's too salty... He must have accidentally add too much of salt... Never mind, my Ranveer made for me... That is enough for me... (PriVeer look at each other and smiles...)

Shivaay: How was the food, PriVeer??

Prinku: It's really delicious... I never have tasted this kind of taste before this... This is the best paneer butter masala I had in my life...

Ranveer: You are wrong, Priyanka... This gobi manchurian made by you are the best one... It's just out of the world... Thank you so much, Priyanka... (Both families are shock hearing them... They glare at MaKar who are scratching their heads in confuse)

Kalyani: Good... Om, Ishu, what are you looking at?? Taste the food fast... (IshKara hesitate to taste the food but they control themselves... Ishana takes a spoon of lasagne while Omkara takes a small piece of Rasmalai... They are about to put the spoon in their mouths but Kalyani stops them)

Kalyani: You don't have to taste the food... (IshKara look at her confusingly) You don't like sweets and Ishu doesn't like western food... (IshKara look each other in shock) We just wanted to see how you both will react if your partner cooked what you dislike... Either you will be angry, sad or upset that he or she doesn't know what are your likes and dislikes...

Savi: But you both care for each other feelings and don't want to disappoint each other... So, you accepted the food that you dislike as your favourite food and you are ready to eat them too...

Jhanvi: But, we don't want to make you to eat the food that you don't like... That's why we stopped you... You both have passed this test... (IshKara smile at each other)

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